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Jacob Shmitts combed down his hair one more time, and then tightened his bow tie. He had to look his very best if he was going to meet the Drew Myers. 

Myers was nothing less than Jacob's idol- he was pure genius, after all! 

Then again, Jake was quite the smart kid himself, he didn't like to brag though, of course. But he was fourteen and graduating high school this year. 

He had finished filling in his application to Harvard University yesterday, and he knew he'd get in for sure if Myers would just write him a letter of recommendation! After all, Drew was Harvard's golden boy- best student they ever had. 

Miss Melony, the lady who owned the orphanage that Jacob lived at called for him, and he trotted down the staircase. 

It was time to leave. He couldn't believe it! It was actually happening! 

The ride to one of Myers many  buildings was all too short, and Jacob felt unprepared. 

Getting out of the black SUV, his knees became weak. 

"Hey," Melony called. 

Jacob turned to meet her soft eyes. She rubbed his shoulders, smoothing his button up down, as she smiled warmly. 

"You're gonna do great." 

He exhaled, and frowned. "Yeah I hope so." 

"I know so. Go and get 'em tiger." she finished with a wink. 

"You'll pick me up, right?"

"I'll be in the waiting room, Jacob." 

Jake nodded, as they walked into the building. 

They were directed to the tenth floor, and Jacob became lightheaded when the elevator door opened up with a ding. 

"He's ready for you, Mr. Shmitts," a woman at the front desk. "Just through that door." 

Jacob smiled, although he felt like throwing up instead. 

Now it was time to actually go through those doors and meet his hero. Walking through, he saw a man leaning over a desk, wearing a suit, tie, and combed back hair held in place by some kind of gel. 

"Excuse me, sir?" Jacob's voice came out a squeak. He was afraid something like that would happen! 

"What is it, kid?" Drew asked without looking up from the paperwork he scribbled furiously on. It was strewn all over his desk- he could really use some organization skills. 

Jake furrowed his brow. "Sir, it really is an honor to meet someone as brilliant as you and-"

"Look, kid, would you get on with it, already?" 

"Oh, yes. Uhm, you see- I'm graduating next month-"

"High school?" Drew asked, finally tearing his eyes from the papers. 

"Yes sir," Jake replied adjusting his glasses to a more comfortable place on his nose. That nose piece would just dig into the bridge of his nose sometimes!

"How old are you?" 

"Fourteen," he replied, a proud smile spreading. 

Drew grunted. "I graduated when I was thirteen." 

"I know, sir!" Jacob's voice wavered, as he tried to quench his excitement. 

"What do you want again?"

"You see, I'm graduating, and my dream has always been to follow in your footsteps, and go to Harvard University. I would be forever grateful if you would write me a letter of recommendation. I'd get in for sure, then!" 

No reply. 

Several awkward moments passed by, and Jacob began to rock on his heals. 


"The answer is no." 

His heart dropped down into his stomach. He blinked, and his lips parted. "W-what?"

"I'm busy enough as it is, I don't need to be wasting my time writing some worthless letter; you won't get in anyway." 

"Mr. Myers, I am very ahead for my age, you do realize." 

"I don't think you really are." 

"Pardon me?" Jacob asked taken aback. 

"I wouldn't be surprised if you've just cheated your way to the top." 

"I have done no such thing!" 

"Well, you're wasting my time. The answer is no, end of story- get out of my office." 

"You know, you were supposed to be my hero! You were supposed to understand me!" Jacob yelled, eyes brimming with tears. 

"Why are you still here, Mr. Shmitts?" 

"Fine! Don't help me! But you will rue the day! You'll pay for this, Andrew Mark Myers!" 

Drew pressed a button on his desk, and spoke one word. "Security." 

Jacob gasped, and stormed out of the office, enraged and very disappointing. Everything he expected turned out to be a lie. Oh what would Melony say? 

Where was Melony?? 

Jacob looked from side to side quickly, and then heard Security yelling at him. He moaned, and started running. Down the emergency stairs he ran, ragged breathe echoing for all to hear. 

He burst through and ran out of the front door, but Security was following closely. 

Jacob ran and ran, feeling like he was being speared in the side; he was just horribly out of shape. He was running down the side walk when a black hole opened up and he screamed- not being able to stop in time to save himself. He ran in and it swallowed him whole. 


He found himself standing in a white room, and he looked around cautiously. 

"This was not what I was expecting for my first villain." 

"What?" Jacob asked, spinning around to see a man cloaked in a blood red wrap. He couldn't see his face...only his purple eye shining from the darkness of the hood he worse to shroud himself in shadows. 

"You've been chosen. As my villain. But when I did this I expected someone ominous. Not some teenage brat with braces." 

Jacob blinked. "A villain? Why would I want to be a villain?" 

"Did you not just see how Drew Myers treated you, boy?" 

Hate swelled in Jake's stomach. "I hate him." 

"I know you do." the man paused. "Now would you like revenge?" 

"Yes I do." 


"One question..." Jacob breathed. "Where am I?" 

The man chuckled in an ominous tone. "The past." 

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