Chronicle 12

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Subhadra Hegde could go to any extent for the ones she loved. Absolutely any!!

Maanav got his admissions to the best college hospitals in Hyderabad. Sandhya was the head-nurse in that hospital itself.

Subhadra was waiting for her admissions to the eleventh then. Sandhya called her to celebrate her son's success.

Subhadra didn't know too, why Maanav's success built butterflies in her stomach.

As usual it was Maanav who opened the door. Subhadra shyly got in, and handed him a wrapped pen. He accepted the gift joyfully.

" Mom hasn't prepared dinner by the way. She wants us to go out to the restaurant below our residence, if you don't mind.... "

Sandhya came out and said the same. Subhadra stiffened a bit. Momentarily though. She knew not why her heart wanted to trust Maanav Hegde. Even if for a while, till the trust broke to pieces. She nodded.

Subhadra slurped noodles while Maanav looked around. She watched him from the corner of her eyes.

" So, where are you planning to get admitted for eleventh? " , he asked.

Subhadra took sometime.

" There's a school before our dwelling...." , she didn't complete.

" With 96% marks, don't you think you should get admitted to some big schools that can nurture your talent more? "

" Err... We are middle class people. My father cannot afford big. "

" So did your brother acquire some scholarships to study abroad? Cuz that needs huge money. "

Maanav's questions sometimes choked her. She didn't answer. Couldn't, rather.

Maanav immediately knew.

" Subhadra Patel... Let me tell you one thing..."

" Subhadra....only.... "

" Sure. Subhadra, get one thing clear in your life.

What's yours, is yours. No one can give away something which is yours... to someone else, without your permission. Fight for what is yours. Also, fight for what you want even if it's not yours. Life is a warfare. You step back, you accept your fate, you accept your so called're ruined. "

Subhadra, though only sixteen then, had realised that Maanav Hegde was the most wonderful human of just nineteen she had ever seen in her life. A teen who had the best understanding of world, who couldn't bear wrong, and who befriended everyone, from the street dogs to the beggars and eunuchs at the street corners without a glitch.

" My friends are ones with benefits. You never know, who comes to work, when. " , he had smiled at an amazed Subhadra.

If only she realised how big an implication this statement held, she would have clung onto him and cried, there itself. For being so wonderful, to her, even without being asked........ 


Dr. Abhinay Munshi waited for her every Wednesday. Eagerly. Very very eagerly.

Her poise, her grace, her confidence, everything just shook him from the core of his heart.

" Marry me Subhadra! " , he had asked last summer. She had only smiled.

The answer was yet to be heard.

She pushed the door.

" May I come in? " , she smiled.

" Since when did you need a permission? " , he titled his head.

In just thirty two, Abhinay headed the biggest mental health institute in Hyderabad. A matter of appreciation. Though he inherited it from his father, he ran it wonderfully.

" Just thought if the weather changed from last Wednesday to this. " , she walked in.

" The weather won't ever change Subhadra Hegde..until you intervene. "

Subhadra smiled again.

" May I head to the rooms? "

" Of course!! All yours. "

Subhadra nodded and left within moments.

Abhinay Munshi didn't really know, if he actually wanted her to visit his hospital every Wednesday. Because her arrival brought in a lot of sad vibes to his heart. Something he couldn't get over till the next Wednesday, when he found himself waiting for her again, with the same apprehension........

A lady sat on a wheelchair, with  vacant looks, staring outside the window.

Room number 32. Subhadra got in. The nurse took leave immediately throwing a smile.

Subhadra went and settled at the feet of the lady, who didn't budge. Subhadra examined her from top to bottom.

" Wow, mother!! You look good!! "

She tilted her head sideways and examined every crease of her face.

" I know you are sad that I visit once in a week. What to do Mom, responsibilities. Hehe. I cannot even visit your son at jail properly. So much work. Tch Tch. "

Subhadra now looked around the room.
" Wow, they changed the decor quite a bit. Right? The painting, the flowers... "

She next placed her head on the lap of the lady.

" What mom...!? You are alive, and yet I get orphanic vibes. know what? I was mentally an orphan since birth, but dad's death and your paralysis the same time made me a stamped orphan at twenty. So sad, so sad. See, you don't even reciprocate... 

Your favorite son's life imprisonment took so much toll on your lives that day, that dad immediately got a cardiac arrest, and you turned almost dead... "

Subhadra stood up and side hugged the lady, who didn't even blink.

" Anyways, I will be back next week. I know I could have taken you home, but what did you do for me throughout your life that I'll do anything for you? Lol.

Bye mom!! "

Subhadra Hegde walked out of room 32. A drop silently escaped from the corner of her eyes.

And the lady's as well. No one knew of either.

Subhadra Hegde next headed to room number 65. Two floors above.

As she pushed the door, the nurse, who was preparing injections, smiled in a similar manner.

" Will I inject, Lucy? Show me the injections. "

Lucy happily nodded and showed and left.

A man in mid thirties lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

" Hello Mr Khan..." , Subhadra settled on a stool beside his bed.

" Ooops... Former inspector Khan...

Whatever happened to you was so sad. So so bad. " , Subhadra nodded sadly.

" At just twenty five, at just the beginning of your career in CBI, you could have beautifully solved your first case. A twisted case. But your fate didn't allow you to. You came across.... Subhadra Hegde..... "

She then brought her face closer to him and whispered,
" Do you know dementia hardly cures?? Yes.... You do...

But do you know that the doctors in this hospital try their best to almost reverse it? Then why do you keep getting worse with each passing day? Ever thought about it? "

The man kept staring at the ceiling, without a blink.

Subhadra next got up and stood for sometime before the table holding the tray of injections. She then looked at the CCTV camera, badly placed at one corner, covering just half of the field. Subhadra smiled within.

She brought the tray to the bed.
And pushed an injection into his body.

" Till Subhadra Hegde visits you, you won't even stand on your feet,CBI Inspector Khan !

Because I'm an angel you won't find in fairy tales, but behind your death bed. "

" First love is dangerous, only when it is also, the last. "

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