Crescent 13: ...Arkaan who belongs to Allah(3)

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

By those [winds] scattering [dust] dispersing,

And those [clouds] carrying a load [of water]

And those [ships] sailing with ease

And those [angels] apportioning [each] matter,

Indeed, what you are promised is true.

And indeed, the recompense is to occur.

By the heaven full of paths...

Arkaan fell into deep contemplation, as if he could see everything being described in the Surah: People asking about the Day of recompense, the Muttaqûn in the midst of the gardens, springs and all enjoyments.

When he reached;

They used to sleep but little of the night,

And in the hours before dawn they would ask forgiveness,...

Arkaan felt some ecstasy in his heart, and made a silent promise in his heart to continue the Night vigil Tahajjud prayers, perhaps add some istighfâr to it.

Even the next verses caused him to sink into more reflection:

And from their properties was the right of Sâ'il(the beggar who asks)
And the Mahrûm(the poor who does not ask others)...

He suddenly murmured to himself,"Now where would I put that wily old fox?" His chin raised, in thought of Old man Khidr who had dupped him, then continued...

Apparently, he didn't know the answer, since Old man Khidr was begging, and yet not begging; it seemed all too confusing!

Yet still, Arkaan knew his giving that money out for the sake of Allah was not in vain either.

The verses continued by talking about the signs of Allah, then it opened on accounts of people long past:

The visitation of the three angels to the Prophet Ibrahim, alayhis salaam with glad tidings; then the news of the destruction of the people of Annabi Lût alayhis salaam at the location of the dead sea in Palestine; Musâ and Harûn; destruction of the mighty 'Aad by a barren wind; destruction of Thamûd by the Sâ'iqah; the people of Prophet Nûh alayhis salaam...

All these people were destroyed for the mischief they wreaked upon the Earth, and on their own souls.

By the time Arkaan reached the verse Hilya quoted in her diary, his heart was wreaked by waves of shock upon shock. It was as of he could witness the destruction Allah visited upon the disobedient nations of the past.

Then, as if calling to those to whom their narrative would benefit if they would only but ponder, the verse thereafter called out;

So flee to Allah. Indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner.

Allah was commanding the Holy Prophet to call the people to flee unto Him from Him, The Sovereign King of the Heavens and Earth, and the far reaches of the Universe...

From His torment unto His mercy - Al Islâm, the Dîn of Truth to which all the prophets of old called to: Peace, and submission to the Will of the Only Creator, and Lord of the Worlds!

Even as Arkaan continued reading, his heart was battered by powerful tempests of strong emotions and deep contemplation - it was as if he was in a whole new other world.

Zak leaned over to watch what Arkaan was reading so intently that he didn't notice him. He had long since entered, and was standing right by his side with the tray.

...And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.

Arkaan remembered that time, when Sheikh Inaayat had asked him,

"What is the purpose of all life?..."

This was the answer he was going to give, though not directly from the verse of the Qur'an.

As a child, he was very inquisitive, and even now. He used to ask his mother so many questions when she was hale and hearty, and this question was among them.

Due to the passion with which she studied Islam after reverting, she understood from this verse the purpose of all creation, and gave him answers.

Clink! Clink!

The sound of jingling ceramic pottery zapped him out of his dreamlike stupor.

He immediately jerked, closing the diary in same motion.

He became like a wreck of many confused emotions all at once, since he was that deep and lost in the garden of his own thoughts, and had been momentarily surprised.

Zak who was about to laugh at the sudden reaction of Arkaan, saw Arkaan's worried expression, and suddenly regretted entering without permission. He could tell Arkaan was not so happy with what he just did.

He also knew from Arkaan's nature that he had come to know, that though he wasn't happy, he wouldn't talk or complain about it.

"Sorry", Zak said sincerely, his face morphed from a wide grin that slowly faded."... the door was opened, so..."

"Don't worry about that--", said Arkaan, pulling Zak to sit on another chair close to him." I needed your help on something... "

"First take your breakfast then we'd look at it. I can see you've been worked up about something since last night. I hope it's not about the halaqât?"

Arkaan saw the tray in Zak's hand, and his eyes warmed in appreciation.

Wait, Zak knew he'd stayed awake the night?!

"How'd you kn--"

"Dude, it was clear from your bleary eyes at Fajr." The laughter in his eyes was returning.

"If it's about the halaqât, Arkaan, forget about whatever my dad said. You don't really have to be that concerned about it. People can also join other halaqât in the East district. You can also join other halaqât in the East district..."

"Zak.." Arkaan looked at Zak, sincerely, "I'm okay. It's not about that."

"Look," He continued, "You've finished the Qur'an right?"

"Wait, ---" Zak looked at Arkaan,"You haven't? "

Arkaan looked back in mocking innocence, "Why else would I want to learn?"

"Okay, but you have to eat breakfast first?" Zak looked at Arkaan in playful seriousness.

Arkaan raised his eyebrow in question.

Zak folded his arms in an obstinate form."Sister issues..." His eyes warmed laughingly.

"--Ahnn" Arkaan's heart picked up pace in a single moment as it dawned on him, but he didn't say anything about Maryam. He didn't want Zak to know he had an eye on his sister, it'd be strange since they just met.

"I can't eat all this alone though."Arkaan smiled. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt happy and warm inside, even butterflies in his stomach.

"In exchange, I'll forgive you for barging in without permission."

"Okay, I'll eat just so you get the blessings." Zak sat,"Ukashah brought good news."

"Let's look at these first," Arkaan opened a list he had prepared of verses he couldn't find, due to Hilya's not referencing them.

He also didn't know which chapters some of them fell into because he hadn't reached there in reading. But...Zak had finished his reading.

Zak really could not say 'No', after what happened.
He had to finish his daily portion of the Qur'an, but he could do that later. He didn't want what had happened the previous week to happen again, he knew his mother would definitely call him soon for the questioning.

But then again, he could complete his reading later on. Not having anything planned for the moment, he obliged.

Little did he know, the list Arkaan had prepared was that lengthy...


Arkaan was on his way to the Honey Fields landmass on a mission of his own.

It was the time after Dhuhr salâh. He had held Zak back to help him on verses of the Qur'an, and the ahadith.

Zak took the time to explain many things to him, even after showing him the verses' locations in the Holy Qur'an and their meanings.

After taking a quick bath, and informing the Al-Maghribi family, particularly Zak of where he was going, Arkaan set out.

He took the path of three bridges: The first to Mt. Shirah landmass, the second to Chinese market landmass, and finally to the Honey Fields landmass.

Whilst on his way, he took time to analyze how much the place had changed since he was young.

Eight years have passed by like it was nothing...

He spent nine years in Tâ Hâ from birth; from the West district to the South district; at one place he had his father, at the other place he had only his mother. There, he met a man who changed his life...

Al Iskandarī had geared his life from the wrong path towards a different path, one of striving towards his Rabb.

Going through the landmasses, memories were evoked. He had not yet gone to check his former house on the Mt. Shirah district because, he wanted to meet his mother when he was ready.

Even when he and Zak entered that landmass, he avoided that area, taking a direct route to the Mount itself.

This time he was heading somewhere: a glade, surrounded by dense trees.

Everything was silent here, except for the occasional breeze that blew through.

With soft green grass, and brightly coloured petals in the clearing, the glade was serene.

Here, Arkaan heard the faint buzzing of bees in the nearby treetops, - and the ocean was not far...

He remembered standing here, in the shadow of a man who radiated the essence of a father: his teacher in life. He felt free and at peace once again in the glade.

"...The feeling was unmistakable... Like you'd watch me grow all the remaining years of my life..." Arkaan murmured to himself to that serenity in the Honey Fields.

He remembered how the scholar looked to him, like the shelter from the tempests in life, a sturdy tree standing against wind and rain for him.

"As long as I'll not leave your tutorship, you'd not leave me!", Arkaan suddenly said aloud.

It wasn't just his teacher, Sheikh Inaayat ---, his father too...

He wanted his unheard voice to be heard, and the pain to shout out, from his heart, across the borders of time and space to those he'd wish it'd reach...

As if in response, he felt like he heard a voice...

Maybe from a memory, yet it felt as if the person were right there before him, sitting knees folded, upon the lush greenness, watching him, - a little girl with an amiable smile on her face.

The smile was faint yet sincere and bright, and it filled his heart with peace. The radiance of piety shone about her person, crowning her the saint of saints!

When everyone had turned away...
You turned to me in flawless grace...

My Allah is with me...He's with me
Always with me,
Always was, always is, always will be...

'He said: Fear not! I'm with you, verily...
Hearing and Seeing...'

Watching over me, and will never His grace~

The words were from what he had directly heard from her, and then her diary.

At the moment, it were as if he was receiving a lecture from the girl about what is transient and what will remain...

Life is ephemeral, and sometimes to survive, we'll need guidance and help; someone to assure us that they're near,"so don't be afraid."

According to Hilya's thoughts in her diary; no one would truly stay with us forever, and even we, could leave at anytime.

Friends would depart, family members separated at one would truly stay with us for all our lifetime, except Allah...

'We're just passing travellers in this strange world on a search...

Oneday it shall end, and we'll return home...'

He felt as if he could see his teacher again, under the pale moon like a withered stalk;

''Choose the path you wish to tread long as you keep in mind the purpose of all life on Earth..."

Then, he remembered a verse Hilya had referred to, in her diary. The meaning of which was:

'Verily, this is an admonition, so whosoever wills, let him take a Path to his Lord...'

The Surah had two titles; Al - Insân, man and Ad - Dahr, Time... Time or man.

Suddenly, his mind and heart felt clear as he closed his eyes.

He then whispered some words in his heart; no one might be able to hear but Allah will,...a promise with conviction in his heart:

"I only choose the path to Allah,
...Only that path I shall tread!

My name is Arkaan, the servant of Allah
...Arkaan, who belongs to Allah!"

I'm really sorry about the late update. I admit I messed up on the one month deal, but my lateness shouldn't be taking as abandoning the story.

I'm trying to adjust my now hectic life(because of school😀) with my writing. But in shaa Allah, things would be better soon, and flow more smoothly.

In shaa Allah, even if I'm slow in updating this one I'll try to update some of my other writings in shaa Allah within two weeks or so time.

Until the next Crescent!

Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.

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