The Testimony Of Sarah

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Hello, my name is Sarah, and this is my testimony....

I grew up in a small town, my childhood was filled with God and my family made sure I was raised in the church. I was happy and my relationship with my parents was very jovial and strong. But when I was in kindergarten my grandpa passed away. Then years later when I was in the fifth grade, I lost my other grandpa, and we were closer than the moon and stars. He had struggled with bone and lung cancer for years but even through all of this he always made time for me. For hours we would spend time together watching old western movies and on days he would surprise me with ice-cream trips to the local ice cream shop.  No matter if the devil was beating him down or if he could jump up and down with God's strength, he always made time for me and made me feel deeply loved. Truly it wasn't he who was blessed with me, but it was I, who was blessed to have him as a grandpa. Through my grandpa God showed me what real love looks like. God used my grandpa to show me His love and it was the type of love that only God can provide for us. It's an unconditional love. My grandpa, regardless of what I did or how he was feeling, he treated me with the same love and care each and every time. When he passed away, I really started to doubt God. Because how could God take away the person who loved me nearly as much as He did? Throughout those years he was truly sick I became a prayer warrior and my prayers never ceased. I knew God had the power to save him because years prior I had surgery on my ear that could've left me deaf in my left ear and yet, God protected me through it all. During those two long years I would pray to God saying, "God, please just heal my grandpa." It didn't work out the way I had hoped...

Then, covid hit. My dad is diabetic, and my dad got covid and needed to be hospitalized twice. If he got it any worse, then he did, it would have killed him. God protected my entire family in that situation and for that I am eternally grateful. 

Then came July 2020 and the pandemic was still in full swing. However, as I have learned, not even a global pandemic can stop God. Was it irresponsible of my church to hold church camp in the middle of a pandemic? Probably. Did I care in the slightest? Not at all. One week in July my church was hosting a church camp and this church camp will go done in history as the most incredible week of my life. Like most people during 2020, I was doubting God. For I had just lost my grandpa and was right on the heels of a massive loss, isolated from all my friends, and about to start middle school. Truly during that time, I was not 'feeling' God. That's when my youth group announced that we were having church camp that summer. I did NOT want to go. It was going to be entirely different from our usual church camp, and so I wanted no part of it. I ended up going, and boy am I glad I did. God showed up that week. He put His power on full display. Of the 80 some kids that went, ten people got baptized, and thirty people rededicated their lives. I was one of the last category. The sermon preached about doubt. (At this point you know it is something I was struggling with) And it packed a huge punch. In the ultimate "you had to be here moment" moment, there were middle school girls and high school boys alike, sobbing on the altar, rededicating themselves to their faith. This was obviously incredible to witness, but another miracle, no Covid cases came out of this camp. None.

As I mentioned before I grew up in a small town and it truly wasn't the fact that anything in the small town made me feel bad about myself. It was my twin sister, growing up I always felt like she was driving the car that held our parents' attention and I was simply thrown into the back seat. I always felt like I didn't matter to the world as much as she did. And that I was never going to escape my sisters' shadow. She is incredibly talented, and she has a bolder personality than I do, so it was hard for me to make a name for myself that didn't involve my sister. 

Throughout the years I have struggled with pride, the bad habit of lying to make myself look better to people, and sometimes I feel like I am the smartest person, and my way is best. However, God has had to remind me more than once that I am not God, and that I can't do everything on my own. 

Because of my faith I have lost a dear and close friend because she came out to me as bisexual, and I had to tell her that while I thought she was strong and still loved her as a best friend. I could not support her new lifestyle. That was really hard for me, because she was one of my closet friends, and I really wanted to support her, however, I knew I couldn't because her lifestyle went against God. 

I too, have a few cousins who fight me constantly about my faith and although I have asked them many times to come to church with me, they down right refuse. And there have been a few people who have not been shy when sending some snide remarks my way about my faith. 

After all of the doubt surrounding my life during that time, all I had to do was reach out to God, to claim a peace I hadn't even known I was missing. I have since run with my faith and not looked back. God has continued to reveal His beautiful self to me, and I pray He continues to do so.

May God bless the people who read my story and may He use my testimony to inspire others and encourage others to run to God and strengthen their faith. 

Yours truly, Sarah. 

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