Crescent 9: The Verdant Lady...(2)

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Meanwhile, even after the asr prayer time had set in, a young girl of seventeen years old, with a younger sister aged ten, entered into a herbs and spices shop of an aged Chinese woman, who gave them permission to pray their late afternoon prayer within.

This was the infamous 'Chinese market' of the South district, and it was the smallest of the three main regions of the South district, bordered by the southern 'honey fields'( different from the one on Mt. Shirah), and the Mt. Shirah land regions to the west and north respectively. To Southeast of it was the land region containing the Al Maghribi estate, and part of the East district at the very northeastern part of the Isle's strip of land.
These divisions were mostly due to the South district being largely a delta region of the infamous river Kawthar and its tributaries, which flowed from the East district's Grand Mountain Waterfall.

The seventeen year old Maryam was dressed in a violet embroidered jilbâb with a dark chador wrapped around her. Her beauty was cloaked most delicately and modestly, and yet her aura radiated a beauty and demureness unmatched, even amazing the old Chinese lady who watched her, and her younger sister in the dark abaya pray. It was so captivating as they sat in prayer; the fairness of her beautiful radiance against the dark veils exuded a divine nearness, as so was her younger sister.
Almost everyone knew of the Al Maghribi family's beautiful daughters who did not lack in modesty or astuteness. One other feature they all possessed was their love for knowledge, particularly on Islam. And yet, within their family, Maryam outshone them all, her beauty rivalling that of her own mother, rumored to be a woman of unmatched beauty in all of Tâ Hâ and beyond; her name was also Maryam, of Indian descent, her child named after her.
As the two girls gave their salam, and finished their tasbih and dua, they got up, folding their simple carpet mats simultaneously and putting it in their large wicker baskets filled with all sorts of foodstuffs.

"Thank you for your kind hospitality, Madam Chu"، Maryam said, smiling courteously with hands clasped humbly in a slight bow to the old Chinese lady.

" Aiya!, how many times do I have to remind you that there's no need for such decorum in front of me, my Liánhua"، the old lady, Madam Chu voiced, as if disturbed at Maryam's formal behaviour " We're long since acquainted with each other, right."

Maryam smiled amiably. Madam Chu was an old widow who lived alone, selling herbs and spices; sometimes when Maryam was free, she'd come here to aid her. Madam Chu felt grateful, and loved her humility and respectful behaviour. So, Madam Chu gave her a name: Liánhua, meaning Lotus flower. When Maryam asked her why; she said " Like that which rises from the dirty and murky waters of this world, and yet untainted by its multifariousness, to bloom into a beautiful and pure flower. A representation of enlightenment.
"Indeed, the Heavens have not gone blind! To grace a girl like you who possesses perfection and purity of both heart and mind, with such exquisite beauty... Maybe you were someone that the Heavens owed a lot in one past life and decided to compensate you in this one! Aigoo, this old lady is aging too fast, I wish I'd see the day you'ld marry. Your husband is going to be a real lucky man! If only the Heavens blessed me with a son, no matter the price, I'd pay for him to marry you!"

"Madam Chu~"، Maryam would begin in the form of complaint. She'd try to persuade Madam Chu from her excessive praise, especially in front of people; even then, internally she'd make the dua taught in the narrations"Allaahumma laa tu'aakhithnee bimaa yaqooloona, waghfir lee maa laa ya'lamoona waj'alnee khayram-mimmaa yadhunnoon(O Allah, do not call me to account for what they say and forgive me for what they have no knowledge of and make me better than they imagine.)"

Yet the old lady would give a cold snort,"Aiya! Should you be so ashamed of what's really true. Don't coil up in a shell because of the envy of the world around you. Don't you always tell me about the benevolence of Shàngdì. You always tell me about His sole sovereignty over the Heavens and Earth, and how He protects all living creatures, and sends His envoys as guides to all creatures under Heaven. If He can protect me as you say, He'd surely protect you more~." Then she'd smile, her wrinkled old face radiating warmth.

Maryam would then be at loss for words. Madam Chu really didn't understand the thing about the account on the day of resurrection, the thing about Ikhlâs(sincerity), and humility in front of the Creator. She looked at it from a whole different point of view, and saw it as if Maryam were afraid of the people; though, it was the fear of losing her ikhlâs, and the accounting before Allah. After all, the old lady did not believe in the hereafter.
Maryam sighed. Even as the old lady said, whenever Maryam came to her place, she would not hesitate in the conveyance of the faith of Al Islam. And though, the old lady would occasionally mention reincarnation and past lives, she had also come to understand and accept some of what Maryam said, even though her culture was indelibly etched in her, and she was conservative.

Like the old lady once said "I find many of your teachings, especially on morality and social conduct very related to our Chinese customs. It's like they're cousins of same ancestry."

Maryam would often smile at her when she said such words whilst knitting, as she aided in selling the old Lady's stuff with Aasiyah. At least, some of her words were getting through. Maryam really cared about the old lady and wished her guidance to Al Islam, so she'd be saved in both worlds, yet she never pushed her; instead, she took things slowly and steadily...

This time, Maryam had only come to purchase foodstuffs and return quickly, as their father was present, and also - the guest. Their father wanted to make up for his absence the previous day, and cheer a big feast in show of hospitality. Even now, all the attendants of the house, supervised by the ladies of the house who were available, were at work. Even the boys who arrived after asr, were moving about on various chores. It went a long way to show the generosity of the Al Maghribi family especially to their guests. Maryam's only joy was that, her father was around. She loved her father very much, and even among all of Hajj Ya'qûb's children, all knew Maryam was his favorite daughter of his youngest wife, due to her general loveable conduct and decorum. The Sheikh and Hajji couldn't ask for a more filial daughter.

"Okay then, we'll be leaving now, Madam Chu"، Maryam said in a friendly and respectful tone.

"Safe trip back home, you too little Aasi" Madam Chu bade farewell.

"Okay!" Aasiyah nodded. In front of this old lady, she mostly would just listen to the convo between her elder sister and her in intrigue, as she studied the ways of doing da'wah through Maryam.

Even as they were leaving, a young Chinese girl in pigtails came to purchase some spices. She saw Maryam's exquisite beauty and fair complexion and she gasped, her lollipop almost fell down from her mouth. Maryam noticed. Smiling, she used a part of her chador to veil her face with the exception of her eyes, and continued on her way.

Usually, when they came to the market places like this, she'd temporarily cover her face outdoors, except when she was in shops of fellow ladies or had returned home. The worst reaction would usually come from males.

"Hey, is that your sister..."، the young Chinese girl beamed at Aasiyah who had also just come out, trailing after Maryam.
" Uhumm~"، Aasiyah nodded proudly.

"She's so beautiful, like a fairy"، the Chinese girl said admirably, lollipop bulging in cheek" Say, can we change places! I'll be her sister in place of you--- just for a while, okay..."

Aasiyah opened her eyes in wild shock, then gave a cold harrumph as she hurried on her way, following her elder sister and not bothering to mind the little girl again.
Though Maryam's beauty could seem to freeze any gaze that chanced upon her, females included; no one ever dared to even flirt with her. Upon knowing her identity as Hajj Ya'qûb's daughter, who would dare? Even the name Al Maghribi family was enough, not to talk of the position in the city council. Even all the four tribes would have their youths lower their gazes when they're in that situation of seeing her. For though, her father was a calm man, when it came to protecting his family...his fiery temper at such rare occasions was such that, no one would dare to cause any provocation. If anything, when she came of age, the marriage proposals were going to be unending, even from beyond Tâ Hâ.

"Elder sister, aren't you afraid you'd be unable to choose a suitor when the time comes for marriage"، Aasiyah said nonchalantly as she followed Maryam," even females are stunned from seeing you!"

Maryam gently laughed, her voice as calm as the dusk breeze."Sheikha~ .Eh!" Maryam suddenly stopped in surprise." Isn't that Lady Principal? "، she said in a revered tone.

Aasiyah followed her elder sister's line of sight to an elegantly dressed lady on a chartreuse burqa that shone golden-green in the light of the radiant late afternoon sun.

Aasiyah had personally never seen the Lady Principal, but even she, in middle school knew of the renowned verdant Lady. 'The verdant Lady' as she was informally called in all of Tâ Hâ due to her signature burqa in variations of shades of green; she was the role model of almost every girl growing on the Isle of Madinat-ul-Asghar!

Not many people knew her past, except - she was from the West, and arrived on this island many years ago with her husband, when she was in her twenties. At that time, Tâ Hâ had no high schools, and children had to travel to the mainland to further their education after middle school.

From her own financial resources, she built the first high school on the island: Iqra complex, which combined all required secular education with eastern culture, and the Dîn Al Islam. It became a thriving school whose students succeeded everywhere they went, whether east or west!

She later went absent for a while during which time, according to rumours, she lost her husband. It was around the time, 'Inâbah' of the South district was formed that she returned to her post as the school's foundress and proprietress, and consequently led the school to one success after another. Apart from this, no one except a few knew much about her. Also, all the four tribes and clans like the Maghribi respected her, and her views were sometimes sought after by the city council. All-in-all, she was one of the top powerful figures in all of Tâ Hâ, and her name was known even beyond.

Not long after the establishment of Iqra complex; United Ummah, a powerful organization establishing schools all around the country formed their 'United Ummah Institute', a high school branch of their association. The four tribes native to Tâ Hâ seemed to not want to be outdone by the others especially 'outsiders' and thus established their own 'Al Ahad Foundation', the third high school of Tâ Hâ.
With their locations being East, North and West districts respectively. In the end, Iqra complex ended up with the highest population from both East and South district students who wanted a high school of a close location. Also, those who wished for a more secular, and also disciplined and effective form of education attended there. Al Ahad Foundation was populated 80% by children from the four tribes for deductible reasons. Finally, United Ummah Institute had the students from North district, and those who wanted a more Islamic experience.

The three high schools were mixed, and yet had their schools in perfect segregation; a males-only and females-only dual branch, all in meticulous alignment with the principles of Al Islam. As such, Ukashah, Zak, Maryam, and many others in South district attended Iqra complex. Urwah and Abdul Bâqi had left right after middle school graduation. Musa and Harun were final year students of the same school, and were due for their final examinations that very year.

"Is it true that she's a revert to Islam?..."، Aasiyah whispered discreetly to Maryam, as if trying not to let the Lady Principal hear.

" Come! Let's go greet!" Maryam said, pulling Aasiyah's free hand excitedly as they approached the Lady in the chartreuse burqa.

The Lady was deeply engaged in her transaction with a shop tender of fruits and vegetables, when Maryam and Aasiyah approached her, the statuesque proprietress of Iqra complex.

"Salamu alaykum Wa rahmatullah Wa barakatuhu!" Maryam greeted in extreme courtesy, a gentle smile on her face radiating her youthful beauty.

The verdant Lady turned back to face Maryam and her younger sister. Upon realizing who it was, she responded the full greeting in pleasant surprise, "Well, if it's not Councilman Ya'qûb's beautiful daughters: Maryam and Little Aasiyah. How're you two doing?!... and your mother, Lady Maryam it's been long since we last met!"

A pair of green eyes tinged golden could be seen through the yellowish green net that covered even her eyes. Only from them, one could tell she was an extraordinary beauty! Maryam smiled demurely as she responded, "We're doing quite well, Alhamdulillah. Mother too, I'll extend your greetings to her, in shaa Allah!"

Maryam knew quite well the close relationship between her mother and the Lady Principal, almost as if they were sisters. Lady Principal was very close to all the Maghribi family mothers; Lady Zulaykha, Lady Aisha, and Lady Maryam. This was due to their regular weekly Taalim meetings, a kind of halaqah. Yet she was closer to Lady Maryam than all of them...due to a time when Lady Maryam aided her with sincere and devoted kindness. As such, even Maryam who was a student of her school had become like her 'legacy apprentice', and they were no less informal and close!

"Right, it's been long since I visited the Taalim Center..."، the Lady Principal said in abstract. Then, gently shaking her cloaked head, she added" In shaa Allah, tomorrow I'll go!" Maryam smiled admirably. Sundays were the days of Taalim meetings every weekend; the resolve in her voice couldn't be more clear.

The Lady Principal quickly finished her transaction. Carrying her large wicker basket which she refused Maryam to carry for her when she offered, they walked together for sometime. They walked against the golden-orange sunset, talking about many matters, on Islam and also, the curriculum and upcoming events in the following month after the reopening of Iqra complex for another semester.

Aasiyah curiously watched the two ladies, listening to their conversation. The more she saw how Maryam courteously and diplomatically carry herself with the Lady Principal such that you'd think she herself was a grown woman, the more her adoration of her elder sister increased. Of course, this was why the Lady Principal took her as a confidant.

Even as they reached the point of their parting ways, the verdant Lady looked at Maryam through her green net. Maryam could see a beautiful pair of emerald eyes with a golden tinge due to the sun's ruddy rays. She had a sense of déjà vu at that moment. 'Where have I seen these eyes from someone else before?' Maryam thought.

"You're seventeen this year, right?..." The verdant Lady asked. Maryam could not see the expression on her face, but from the sudden fatigue and a hint of sorrow from her tone; she could feel the Lady Principal's sad state. One of the things about the verdant Lady most people didn't know, even her own mother, but Maryam knew was - the Lady Principal had lost her child at a young age, not only her husband.

"Yes, Lady Principal..."،Maryam said in a low tone as she felt empathetic to the Lady,"I turned seventeen a couple of months ago, earlier in the year...He'd also be seventeen soon, around next month I'd presume..."

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