Evil Stepmother

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Chloe was exhausted when she arrived home. She was tempted to just crash into bed, but she had to complete her usual nightly routine. After brushing her teeth, showering and going her skincare routine, Chloe changed into her pyjamas.

Chloe then went to her mother's photograph. "Hi Mom," she said. "I have a stepmother now. I don't know what she's like. She spends a lot of time with Dad. "I really miss you though."

Chloe sighed. People had told her that she had to get over her mother's death. It had been six years, but Chloe still missed her mother badly.

Chloe wished that she could snuggle in her mother's arms again and feel her warmth, smell her perfume, and listen to her mother's soothing voice. She hated the fact that she was never going to see her mother again.

Just then, her bedroom door flew open to reveal Helen. Chloe looked at her, surprised. Even her father would have knocked.

"Helen, what do you want?" asked Chloe.

"I heard you talking. Who are you talking to?" asked Helen.

"Nobody," said Chloe.

"Don't lie to me!" snapped Helen. "You were talking to someone."

Chloe had to show Helen the photo of her mother. Helen looked at the photograph in surprise.

"Your mother is... Pretty," she said.

Chloe nodded eagerly. "Yes," she said. "Daddy used to call her and angel sent from heaven. Of course, she really is in heaven now, so she's probably a real angel now."

Helen looked at the photograph silently and didn't say anything.

"Helen, is everything okay?" asked Chloe.

To her shock, Helen smashed the photograph against the dresser.

"Helen, that's the only photograph of my Mom I have!" said Chloe.

"I don't care!" said Helen. "Clean up the mess now!"

"But you're the one that made it!" said Chloe.

"If you don't do what I say, I'll tell your father that you are a bad girl," said Helen. Clean this mess in ten minutes or no breakfast tomorrow!"

As Helen stomped out of the room, Chloe cried over her mother's broken photograph. It was now obvious that Helen was an evil stepmother. But there was nothing Chloe could do about it.

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