Chapter 1: A place Frozen in Time

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Have you ever wondered how awesome life would be if you just froze it in time? You could do whatever the heck you wanted. You could leave school even if you were in the middle of a boring class, you could get away with stealing a cookie. The possibilities would be limitless. But... When it actually happens and then, you can't change it back? It isn't as fun as you thought. Now for me it's not exactly like that, people can still move and do things normally but there's one small detail. it never gets dark, There is no time. So we're basically stuck in one time period. And for me I'm stuck in the time 1987. It never changes, there is no 1988 or 1990. Its just 1987. Now that can be really annoying because I'll never be able to see what the future is like.

Now there is some special children that are, not normal. They have powers of their own kind, no scientist can explain this so if these children do have them they try to keep it to themselves otherwise you get taken. And if you get taken, well you get thrown out of existence which means you'll be gone and you defiantly won't be coming back.

Now I happen to be one of these children, my name is Rosa Clafordia. And well this is my home.

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