The Testimony Of Thea

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Hello, I'm Thea, and this is my testimony...

My name is Thea, but for those on Wattpad, you only know me as @-aekil-, and my childhood was a both joyous and sorrowful. My family was/is very good to me. However, the children at school were a different story. My whole family believes in God. Once, when I was a child, I had a dream of a girl with red and black hair, I believe God was showing me a Satanist. Truly, I do not know how to describe her, but I could feel she was trying to change herself. In the dream, she asked me, 'What do I need to do to turn to God?'

It amazed me, because at the time I had a friend who didn't believe in God at all, and I managed to help her practice God's ways and, in the end, she turned to Him.

Growing up (and still now), I'm quite by nature, but I will step out of my comfort zone if it means protecting the ones that I love. I never let the bullies affect me in any way, God wouldn't let them. I never saw myself as they described. I saw myself as who I am. 

I have four siblings, and I love them dearly. However, my one sister relentlessly bullies me. She insults how I look, how I dress, how I talk, etc. I try to not to allow it to get me, but sometimes at night, when I'm all alone in my room, all the emotions I have bottled up inside of me flow out in the forms of tears. Everything just hits me at night like a truck, all the lies they say about me, how they judge me on my body, imagine, the lack of friends I have, etc.

Using one hand alone, you can count how many friends I have. By no means am I popular, and often I isolate myself from others frequently. I like to be on my own and stay out of everyone's drama. 

In my life, I have never once been struck with a storm of depression. At times, I find it weird because, like I mentioned before, I have been bullied and made out to be a joke by nearly everyone. However, I think it's God's way of drawing me to him, I think He is trying to reveal the true colors of people I've been surrounding myself with. Perhaps He is trying to tell me that I have no other choice but to turn to Him. 

Once when I actually saved my best friend's life when she tried to commit suicide. I fought night and day for her while also preaching God's words to her. She had many flaws like us all. However, I felt deep within me to point them out, and she did not like it because she didn't want to hear them. She wanted me to say the words she wanted to hear, not the words she needed to hear. But as scripture says, 'A true witness delivers souls, but a deceitful witness tells lies.' I was always like that; I would always tell someone if they did something wrong to their face. And she did a lot of things that were not right. I will not mention such things, however, because it is not my place. 

So anyway, a few weeks ago, this friend and I got into a huge fight, one that did more damage than good to our already crumbling friendship. So short story short, we're not friends anymore. Because of this, my friend group from elementary school sided with her, and now I'm all alone. But I have God.

In my class, I'm the only African American, and so as you can imagine, I do experience racism. It's awful, but I am a fighter. 

A couple of years ago, I had this really strange dream that repeated itself over the course of two months. I would only dream that specific dream that terrified me. In the dream, everything would be dark in my house, and there is one room, my parent's room, and in the room, there would be a single light on. In the room, my family was there, but I was standing just outside of the room, like in the doorway. I tried to enter the room many times, but something or rather someone always pulled me back as if it wanted me to watch and not engage in the unfolding dream before my eyes. 

To whatever was holding me back from engaging the dream was something dark that always sent shivers down my spine, for I could feel the evilness rolling off of its form. Because of this dream or dare I say nightmare, I resented and feared sleep. I tried to avoid sleep, but as you can imagine, sleep won.

At that time, I knew God, but I never really thought about praying or rebuking the dream. Thankfully, the dream soon faded, and I never had it again, but the impact of the dream still haunts me to this very day. 

However, in a different situation, I was sleeping on the top bunk of the bunkbeds I shared with my younger sister at the time. For some reason, I awoke in the middle of the night, I didn't stir nor wake from a dream. My eyes just fluttered open as if someone had been whispering into my ear to do so. The room was dark. However, as my eyes danced around my bed, I had this eerie feeling that I was not alone on the bed. I made the mistake of looking up and made eye contact with something that was sitting on the edge of my bed. Moments passed between us as we just stared at each other. No words were exchanged it was merely like a strange staring contest. As I sent to sit up to get a better look at the mysterious creature, it suddenly broke eye contact with me and jumped off the side of the bed (remember I was in a bunk bed, so the jump was rather far). No sound was made and as I dared to quickly look over the railing to my shock and horror the creature was sinking into the room, imagine a human sinking into quicksand, that is what was unfolding in front of my eyes. However, the creature was calm, and therefore, I was not terrified. I honestly felt like that creature was sent to watch over me or something, for I wasn't scared, and I did not sense any evilness from it. 

When I pray, I love to stretch out my hands, I like to imagine that Jesus is grasping them with me, and we pray together. Well, once, when I was enduring a rather hard day, I remember I got down upon my knees, lifted my hands, and began to pray as tears flowed down my cheeks. The emotion that was overtaking me was worry. However, as I prayed, I felt as if something warm was grasping my hands. It was a wonderful experience that I haven't felt since that special day. 

My mother has visions, and it fascinates me. A few months ago, we were planning on moving, and she prayed to God for the right house to buy. That very night she was blessed with a dream of a house, the house had a garden, it was beautiful in it's own right and the air was so fresh as if nothing evil had ever touched it. She felt the fresh air upon her face as if it were real life and not a dream. She awoke the next morning and told us all about it. We, of course, looked for houses that matched the one in the dream, and wouldn't you know it we found the house!

God has been truly good to my family. During the pandemic, both of my parents lost their jobs. Both of them applied to countless places, and during this stressful time, my mother had another dream. In the dream someone handed her a white envelope, the next day a white envelope arrived at our house!

Unlike my mother, my older sister never has dreams. But once the night before my family was planning on attending a cook-out, she had a strange dream where a strange woman at the cook-out gave us food, but it was poisoned, and we died. Of course, scared by this dream, she told our parents, and for the best, we decided not to go because it creeped us all out. 

So, I would say my family is special, at least in my eyes:)

However, backing up a little bit during my childhood, I almost drowned. I was out with my family and friends, so I was in the area where I could walk comfortably in the water. But my older sister was with her friend in the deep end, so I swam there and there was nowhere in between the shallow and deep end where I could stop to take a break or catch my breath. It was a straight swim, whether I liked it or not. Because of this, I was struggling to keep my head above the water. It was safe to say I began to fight against the water, and soon enough, the water was winning. Luckly my mother and her friend noticed me struggling, they tried to grab me from the sides of the pool, but I was too far out, so my mother's friend quickly jumped in and rescued me. 

And to sum up how much of bad luck I had, I was also hit by a car three different times as a child. 

But moving on the sin I most struggle with these days is gossiping, and I used to struggle with lust, but thankfully, God has stripped me of that sin. 

And I would say I am a Christian. I've never lost friends due to my faith, and I've never been bullied because of my faith. I love being a Christian and will never leave it. My family brought me up as a Christian, and I grew up to love God, so I don't ever want to leave him.  

May God bless the people who read my story, and may He use my testimony to inspire others and encourage others to run to God and strengthen their faith.

Yours truly, Thea. 

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