Crescent 15: The Locket and Key(2)

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Maryam knew that, to win the full points for the round and beat the boys, she would have to at least mention more details that, no space was left for faultfinding so marks could be reduced.

It was therefore, with no reservations that she mentioned explicit statements, and made references to even some verses.

"The first verse in this regard then came,

'wa andhir 'ashiiratakal'aqrabiin'

Maryam recited in a light and beauty voice with clear elocution.

"Allah revealed to the Prophet thus:

'And warn your closest kindred'.

This marked the beginning of open preaching."

"The Prophet gathered his kinsmen of Banu Haashim with a group of Banu Al Muttalib bin 'Abd Munaf, an audience counting forty-five men..."

Zak looked at his younger sister who was caught in the heat of the moment. She really has gone on serious mode. He scratched his nose warily, under this observation. Why is it that I suddenly have this impending feeling of doom. Tsk tsk, I can't let her dominating confidence get to me.

"Abu Lahab, the Prophet's paternal uncle took the initiative to address the Prophet first in this meeting. He said,'These are your uncles and cousins, speak on to the point, but first of all you have to know that your kinspeople are not in a position to withstand all the Arabs.

Another point you have got to bear in mind is that, your relatives are sufficient unto you. If you follow their tradition, it will be easier for them than to face the other clans of Quraish supported by the other Arabs. Verily, I have never heard of anyone who has incurred more harm on his kinspeople than you.'

After he said this, the Prophet kept quiet in this meeting. Not long after, he invited them to another meeting, and managed to gain audience. He then spoke to them shortly but coherently,'I celebrate Allâh's praise, I seek His help, I believe in Him, I put my trust in Him, I bear witness that there is no god to be worshipped but Allâh with no associate.

A guide can never lie to his people. I swear by Allâh, there is no god but He, that I have been sent as a Messenger to you, in particular and to all the people, in general. I swear by Allâh you will die just as you sleep, you will be resurrected just as you wake up. You will be called to
account for your deeds. It is then either Hell forever or the Garden forever.'

Abu Talib, his other paternal uncle replied,'We love to help you, accept your advice and believe in your words. These are your kinspeople whom you have collected and I am one of them but I am the fastest to do what you like.

Do what you have been ordered. I shall protect and defend you, but I can't quit the religion of 'Abdul-

Abu Lahab, hearing this, said to Abu Talib,'I swear by Allâh that this is a bad thing. You must stop him before the others do.'

Abu Talib, however, answered: 'I swear by Allâh to protect him as long as I am alive.'

"Receiving the protection of his uncle, the Prophet then went to As-Safa mountain and called loudly,' Yaa Sabahah, which is a call for attention among the Arabs. This was from where Ibn Abbas, the Prophet's companion, may Allah be pleased with him, mentions in his narration..."

Arkaan and the entire audience seemed to be caught up in the narration, no one noticed the sun moving across the goldenlit sky in its final journey, perhaps the prayer of Maghrib would catch them in the midst of their gathering.

The Lady Maryam smiled, obviously proud of her daughter. Contrary to what people would expect, she didn't really tutor her daughter Seerah to that level.

Maryam had read the Seerah many a time, and from different books. It seemed she enjoyed every moment of the life of the Prophet. Whilst other girls would be busy reading novels, Maryam's face was almost always engrossed in Seerah books, and whatever of Islamic history she could find. Learning about the Prophet and the previous predecessors had actually shaped who she was now.

Maybe the boys really would lose.

Hajj Ya'qûb smiled, pride feeling his chest at how his young kids were competing against themselves and proving their knowledge and love for the Dîn. If there was anything he was proud of, it was to have fathered these children.

Maryam though, seemed unaware of her surroundings. Much like Arkaan, it was like she was cast into that time of the Prophet.. On the mountain Safa...

The Holy Prophet called to the people, not only his tribesmen this time, but to all of Quraish. They came. Even those who couldn't, sent people so they could report back to them. Within the gathering was Abu Lahab.

The Prophet then spoke,'O people! Will you believe me if I tell you that your enemies intend to ambush you at dawn or at night?'

They all answered,'We have not heard a lie from you throughout your life'.

The Holy Prophet said,'O people of the Quraysh! I warn you to fear God's punishment. Save yourself from the fire. My position is the same as that of the sentry who sees the enemy from afar and warns his people of the danger of their enemies. Does such a person ever lie to his people?'

Abu Lahab, who feared lest the Prophet's words should impress the people, broke the silence and addressing him said,'Give our oath to you? Perish you all the day! Have you gathered us here to tell us such words?'

"The interruption by Abu Lahab was so rude and insolent. The people dispersed after this. But Allah revealed the verses of the Surah of Al Masad to severely reprove Abu Lahab for his insolence and outright rejection of the truth." Maryam's voice rang crystal-like through the air,

'In the Name of' God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Perdition overtake both hands of Abu Lahab and he will perish. His wealth and what he earns will not avail him. He shall soon burn in fire that flames, and his wife, the bearer of fuel, upon her neck a halter of strongly twisted rope'

"His wife was mentioned for the harm she used to plan against the Prophet by putting thorns and other vile materials on his path, and..."

"That - we'll save for another day", Ismaîl cut in, looking at Maryam apologetically. He signalled to the sky, and Maryam noticed the darkness creeping across the eastern sky. Even though she wanted to speak more, she understood it was over.

"The girls have a full point for their answer!"

This was followed by loud cheering from the girls, even Maryam and Aasiyah were happy. Aasiyah hugged her elder sister in the joy of the moment.

"The boys, your question.."

Zak tensed up.

Arkaan looked at him, shocked. Was it that Zak was nervous on this, that should be quite an ease for him right? Or was it that, he felt Maryam was a formidable opponent in this round.

"This question, as promised, relates to the Prophet's life after the hijrah." He continued,"Mention the three men, sincere Muslim men, who did not participate in the Tâbuk expedition without any valid reason, were boycotted for fifty days, and the verses surrounding them, and the expedition."

"Please be brief but detailed in your talk, as there's little time left to Maghrib prayer time, but as you know also, your full mark depends on details."

Zak stared at Maryam who had inhaled deeply for a second, and frowned. It seemed she wanted to answer this question too herself. He glared at her. Feeling Zak's gaze on her, she glared back. Arkaan watched, imagining red sparks and lasers flying in an epic confrontation between their gazes. It had become some sort of siblings feud!

"The three believers were Ka'b bin Malik, Hilal bin Umaiyah, and .." Arkaan noticed the slight hesitation in Zak's voice," Safwaan ibn Al-Mu'attil..."

Arkaan once again, noticed the silent smirk on Maryam's face. From there he knew something was wrong, even Ismaîl seemed to have his smile slightly dropped from there but didn't say anything.

When Zak was mentioning the names, he clearly felt this was something he knew offhead. This story was even mentioned in the ahadith books, As-Sahihayn.

Yet, when he had been to mention the last name, he faltered at that crucial moment. It wasn't that his memory failed him. It was that, for some unknown reason, he had just blanked.

Remembering Maryam's earlier confident attitude, he couldn't accept that he was lagging or could lag behind her, so he said the first name that came to mind.

Even as he continued speaking, describing clear details, and elucidating on verses pertaining to the event, he knew he had screwed up in the naming aspect. He thought that if he continued, maybe somewhere along the line, he'd remember and make the corrections. That was what Ismaîl also thought as he let Zak continue. Maryam also expected no less from her brother. Though they were opponents in this quiz, she really didn't believe Zak would make such a blunder..

Hayaa though, almost smirked. She remained the neutrality on her face though. For Fatima, though she hadn't read much of the Prophet's life, she could see the reactions to note something was wrong with her brother's earlier answer. The others hadn't picked up on the clues, and didn't realize since they weren't also that into Seerah. Even though they knew most basics.

A distance away, the elder generation realized the subtle changes, waiting for Lady Maryam to comment.

"The last answer he gave was wrong." Lady Maryam said bluntly, delivering the bombshell.

"Safwaan ibn Al-Mu'attil though, was a companion.." She paused,"..With a quite interesting role in a part of the Seerah."

Even though, their curiosity was now peaked on the Lady Maryam's statement just now, she kept quiet.

Part of the perks on having knowledge about subjects of interest, everyone is always waiting on you to speak, and your opinions.

Yet, she had given them a much of ascertaining, that Zak was wrong.

The rest of Zak's explanation went like a silent show. Surprisingly, all his words were on point and even though a bit brief than Maryam's earlier performance, it didn't lack in clarity, and coherence.

At the end though, it was his first blunder that destroyed everything.

As he finished, he looked at Ismaîl expectantly. Ismaîl sighed.

He looked at Maryam. The girl seemed eager to point out the mistake.

"Maryam, do you have anything to say..." He sighed again, and the boys knew at once that they had lost.

Zak had earlier lost his calm. Had he not rushed in answering when he had blanked out, and had rather waited to recollect, he might have made it. But somewhere along the line, his ego had kicked in. Coupled to his tension for fear of losing, his thoughts got jammed and he couldn't remember what was needed to be remembered at the time.

"The third believer was Murarah bin Rabi' ", Maryam completed for Zak, looking at him, with a bit of disappointment. She could make a bit of a guess why Zak had made that mistake.

"Safwaan ibn Al-Mu'attil As-Sullamee though, was mentioned in the story of the 'Ifk, The Slander against Ummul Mu'minîn, Sayyida 'Aisha, radhiyallahu anha." Maryam began.

"The verses of the Qur'an, in relation to this, can be found in the Chapter of The Light, the Surah An-Nûr.." She looked back at Zak, as if to continue in a pun, though the events of the Tâbuk are of a surety mentioned in Surah At Tawbah. They're yet still, many miles apart. So the two names cannot be reconciled; Safwaan, and the three who were forgiven...

"Here we go again~" Zak almost scoffed, but maintained a stony expression on his face. He couldn't say it didn't really pain him, - at least his ego was hurt.

"It was the expedition of Banu Mustaliq..." Maryam began in a storytelling voice, and immediately, Ismaîl regretted his asking her.

By the time Maryam finished her narrative, they could literally hear all the adhaans calling out in the South district and beyond.

"I think you should consider becoming a storyteller ~ Ye-oww" Harûn winced when Fatima pinched him in the arm.

Maryam laughed,"The day you start washing your own things, instead of waiting on others to do so, I just might consider it..No, wait - you already have a good sweeping to do. What do you say, increasing the time period?" She raised an eyebrow. Harûn frowned in her direction, rubbing his sore arms. How did this girl know how to pinch so well, leaving a lasting impression.

"Okay, so without much needed say, the girls are the winners for this quiz!"

"Yehooo!" Fatima whisper-shouted in glee. Suddenly turning embarrassed at Arkaan's surprised glance at her.

She held Maryam and Hayaa tightly in her joy, giving fives to the little girls Aasiyah and Khadijah. Turning to Tasnîma, she said,"I told you the girls would win."

"Fatima is always so hyper. I can't believe she's behaving that way in a non-mahram's presence." Lady Maryam said this, facepalming whilst shaking her head, a gentle smile on her face.

"Looks like it's not only one person in need of attending the Veiled Sisters' Halaqah."

"Maybe she'll need some of your hijab regulations advice too.." Hajj Ya'qûb continued, laughter in his eyes.

"And a niqâb as well, to veil herself, perhaps some bit of modesty would do the trick." Lady Zulaykha added as the group made their way across the corridors, shadows in their wake as lamps flared into life.

"I think she's okay just the way she is." Bibi Fatima said.

"I can see who she takes after."

The group of youngsters though, were engrossed in excitement, and lamentation as well on different sides, to notice the leaving of the elders even as they first came.

"It's time for Maghrib, guys. Let's go pray." Musa said in a dejected sort-of-way. As the boys all left, clumped together, the girls made their way to the East wing of the Al-Maghribi mansion.

That's it, the boys are sweeping East wing for the next one week! Fatima smirked.

"Heyyy, what did I miss!" Abdullah said, as he suddenly appeared in the courtyard, seeing the progression as they made their way to the masjid.

"Where did you go..." Zak's voice faded as he had his arm around his little brother, pulling him towards the masjid.

"You wouldn't believe it!" Abdullah's voice was excited.

Perhaps too excited for Zak's taste. He had a sense of premonition.


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