Crescent 3: "Recite"(2)

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"Just as we hate to destroy Ka'bah, we should similarly hate to break people's hearts and hurt their souls."

- Anonymous


Just then, someone else entered into the masjid,“I see you're awake.”

“Eldest brother Zakariyya!”Khadijah called out, as they all rushed to hug a youth of similar age to Arkaan. He had bright blue eyes and dark blond hair, looking just as foreign as Arkaan.

Coupled with his fine masculine build, he possessed a perpetual charming smile on his face that would have made even the most extraordinarily beautiful girls jealous of him, amongst the many others that'd fall for him.

Arkaan noticed some queer similarities between the boy and Khadijah, they resembled each other than they'd the rest of the kids; she also possessed the same dark blue irises. Oh, yeah, genetics. They're probably from the same mother. Arkaan surmised, putting together what he had learnt of their polygamous home and what was apparent from their features.

The kids excitedly went on to rattle everything that happened with Arkaan to Zakariyya.

They made acquaintance with each other—most of which was due to Zak's amiable nature. He told Arkaan to call him by that – Zak. Apparently everyone else did, but for some of his siblings.

All in all, Arkaan's first impression of him was that Zak was the friendly type of guy, with an agreeable disposition. The sort who'd think good of almost everyone, with no sign of suspicion in his eyes – Naivety, Arkaan called it. They make friends with anyone at the drop of a hat.

Arkaan didn't like that nature one bit because, ..he couldn't put up guard with those people, and some ended up being contrary to what they showed on the surface. He had met such a one before. A girl with doleful eyes.

Wait, what was he worrying about..? He had just met this guy. Arkaan mentally chided himself.

The past was in the past.

He smiled back at Zak, who was still talking, oblivious to his internal assessment of him.

They had helped him. He shouldn't be so unwelcoming of them. He sighed.

Zak had come to call the adhaan. Others trooped in right after, making Arkaan feel slightly nervous with the so many people and new faces, though he tried hard not to show it.

Upon the behest of the Maghribi kids who had met Arkaan earlier, the family coaxed Arkaan into leading the last Salah of the day.

Arkaan felt terribly plotted against by the kids, who smiled cheerily at him.

Abdullah in particular, gave him an encouraging look, sighing in his heart at how much of a good scholar he was.

Arkaan led the Isha prayer, using the Suwar An-Naba' and Ash-Sharh in the first and second raka'at respectively; parts of his Hifdh of Juz' Amma which he still remembered.

The family members and attendants of the mansion and estate sighed in their hearts, when they heard his recitation. It wasn't everyday you'd see youth like this who studied the Qur'an. To them, it was obvious Arkaan had done Hifdhul Qur'an to some level, at least.

It took dedication and conscious effort to tread that path.

Thus, anyone who did Hifdh was prized wherever they went in the Muslim world, or at least, the most of it. People would treat such a person differently, as he became something like a 'Guardian of the Holy Scripture'.

But the path of the Huffadh (Memorizers – those who preserve the Holy Scripture) wasn't an easy one. Not everyone had what it takes to traverse the path, and then again – give the memorised Book its rights...

It required cultivation not only by the mind, but, the heart too.

Abdullah would have interrupted Arkaan's recitation in Salah several times during his recital.

Yet, when he noticed his elder brother Zakariyya, silently listening to the recitation, he kept quiet.

If there was anybody in the family whom Abdullah felt was far more learned, than himself of course, in Qur'an and ahadith, and admired him – it was Zak!

Zak was the closest thing to a young scholar. For he had not only secured the knowledge of Qur'an in his heart, but the ahadith too! He was basically a Qaari, Hafidh, and a Muhhadith (Memorizer of ahadith)! Even among the five legendary Quraa of South district's Circle, Zak's level of knowledge was rare. Most people saw him as simple, but he was as clever and brainy as could be.

Having received ijaazah and tazkir (tokens of recommendation) already from his Ustadh at the Circle, he was fit to teach others what he had learnt of Qur'an, though he wished to further his education first.

By age eight when he had started Hifdhul Qur'an, Zak was already a prodigy of ahadith, having studied and memorized from his earlier years the ahadith of An-Nawawi's Al-Arba'in, Imam Mālik's muwatta, Imam Ahmad's musnad, and of the Kitāb Sitta.

By the time he had started Hifdhul Qur'an, Zak's mind was already a treasure trove of prophetic ahadith!

When he learnt that there were seven different Qira'at(styles) of recitation during his Qur'an circle, he set himself upon the task of learning all seven, one after the other!

Thus he had already received the ijaazah as one of five Quraa of the South district's halaqah of Qur'an when he came ten years of age. These five, though from Tâ Hâ - one of the backwater cities in the country, reached a level where the entire Nation and beyond, couldn't help but discuss their matter. Their recitation was something different from the norm and as such, seldom occurred in the world as a whole!

During this time, Zak had also started learning the Isnaad, chain of narration of the various ahadith he'd already hoarded. He was indeed a glutton of knowledge!

Even as Abdullah thought of this, he suddenly remembered someone else in the family who displayed a similar thirst for learning.. He shivered.

He really could not contend with those two...


The Maghribi family was indeed a grand and well-to-do noble family. Just from the various scenery in the entire estate, Arkaan could well tell that.

It was night time, and from just the lights and lamps glowing all around the several ornamented apartments, Arkaan's thoughts were flowing on the extent to which it spread. At the very least, this mansion must span acres!

He could make out a date palm orchard just outside as they walked on the verandah, towards the dining hall. It seemed to encompass the whole mansion, and spread out in all directions.

Lampposts with arabesque designs were lit all around, giving a whole ethereal feeling.

Arkaan spotted a large lake within a group of sparsely spread date palm trees. The soft lights of blue, green, yellow, and several multicoloured lamps shone on thriving moonflowers, evening primroses, night scented orchids, and many more he couldn't make out, except in the lamp light.
The flowers surrounded the lake.

As they moved on, Abdullah took the initiative to recount the various parts of the mansion.

Even as he spoke, Arkaan could smell the fragrance of various perfumes; the Arabian oud, natural Indian attar, essences of rose oils and others. Arkaan had a deep knowledge of all these, due to the last eight years he had spent with his aristocratic and erudite grandfather.

“The mansion is in hexagonal form; a northern and southern section, each comprising two annexed buildings and then, the east and west wings..

In the midst of the entire hexagon is the middle court.

Everything you see out there from the verandah is the middle court.”Abdullah pointed out to the orchard, and the lake surrounded by the flowers. This was what Arkaan had originally thought spread out far, out into the estate lands. But this was only their courtyard!

Even though his own grandfather was rich; compared to this, they had lived quite simply!

Pleased to see the shock and dumbfounded expression on Arkaan's face, Abdullah smiled to himself. Moving on with much pomposity and sighing in his heart, he continued,“We're now in the northern section, from which the main entrance to the entire building is located, and includes the masjid, guest houses, and so much more.”

Abdullah sighed. His face carried a bored expression to it, but actually, he was beaming to have Arkaan all to himself to talk to. Zak had to go on ahead to make the arrangements for the dinner, and prepare the family to receive Arkaan. Consequently, he had given Abdullah the go-ahead to give a brief tour of the mansion; so Arkaan would not get lost, or wander into restricted areas.

Even if Zak had not mentioned it, Abdullah would have still taken him on the tour, as long as that'd find him something to talk to his new friend about. He liked Arkaan right from the start, since Arkaan gave him attention.

“That's the moonlake over there, and the east wing pavilion at ten o'clock.”Abdullah said, pointing to the lake, and then to a finely lit pavilion which Arkaan had just noticed. It was the most beautiful structure he had ever seen from birth. It looked like the most brilliant stars were dazzling in the form of luminous stones, in and around.

“That place is restricted for you at night.”Abdullah said, sounding serious whilst muttering to himself about the overbearing 'piety' of an elder sister.“Apart from there, the east wing, and the farther southeast apartments, you can go anywhere else in this mansion, unrestricted...”

Like this, Abdullah went on to explain many things. Wanting to clear Arkaan's suspicion and curiosity, he continued,“The ladies of the house utilize those several places. So please just bear with us. If it were left to me, you'd stay forever but...”

Arkaan could only imagine what sort of torment he would have undergone if that happened. He gave a wry smile. He really did not want to put up with Abdullah for that long, obviously.

But – 'just bear with us'?! He sighed; Abdullah was being too modest.
The family was kind to him, and he himself knew he couldn't stay for too long. As a guest, it'd be improper.

He was considering renting a room in the Central city. After all, he wasn't a stranger here, and wasn't short of funds, after having just left his maternal family home and a moneybags grandfather. He smirked internally. It was a long journey from the 'West' as the people here called it, but it was worth it.

He was originally born here in Tâ Hâ, to a native Muslim father and a foreign mother. His mum was from a very rich and noble family – the aristocrats, and a revert to Al Islam; his father was struggling to make it in life, but hardworking. He used to go on voyages to different places to seek Allah's provision on the Earth.

By following his immigrant father to Qalb-ul-Ard from her rich family home, his mother had forfeited everything she possessed as an only child of a noble house, coming to live a life of struggle and poverty with his father. It was that case of 'sacrifice for love' people spoke about. But Arkaan hadn't understood the whole point of that even though, he was grateful for being born as a result.

In time, his father left on a journey to change their fortune, to somewhere he nor his mother never knew.
He never returned.

There was no news from him. No sign on the earth as to his plight, whether he was alive or dead. So that they could either search for him, or move on...

His grief-stricken mother seemed to have given up on life. This left him no choice but to leave his childhood behind, and become like an adult even at his young age. He wasn't even ten by then!

He spent his childhood catering for both he and his mother, trying to encourage them both to keep on living. Those were the hardest times of his life. He kept on talking to his absentminded mother, that they had to keep on living for when his father would return.

In reality he was only just encouraging himself to get by every single day... For she never once had responded, to show she had actually heard him.

Eight years back, he was kidnapped and sent to the West. He had thought it was some child trafficking culprits. So you can imagine his shock when he had found out that his own maternal grandfather had sent those who perpetrated the act, to bring him to his maternal home. He had taken quite some time to digest that.

He soon learnt of how his grandfather had secretly been keeping tabs on his runaway daughter, her life and her new family. It didn't take Arkaan a genius' brain to see the old man had a soft interior although he presented people with his rough outer personality.

However, Arkaan never heard from his mother again after that.

He always questioned the old man about her. But he would remain silent, with a stern expression on his face. Arkaan knew deep within, the man was in sorrow. He never got to know why his mother had left. His mother never told, nor would his grandfather. He knew, because he had asked.

One other thing was certain; Arkaan's grandfather would never let him return to his mother. So in the end, he had escaped.

Perhaps, just like his mother had done before...

Now, he was back and things were going to change!



1. Aasiyah - The name of the wife of Fir'awn(Pharaoh) at the time of Musa(Moses), peace be upon him. She was a believer, and Allah set her as an example for all believers, thus;

And Allah presents an example of those who believed: the wife of Pharaoh, when she said, "My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds and save me from the wrongdoing people."

2. Khadijah - The name of the Prophet Muhammad's first wife, upon him be peace, and upon her be Allah's pleasure. She was the first Muslimah believer, and was loved, cherished and honoured by the Prophet. She sacrificed a lot for the Dîn of Islam, and attained the title as one of the four best women.

3. Isa - The name of the Prophet of Allah, Isa ibnul Maryam. He was one of the five Prophets of Strong will.

4. Isha - Last prayer among the five daily prayers. It's time begins from twilight to midnight.

5. Naba' - lit. The Great News. The 78th Chapter of the Holy Qur'an.

6. Ash-Sharh - lit. The Opening Forth. 94th Chapter of the Holy Qur'an.

7. Raka'at - A unit of prayer; consists roughly of a standing, a bowing, and a sitting between two prostrations.

8. Juz' Amma - 30th part of the Holy Qur'an, made up of the 78th Chapter to Chapter 114. Juz' means "Part". The Holy Qur'an is divided into 30 parts. Amma is another name for Naba', the Chapter.

9. Allahu Akbar - lit. Allah is the Greatest. Said as a magnification of Allah.

10. Ijaazah and Tazkir - Certificate and written statements of qualification for a qualified Reciter of the Qur'an, Qaari.

11. An-Nawawi - A very famous scholar in Islamic history. He wrote a book called 'The Forty Ahadith' (Al-Arba'in An-Nawawiyah), which is still famous till date, and being used in Islamic schools(Madaaris), and learning.

12. Imam Mālik - One of the four Imams of the recognized schools of thought.

13. Imam Ahmad - One of the four Imams of the recognized schools of thought.

14. Kitāb sitta - lit. Six Books. Referring to the six most authentic books on ahadith. They are sometimes referred to as Al-Sihah al-Sittah, which translates as "The Authentic Six", viz;
١.Sahih Bukhari
٢.Sahih Muslim
٣.Abu Dawood
٦.Ibn Majah

16. Qira'at - Styles of recitation. Some have it as ten. This is different from the seven ahrūf of revelation.

17. Isnaad - Chain of Narrators. Scholars of the past used to study the chain of narrators. In this way, they could trace a hadith right up to the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him. This was done so all narrators up the chain could be known and verified, to prevent fake ahadith from entering into the stream. Thus, this led to the grading of ahadith; fabricated, weak, good, strong, etc.


Qaari – Reciter of the Qur'an, with all its rules of recitation. Plural is Quraa.

Hafidh – Protector/Memorizer of the Qur'an (Someone who has memorized the entire Qur'an. He strives to put what he learnt into practice). Plural is Huffadh.

Muhaddith – A memorizer of the ahadith (Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wasSallam). Plural is Muhaddithûn.

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