Chapter 1

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I sit in my room, my hands folded in my lap as my sister carefully brushes my hair.  We are both silent and I just run through my head the events a week earlier.

"I have good news," the doctor says. I raise my head from where I lay on the examination table, my legs still up in stirups.

"What news?" I ask and the middle aged woman smiles at me.

"Everything is in running order," she says. "You are fertile and scheduled to be matched next week."

I look down at my hands and feel my sister's hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asks and I nod.

"I'm fine," I say. "Just finish up my hair so I can get dressed." She carefully braids my hair down my back and then pins it back up into a tight bun behind my head. I get up and she grabs the white dressed I'm required to wear for the ceremony. My mother had sewn it by hand and I slip into the garment. It is tied tight to my waist with a blue sash and I feel my sister lay the white lace of a veil over my head. I let one tear run down my cheek and feel Primrose tighten my dress.

"You look beautiful, Katniss," she says and I just look down at her.

"All thanks to you," I say as I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. My mother hugs me and so does my sister as I stand one last time in my childhood home. We all know that they are coming to get me and I feel a tightness in my chest as I hear the knkck at the door. My sister cries on my skirt and I just hold her a moment as my mother lets me in.

"We are here for Miss Katniss Clarity Everdeen who has this day been chosen to accept the post as wife to a nobleman by order of the government of Panem," one of the soldiers says. I kiss Prim's forehead and try to pull away from her but she won't budge. She's forcefully pulled away and I reluctantly follow the soldiers out of my house. I know that a struggle will only make things worse.

In front of me, behind me, and on either side a soldier stand, allowing me no escape as I walk towards the justice building. Along the way, more girls join this group and I keep my head lowered and my hands folded. I can't stand to look at all the other "lucky" girls.

I'm the first lead up the steps and I see a boy my age walking towards me from the other side. He's taller than me with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes I quickly look away from. We are married quickly and efficiently with no words from either of us. Our hands are joined and a small ring is slipped on my finger. In the rush running through my head, I just barely make out my husband's name.

Peeta John Mellark

We are lead into the justice building and put in a room off to the side. There's a large bed in the middle of the room and not much else. I know they are watching, there are camera's everywhere to ensure the marriage is consummated. They don't let a new coupling out until it is. Probably even people watching live behind two way mirrors. I tentatively walk over to the large beds and sit on the edge of it. Peeta stands by the door watching me a moment and then walks up to stand in front of me. I don't look at him but he carefully tips my chim up so I look at him.

I stand and neither of us say a word. He takes off his jacket and I nervously take off the tie around his neck. I unbutton his shirt, my hands shaking. Peeta grabs my trembling hand and and kisses my knuckles. I look at him a moment and just see a kind sadness in his eyes.

My veil remains on but the rest of our clothing is removed. They say its to protect some "modesty" should anyone unauthorized come in contact with the evidence they collect of the fulfillment of the marriages. I think its probably so they don't have to see the tears of the new brides as they are forced to lay with a complete stranger.

Peeta lays me down carefully and I feel him lay over me. I feel tears run down my cheeks and Peeta takes a moment to gently squeeze my hand. I glance at him and he gently kisses my cheek and he pushes into me. I cry out and he reaches beneath the veil and gently cups my cheek.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, just barely loud enough for me to hear. "Just hang in there, it will be over soon." I don't look at him as he slowly pushes in and out of me but I feel his eyes on me. I feel tears on my cheeks but I don't dare make a sound. I hate myself as it starts to feel good and I can't help myself but wrap my arms around his shoulders as he starts to go faster, trying to find his release. He lets out deep grunts and I lay my head back on the bed as I feel something inside me spasum. I let out a small cry. I feel him push into me a few more times and then a warmth as he releases inside me.

Peeta gets up off me and lays down next to me. I quickly sit up and pull the covers over myself. I feel him looking at me again and then he leans over and kisses my shoulder. I look at him and he gently lifts the veil up over my face.

"You're beautiful," he says and I look away.

"Its not like you have a choice," I whisper. I reach for my clothing but Peeta just pulls me to lay back down.

"Just lay down with me a little bit," he says softly. "Just relax, Katniss." I look at him a moment and then he gently kisses me.

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