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Banner By solerdani


Chapter 4


These are seriously so sweet, but who are you?

I wanted so badly to text her back but I just couldn't come up with a response. I quickly ran my finger across the keys typing out a response. Wouldn't you like to know... I quickly erased the words realizing that wouldn't work. Of course she wanted to know. Why wouldn't she? Maybe if I added a winky face... no that is not going to work either.

I put my phone away for a brief second hoping that if I gave it a few minutes I would come up with something better to respond with. I glanced around the room, watching as all the couples held hands as they made their way onto the ice. I let out a quick sigh before bending down to put on my own ice skates. What I wouldn't give for Amber to be here with me. I imagined her smiling to me as we skate the night away. Maybe she would even slip and I'd be able to help her up, hugging her closely to me to wash all the embarrassment away. I smiled at the thought of her rosy cheeks turning even more red, her tucking some of her brunette hair behind her ear as she looked around at all the people hoping that none of them saw her.

"Hey man, are you ready?" I looked up to greet my friend Jimmy. I couldn't believe I had already been here for thirty minutes waiting for them. Time must fly by when you are thinking of such a wonderful girl.

"Yeah, just give me a second." I responded before removing my phone from my pocket. I read over the text one more time, butterflies washing over me as my eyes searched the words. I shook my head, there just wasn't anything I could respond to her without risking my identity.

"What has you so razzed up?" Carter messed up my hair, taking a seat beside me. Jumping up from my spot I quickly shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"Nothing, just a lot going on at work." I smiled trying to get them to drop the topic. I wasn't really sure what I would tell my friends. It's not like leaving a girl love notes was the most manly thing one could do.

"Don't lie to us." Jimmy piped in pulling his own phone out of his pocket. I shoved my hands in my pockets, balancing on the blades beneath me.

"Shouldn't we get going, it'll be Christmas if we stand here for any longer." I wasn't sure what else to say. I figured if we were on the ice it would be harder for them to mess with me. Then I would be able to distract myself with thoughts of Amber. I wondered what she was doing right now, if she was still staring at the note like I wished I was still looking at her response.

The boys grumbled standing up and slowly walking over to the door that led to the ice. I smiled in victory, even if it was just a small one. This was going to be hard to keep this a secret for the next eleven days. I followed the guys, each of us taking our first steps very carefully. Like sailors trying to adjust to their sea legs after a long time at shore.

Jimmy, the best ice skater out of the three of us, immediately slid across the ice to a group of girls using walkers to get about. I knew exactly what he was doing and I couldn't help but shake my head. Maybe if he spent more time getting to know just one girl he would have better luck with the ladies.

I glanced over at Carter, he hadn't been skating in over six years. His legs wobbling like a baby giraffe standing for the first time. I laughed to myself before sliding over next to him. "Come on rookie, it's not that hard, it's like riding a bike." I chuckled before zooming past him, making a quick lap around the rink. Searching behind me only to catch a glimpse of long brown hair. My heart sank in my chest as it also began to beat rapidly. Was it her?

Before I could take another look I crashed into the wall causing my to tumble backwards, the blades searching for any grip they could on the slick ice beneath me. I fell for what felt like forever hitting the ice with a thud. My hip taking most of the impact. I pushed myself up searching through the crowd of people begging for a sight of the girl again. My face flushed red as I realized it wasn't her. Why would I even think she would be here.

"Who is the rookie now? That wall wasn't even moving." Carter chuckled skating over to help me up.

"Shut up." I grumbled smacking his hand away. I picked myself up before brushing off my jacket. "I thought I saw someone sorry about that." I mumbled trying to make up for how harsh I had been before.

"No need to apologize to me, but hey, maybe that wall could use one." Carter pointed towards the spot I had slammed into. I wanted to smack him, instead I shot him daggers hoping he would get the message.

"Yeah yeah," I mumbled before skating slowly again. My mind was racing searching every face in the crowd. She wasn't there but for some reason my mind was convinced she was. I must be seeing things.

I pulled out my phone once more, reading over the text for what felt like the six thousandth time. There were no words special enough for me to text back. I would have to work them into the next note. My mind raced as I felt the desire to rush home and try to write words as beautiful as the girl captivating my mind.

"Let's go get something to eat." Carter pointed to Jimmy, who was starstruck by two blondes, too busy to notice anything else in the world. "He is going to be a while." He followed up with a chuckle and I couldn't help but smile as well. I nodded my head before we left the rink heading for the food stand.

I couldn't stop thinking about her though. 

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