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-Mushroom Kingdom-

Duchess Peach Alyssa Toadstool: The Duchess of the Mushroom Kingdom and the proclaimed guardian of the Shieldstone. It has been hidden away in the Mushroom Castle for many generations. Should it fall into the hands of evil, the Mushroom Kingdom could potentially cease to exist! She is the mother of Marcus and Peter as well as the wife of the Duke, Mario.

Duke Mario Rocco di Benedetto: The Italian-born Duke of the Mushroom Kingdom. Since his marriage to Princess Peach, the Koopa Clan have continued wreaking havoc in their beloved homeland. Mario has maintained his world-renowned role as the sworn protector of the kingdom and has stopped at nothing to continue driving the evil clan back to their rightful place: the Darklands!

Marcus 'Marc' Toadstool- di Benedetto: The younger twin brother of Peter and a son of the Duke and Duchess of the Mushroom Kingdom. He has come from the future and is 23 years of age. He is the more shy and reserved than this older brother. However, if pushed beyond his limits he becomes 'something else.' 

Peter 'Pete' Toadstool-di Benedetto:  The older twin brother of Marcus and the eldest son of the Duke and Duchess of the Mushroom Kingdom. He has come from the future to assist his parents in protecting their homeland. He is the more loud, assertive and down-to-earth than his younger brother.

-Sarasaland Kingdom-

Duchess Daisy Penelope Sarasa:  The Duchess of Sarasaland Kingdom. She is best friends with the Duchess of the Mushroom  Kingdom and has been since they were very young. This has aided in their two kingdoms having close ties. Unlike the Mushroom Kingdom, the Sarasaland Kingdom has been very fortunate in that they have only suffered one attack; by Tatanga, a mysterious space alien. The Koopa Clan have not set foot upon Sarasasarian land. This doesn't mean, however, that Daisy doesn't keep on her toes! She and her husband Luigi- the Duke, try as much as they can to aid the Mushroom Kingdom whenever it's attacked.

Duke Luigi Carlo di Benedetto:  The Duke of Sarasaland Kingdom. He is the younger fraternal twin brother of the Duke of the Mushroom Kingdom - Mario. The pair hail originally from Italy. Mario and Luigi have had a very close brotherly bond since they started life together. Upon marrying Daisy and moving out to Sarasaland, it took Luigi a while to get used to not sharing a home with his older sibling. Luigi is the more shy, socially awkward Mario Bro and a bit of a scaredy-cat. However, whenever he has to be brave; he WILL be (Most of the time anyway!) Just like Mario, he has continued going after the Koopa Clan whenever the disturb the peace of the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom. He may no longer be a resident of the MK but why should that stop him helping out?

King George Russell Sarasa: The King of Sarasaland. The grandfather of Laura and the father of the Duchess of the Sarasaland. This old man is a rather strict, stern, no-nonsence type of person. He is very protective of his daughter as well as granddaughter. As for his son-in-law, Luigi, well... he wasn't too fond of him at first. He didn't think an awkward... klutz could fit the role of a husband for Daisy but he's learned to get along with the young Duke. They aren't the 'best of friends' but they're getting there. As for Sarasaland sending out troops to assist the Mushroom Kingdom in battles against the Koopa Clan; King George does not support them. He wants his beloved homeland to stay neutral. He is afraid that Sarasaland's involvement in these wars could result in the scandalous clan turning to Sarasaland and disturb their peace as well!

Laura Mae Sarasa- di Benedetto: The daughter of the Duke and Duchess of the Sarasaland Kingdom and the granddaughter of King George. Just like her cousins Pete and Marc, she has come from the future. She is 21 years old. Along with her parents as well as the boys, she tries her best to aid the Mushroom Kingdom whenever it's attacked. She finds it annoying that her granddad doesn't agree that Sarasaland should help the M.K. Just like her mother, she is a rather loud, outgoing character. As well as that, she's not the kind of person you'd want to mess with! (Just like her mum, too!)

(More characters will be added but this is just to start off with.)

Author's Note: There we go, the main characters of The Chronicles of the Mushroom Kingdom. So far, so good! XD Ah yes, their names look kinda long-winded (especially the kids') because I've stuck in both their parents' surnames. Oh, and the Mario Bros' surname, di Benedetto. It's just been with me since I one day searched 'Italian surnames' on Google XD

Credit: Sarasaland flag by 'MarioStrikerMurphy' on DeviantArt. Mushroom Kingdom flag by 'Foodule' on Reddit.


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