Chapter 1

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The sunlight came through the attic's windows, my eyes fluttered open unwillingly and I groaned, taking my phone from the nightstand to check the time, 6:23am, I groaned again, knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, I remembered that I hadn't unpacked yet so I got up and put my suitcase on the bed, I started getting everything out of it and put it all where it belonged, when I was done, I heard someone downstairs, I checked my phone again, 7:49am, who woke upthat early on a saturday? I decided to go and see who it was, that way I'd have someone to talk to or something and wouldn't be that bored, I opened the trapdoor and climbed down the ladder, and walked towards the stairs "what are you doing up, kid? Shouldn't you be in bed cuddling a teddy bear?" Han teased as I got downstairs, I glared at him, why was he such an idiot? "Don't look so pissed, you're the one who's new"

"Trust me, if I had to stay here for you, I'd leave" I shot

"Well, then, why don't you just move back to Nevada?" He sassed, I rolled my eyes at him, if only he knew

"Trust me, I would if I could" he turned his back on me and left, without a word, what was wrong with him? He was so... ugh I don't even know

"Hey Skywalker!" Sandra greeted as she got to my room "sorry for coming in like this, Han is a jerk, remember that, don't let him get to you" I smiled and nodded, she walked to my bed and sat next tome "so, my mother told me that you have a sister, tell me about her" I chuckled, what could I say?

"Yeah, well, her name's Leia she's my twin and knows more about me than no one else does" she smiled.

Han stayed in his room for the whole week, and I was glad, after what had happened that morning I really didn't want to see him, I wasn't on agreat mood so I tried to stay in my room as much time as I could.

I grabbed my phone and opened twitter, I got 25 new followers since I left Nevada, I thought for a few seconds of something to tweet and then it came to mind

"@farmboyluke: First night in Pennsylvania... could've gone better" I scrolled through my time line and saw a tweet from my friend Biggs

"@Biggsthepilot: @farmboyluke what's wrong? Miss me and @skywalkerprincess?" I rolled my eyes and chuckled, as I was about to reply I heard Stana and Han arguing downstairs, so he finally got out of his room?

At about 2am my phone started ringing, I checked and saw it was Leia, I smiled and picked up, knowing they were about to get on the plane to visit, I answered happily "Hey L-" but that happiness left as I heard her crying "what's wrong?" I asked, I had just seen her cry a couple of times in my life, and we were kids when that happened "Leia?"

There were a few minutes of silence where all I could hear was my sister crying and my heart beating rapidly, but she finally spoke "I- I'm sorry" I couldn't understand what was happening, why was she sorry? What was going on? What happened? "Uncle Owen asked me to take Baby out and- shit I'm sorry" I started panicking, what happened to Baby? It had to be something really bad for Leia to cry "a Doberman came to us... it wasn't tied up and I tried taking Baby but he wouldn't let go" she explained, I tried holding back tears, telling myself that Baby was fine, that Leia took her to the vet and she was fine now, but I knew that she wouldn't be crying if the pup was fine "I took her to the vet but it was too late, they couldn't do anything to save her" I stayed silent for a while, trying to process what she'd just say. My puppy was dead. I couldn't believe it, how could that happen? I shouldn't have left, if I had stayed this wouldn't be happening. I wouldn't be crying in a house I didn't know across the country

I tried my best to make her feel better, even though my whole world fell on top of me "it's okay, it's not your fault" I said, she whispered an 'I'm sorry' and hung up.

I spent that night awake, crying, trying to figure out how Baby was feeling when it happened, was she happy that she was out? Did she think the Doberman just wanted to play? Did she suffer a lot? That last question was the one that kept breaking my heart more and more. After hours crying, I heard Han outside "Kid, stop being a lazy ass and go downstairs!" He called, I checked my phone, 6 missed calls and 34 texts from Sandra, I sighed, how could I have not run out of tears already? It was 11:24, it'd been nine hours, why was I still crying? I always found it pointless to cry that much over someone who's not there anymore, but I just couldn't stop, I checked the texts and sighed

From Sandra: Why are you still in bed? It's not normal that you're not up after 8

To Sandra: Can you please come? I need someone to talk to

Not even a minute later she was sitting next to me, listening to my rambling about Baby, she gave me a sad smile "I'm sorry to hear that, Luke" she hugged me and I realized how much I needed a hug at that moment, I forced myself to stop crying as he pulled back "we're going out" she said

I frowned "What? I don't want to go out, all I want to do is stay in bed and cry" I whined, she rolled her eyes and got up, walking to the wardrobe "seriously Sandra, I don't feel like going anywhere, especially when I don't know this state" she threw some blue jeans and a plaid shirt, I glared at her, trying to convince her to let me stay at home, but she wouldn't buy it, I groaned and covered myself completely with the blankets

"Don't worry, we're going to the park, it's really close, we're leaving in five minutes" after that, she was gone

I got up, trying my best to not get in the bed again, and got ready, I went downstairs and Sandra and Han were there "I thought you were dead up there, kid" Han said, his sister hit his arm and he glared at her "what the actual fuck was that for?" He said, looking slightly pissed, Sandra didn't answer, she just looked at me sympathetically "when you stop being a bitch I may try to be nice to you" he said before storming out of the kitchen and shutting his door

"How do you stand him?" I asked when she looked back at me

She smiled and responded "I don't" I smiled and she took her car keys and I followed her "let's go, do you want to visit something in particular?" She asked me, I shook my head and she grinned "to the park we go" she said starting the car and driving away

We had a great time at the park, we spent there all day, running around, talking, playing lame games and just being our inner kids, and that's what I loved about Sandra Solo, she was truly caring, I don't think anyone but her or Leia would've done that for me, I was happy to have someone in my life who truly cared about me... but at some point wehad to go back to reality and head back home. With Han.

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