Au Revoir --- Epilogue 2

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" Why did you love a clumsy girl, Maanav Hegde? "

" I never found you clumsy in the first place. You are an extremely sorted woman. "

" Am I insane? "

" Of course you are. But not that kind of insane...
You are one insane who can rewrite the definition of sanity. "

" Was I wrong in destroying someone's life? "

" Just as mom says, rights and wrongs are not measurable quantities. You decide under circumstances, what's right, and how much. "

" Did a bag of money really make up for the harm I have been causing to Khan for eight long years? "

" Maybe, maybe not. Queensland is a wonderful place, you know that.
But if asked, I would say, Wasim Khan could not be judged as well, like no one can judge us. He was doing something which gave him peace. We did exactly that. Hence the matter of discussion on who's right and who's wrong ends here. "

" Fine. How's life as Kabir Bakshi? "

" I forgot my name, and I got a father, alive. "

" Will Dharmendra Bakshi ever reveal to Vaibhav Patel anything about us? "

" Never. He's a dangerous man too. Can do anything to protect his name. I'd seen his deeds in morgue that night. Too clever. "

" Don't tell me you don't have a girlfriend even after posing bachelor for eight long years. "

" Why not? I've been to the church to get married twice. Mom knows. "

" Of course, like how I escaped marriage thrice. "

" Ugh! Why did you escape? "

" Didn't like the Hindu rituals. "

" Subhadra, you can ask me anything. "

" Were you really in love with Nayanthara Jaiswal for a month? "

"Obviously! In fact she's standing behind you with a knife under my instructions!!!"

" As if I'm afraid of her. "

" Then turn around. "

" Don't kid unnecessarily. "

" I'm not, Subhadra Hegde.
I don't want you back in my life. I love her. Turn around and face her. "

" Stop making me insecure, Maanav Hegde! Now I'll never turn around!! "

" *laughing* I thought Subhadra Hegde was the bravest on earth, fighting with the world alone for eight long years.... "

" I am. But the weakest and the most scared when it comes to you Maanav Hegde!! So don't you dare play with my emotions. I won't turn around. "

" *raising voice*
Nayanthara, slit her throat. "



Subhadra Hegde turned around be greeted only by a blank space.... 

Maanav Hegde, was poison. And he, it's antidote.


¤ Vaibhav Patel was released after four years. He didn't look for them, for a month.
And then one day his quest began. He visited Dharmendra Bakshi, to discover he had turned a fatal cardiac patient. He met Reshmi that way. Couldn't say a word, because Reshmi chose to keep mum. He left, dejected. Something had changed inside him.

¤ He next travelled to London, to the Imperial College. He gathered the money working as a driver in an app cab. That's all he could get as a job. They said, Subhadra Hegde researched for two years. But they hardly knew her whereabouts now.
Vaibhav laughed. As if he had the slightest hope to find Subhadra Hegde that easily!! He returned, but the fire inside kept burning. One day, he would find her, and take back what's his.
One day.... 

¤ Just after Mohan Patel transferred the entire property to them, Subhadra and Maanav Hegde had donated three-fourth of it to the largest orphanages, private hospitals, sanitariums, and asylums throughout the country. Thus the idea was not to hog money for own good, but to hog one's rights. And dash the one who hardly deserved anything for himself, but would never care to share with a soul.

¤ Naseema Khan had taken Wasim to Queensland. He was now talking to people, listening to things told, trying to remember new things, trusting relations. Naseema worked part time at a restaurant. Life was healing slowly, and she loved the new country. Looked safer.

¤ Reshmi Bakshi won The President's Award for her pathbreaking work in clinical depression. She fed sweets to Dharmendra, who cried hugging her. She placed a box of Choco lava cake before two photos. Mom's and Kabir's. If only.......

¤PS : I don't really know where Subhadra, Maanav, Myra, Sadhna and Sandhya reside right now.
I can just hope, one of them will ping me someday, letting know of their whereabouts.

Au Revoir... 


The Chronicles of Subhadra Hegde

Story : PenFolk

Copyright : Reserved ©PenFolk

Quotes credits : Google and writer

" In every angel a demon hides, and in every demon an angel strides. "

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