Characters introduction

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This story is the English translation version of the book "The Cipher" by SonLoveOtps (my Vietnamese account), my English writing skill is still at the beginner level so it can be pretty much very dry as I'm still learning English.
If you enjoy the story still, I'll be very appreciated :D!!


The Ciphers characters that will be mentioned in this book are not siblings by blood, they're alternate versions of each other from different dimensions (except for Tad Strange)
The story will contain some of my otp moments!ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

If you're in the Gravity Falls fandom, you'll probably know every character I'm going to mention down here, well, aside from my original character of course ( ' ▽ ' )

p/s: All the artworks that you see below do not belong to me.

■ Tad Strange 

Most likely the oldest among all of the Ciphers, he came from a totally different dimension that our fandom preferably call Demonic Guardians AU

⚜ Quill Cipher 

An original character of mine, made to be the "Bill" version of my own Gravity Falls AU name Mind Falls, though I had some troubles plotting and stuff so the AU doesn't actually have any progress yet (つд⊂):゜。

To sum it up, Quill is technically a big nerd, a bookworm and a tsundere, the type that seems cold outside but is actually a softie inside, though he can get very upset if someone messed up his books and his workplace. Before his appearance in Mind Falls, Quill always locked himself in his "Infinite Magical Library" (sounds pretty cringe xD it's just magical and have no end) [This story is when he hasn't got to Mind Falls yet]. He enjoys silence and peacefulness, especially when there are books and a cup of coffee, that's why he never left his library 'cause he had always thought he already has everything he needs inside the library, Quill is also a clean freak.
When the other Ciphers make deals and Tad makes bets, Quill makes contracts, with the whole papers and signatures thing, though he only makes contracts that he knows it'll bring himself more benefits than others.
I can only remember these, I kinda change his personalities a lot sometimes so they rarely stay the same for long ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Here's how he kinda looks like in human form:

The picture of triangle Quill is the only art that belongs to me (I'm terrible at drawing humans lmao)

Kill Cipher

My version of Kill Cipher is quite different from other's point of view since his original personalities are somewhat like Bill's, I wanted to make a little change. Kill Cipher in this book is very cold and deadly, probably there's no one who ever sees him smiles even once. Kill always seems annoyed with everything and often wears a look of "I want to kill everybody in this room." on his face.

And last but not least, 2 characters that everyone is so familiar with: Bill Cipher and Will Cipher
Imma drop a picture so it won't be too blank xD

Other characters will be involved/mentioned in the story are: The Pines, Reverse! Pines, The Oracle and Axolotl

That's it for now, see ya real soon in the first chapter! ・:*。(ꈍᴗꈍ)

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