Chapter 8: The Stone Table.

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It was nightfall now. It would probably be the last peaceful sleep that anyone would have for a long time. Which is why everyone decided to go to sleep. Except for Omega who kept getting woken up by Wrecker's loud snoring. 

It made Omega get up to try to get away from the snoring. She could also see someone walking. It appeared to be Aslan. And he seemed to be walking towards the woods. "Aslan?" She asked.

Aslan wasn't surprised to see her. But he didn't face her. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"Wrecker kept me up with his snoring." Omega answered. "But where are you going?" That was when she saw Susan and Lucy also walk up. They had also seen Aslan walking by.

"This is something I must do alone, Omega." Aslan answered her question.

"Can we come with you at least?" Susan asked.

"Please Aslan." Lucy insisted.

Aslan gave in. "I suppose I could use the company." He admitted and they all walked toward an area in the woods. 

"I'm afraid you must stay here." Aslan informed.

"Why is that?" Omega asked. Why was Aslan being so vague? She couldn't understand why.

"No matter what happens, you 3 must not interfere. You have to trust me." Aslan replied.

Omega wasn't sure why about that. Even if she trusted Aslan. "Maybe I should get Hunter." She suggested.

"Omega. You have to trust me, okay?" Aslan requested. 

Omega reluctantly nodded her head. As did Susan and Lucy.

"Thank you, and farewell." Aslan bade them goodbye.

Aslan had walked up to a what appeared to be a large gathering of a torches in front of a large Stone Table. "Is that the Stone Table the Beavers were talking about?" Omega asked.

"I think so." Susan answered. She would've said more but the girls took a closer look at the crowds. 

They were all the Witch's armies. "What are they doing here?" Omega asked. If the Witch's army was here then it was a good chance that the Empire was here.

Walking past all the beasts and up the stone stairs to the table in what looked like a zoo. Aslan arrived at the table. After he scarred a harpie off just by standing there. The Witch was waiting there with a dagger on the top. With Rampart and Crosshair also there. 

"Behold. The Great Lion." The Witch announced to her followers.

Aslan didn't say a word. He just starred at the Witch and the Imperials. 

"We're on a time clock, Your Majesty. I think we should simply get this over with, no?" Rampart suggested.

The Witch shook her head. "No. There's a certain Ritual that goes into this. We must perform it correctly." She informed. 

"What is it with Narnians and Prophecies and Rituals?" Crosshair asked in a disgusted tone.

"He's a soldier." Rampart explained to the witch about Crosshair's tone. "May I ask what happens in this Ritual?" He asked.

The Witch smiled evilly. "Why explain with words when I can simply show you? Observe." She motioned over to her General who shoved Aslan onto his side on the floor hard. 

Omega, Susan and Lucy gasped.

The Witch's forces all laughed.

"You want some milk?" Ginarrbrick mocked.

"Oh... a shove. That's original." Crosshair sarcastically praised.

"That was just a start." The Witch informed.

"Why doesn't he fight back?" Lucy asked Susan.

Omega started to go over but Susan held her back. "Omega, no. You don't want to charge over there." Omega groaned and sat down.

"Bind him!" The Witch ordered.

The Witch's forces all got rope out and tied Aslan's feet, leg, and mouth.  

"Wait!" The Witch had another idea. "Let him first be shaved. Crosshair. Would you like the first cut?"

Crosshair took out his knife. He shaved off some of Aslan's fur on his majestic names. "Now we're talking. All yours!" 

The Witch's forces all took pieces of Aslan's fur getting out their own knives. It was a sight that the Girls wished they could unsee. Susan looked away. Omega just starred in pure horror. 

"So, we shove him, shave him, and then kill him?" Rampart asked intrigued like he was watching an experiment.

"On the Stone Table, that's important." The Witch answered. "I would've done the same thing to that Human boy, Edmund. Of course I would've shaved off his hair of course since he doesn't have fur." 

"Ah." Rampart realized. "Bring him to the Stone Table!" He ordered Crosshair who just dragged Aslan onto the Stone Table as all the Witch's forces laughed in glory and keeping him restrained by ropes. Until The Witch ordered them to be silent. 

"Why did they stop?" Omega asked. She spoke too soon as staffs were banged in simultaneous fashion. 

The Witch went up to Aslan. "You know, Aslan. I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think that by giving yourself that you would save that human traitor? You have given me your life, and saved nothing. So much for love."

She then stood up and addressed her armies. "Tonight! The deep magic will be appeased! But tomorrow... we will take Narnia! FOREVER!" 

The Witch's army roared triumphant again.

Aslan took one last look at the Girls knowing what was going to happen next. He shook his head at Omega to tell her to stay where she was and not interfere. 

"In that knowledge, despair and... DIE!" The Witch brought her dagger down on Aslan as he died right then on the stone table.

Omega stood there with her mouth open as the Girls weep silently. 

"Could've used a blaster, you know." Crosshair pointed out.

"That's not how the ritual works." The Witch replied. "THE GREAT CAT! IS DEAD!" She announced to her armies as they all roared again louder then ever before. "General! Admiral Rampart! Prepare your troops for battle!" 

Rampart nodded as the General roared out. 

"Short as it may be." The Witch also added to herself. 

And just like that. They were all gone in one second. Omega ran over. "What was he thinking?" She said out loud. "How could he not fight back?"

Susan and Lucy tried to keep their calm knowing that Omega was simply going through shock. Heck, all three girls were going through shock. And no one could blame the girls for thinking that. Instead they all just walked up to where Aslan lay. His motionless body there as Lucy walked up to him.

"Aslan?" Omega asked. But she knew that he was dead. Sad as it may be.

Lucy unscrewed her healing potion out. And thought that she could bring him back.

"It's too late." Susan sadly informed her sister. "He's gone." She then turned to Omega. "Omega, he must've known what he was doing." 

"But why did he still do it?" Omega asked miserably. She didn't exactly know how to express emotions like this before when someone died. She had known that it was a possibility that it would happen to certain people on Kamino. Some defective clones were sometimes killed when they didn't have the desired mutation that the Kaminoans wanted. But Omega never really grew close to them. But this felt different. Someone that she had known was now dead. But Susan and Lucy certainly felt it harder. They both started to weep over Aslan's dead body. That was when Omega started to notice some rats over by the ropes. "Please. He doesn't deserve to be tied up like this. Help us." She requested.

The Rats understood. They started to cut Aslan's bonds. Susan and Lucy didn't understand that though. Well Lucy did.

"Get away! Get away one of you!" Susan yelled. 

"No. Wait." Omega insisted. 

They took the cut rope of the Lion. While it didn't look as bad. It was still a sight they wished that didn't have to take place.

But they couldn't stay there.

"We have to go." Susan informed.

"We can't just leave him." Lucy protested.

"Lucy, there's no-"

"I'll go." Omega said. "You two stay with Aslan. And he deserves a proper burial, after this is done." She insisted.

"Are you sure?" Susan asked.

"I'll be fine." Omega answered. "And besides." She took out her communicator. "I have a way to communicate with them."

"Okay. Be careful, Omega." Lucy said. It seemed to be the best thing that they could do.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Omega replied. She got on her communicator and just hoped that Hunter was listening on the other side.

Back at Aslan's Camp. Hunter was trying to sleep. Despite the fact that Wrecker was snoring like a Rancor, he had been used to it. Especially on the Marauder. But what did wake him up was his communicator going off. Hunter woke up with a stutter.

"Wha-?" Hunter reached for it. "Hunter, are you there?" The voice of Omega sounded scared on the communicator.

"Omega?" Hunter asked looking around him. "Where are you? Are you okay?" 

"Hunter... something's happened." Omega said her voice cracking. "Aslan's dead."

"What?" Hunter asked confused. "Aslan's dead? What are you-"

"Wrecker's snoring kept me up. I saw Aslan walking away in the middle of the night. Susan and Lucy followed as did I. Aslan went up to the Stone Table and the Witch killed him." Omega quickly explained.

"Omega. Slow down." Hunter insisted. "What's going on? And start from the beginning." 

"Long story short. Aslan is dead. I'm making my way back to you. Susan and Lucy stayed with his body." Omega recapped. "Tell the others. Alright."

"Okay. But I still want you back here to explain things." Hunter decided. 

"On my way." Omega replied. 

"Blasted!" Hunter yelled. He took out his blaster and shot upward to wake everyone up.

The Batch all stirred up. "Breakfast time, already?" Wrecker asked.

Peter drew out his sword. "What's going on? Are we under attack?" He asked.

"Sorry, Peter. I had to wake Wrecker up, and that's the only way to do it." Hunter answered. 

"Yeah? Well it's bloody effective." Edmund muttered.

"What happened to Omega?" Echo asked.

"I just got a communication from her." Hunter informed. He then looked at the boys. "Something's happened..." He knew this wasn't going to be pretty. But when was it ever. 

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