The Christ of Christmas

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Long ago, proclaimed of old,

A priestly king would rise,

Whose birth hallowed by heaven's skies,

Marked death and sin's demise.

Frankincense sweet, myrrh and gold,

Three wise kings brought the King,

While angels sent from God did sing,

Their song of praise did ring.

And shepherds called to behold,

A virgin pure and sweet and mild,

Among the sheep cradled a child,

Upon the Lamb of God they smiled.

Emmanuel, Israel foretold,

Would bring its salvation,

From bondage He'd save the nation,

Promised from the eve of creation.

God incarnate now extolled,

Brought heaven down to man,

According to God's holy plan,

For Jacob's every tribe and clan.

Jerusalem now consoled,

Passed from sin to blessed life,

Forgiven for trespass and strife,

Ransomed as a forsaken wife.

And His promise did uphold,

As a child did arrive,

Man's dead nature He made alive,

God strengthened, helped and did revive.

Throughout ages since is told,

The Messiah's blessed birth,

The bread of life came in man's dearth,

Bringing life and peace on earth.

So one midnight Christmas cold,

The sweet Lord Jesus came,

To man revealed God's holy name,

And proclaimed his love aflame.

Lord Jesus, Christ of Christmas.


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