The fall

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The Angels looked at the sky. Every hierarchy, from the Seraphs to the minor classes, looked at the sky. Hands joined, they prayed incessantly and, over their heads, the haloes pulsed at the beating of their hearts, which grew faster and faster. Which God is so angry to create such a storm? they wondered, frightened and confused. Did we make a mistake? Are they punishing us? Are the Gods waging a war up there?
Locked in their homes, bouncing at each thunder, they hoped everything would end soon.
They immediately understood that it was not a simple storm, but the proof of a lack of harmony. It clearly manifested that something had broken in the heavens. Throughout the night, thunderbolts raged over the City of Angels. The children cried and the adults were confused because they had never seen such a terrible storm. Songs and supplications rose from every dwelling. Believing it the proof of the Gods’ anger, they tried to appease them with prayers and repentance.
Why do you destroy our city, oh Divines?
The tower of the temple, located in the center of the city, caught fire. Struck by a thunderbolt, it collapsed on itself and on the buildings below.
Why do you destroy the place where we worship you, oh Saints?
Suddenly, a heavy rain began and it extinguished the flames, but covered every light with its black clouds. Someone swore they saw a star fall into darkness, but no one paid them any attention. It was a flash, was the explanation.
The light of the little blue-eyed star lit the house of one of the Father Angels. But he didn't see it. He was one of those few who did not care about the weather. He ignored the storm, the wind, the thunders...
He was drinking milk and looking at her, his Mother Angel, who was laying down on a bed of cloud and sleeping happily.
How beautiful she is, he thought, I am so lucky. And she was very beautiful indeed. Her long, long golden hair framed her whole body, usually slender and delicate, but now sweetened and plumped by pregnancy. Her sky-blue dress cast a thousand sparkles around the white room, making it look like a corner of the starry sky. Some points of light marked the face and the long orange dress of her groom, in stark contrast to his gathered hair, which was very dark, almost black, with a thousand blue marks. He was sitting next to her and he gave her a kiss on her forehead, smelling her scent of flowers. Their haloes, hers light blue and his red, crossed for an instant creating violet sparks.

Sweet dreams, my love.

The two of them were the youngest couple of Parent Angels, the only creatures, in that city, allowed to generate new little angels. The two of them had not procreated yet and were a little concerned about that birth. The other three couples beat them in seniority and experience and had had many children and many satisfactions.
Seraphs, Cherubs, Archangels, Simple Angels, Messengers and many others were born from those couples. All the creatures generated by them were perfect and they expected the same from their first-born child.
The Father Angel was nervous. What if his child had something wrong? What if their child was going to be a creature not destined to that place? He was nervous, but in that moment the Mother Angel was dreaming and she felt no fear. She smiled, asleep, and dreamed the City of Gods. She saw all the Divines in a large hall, laughing and playing. She knew they were enjoying themselves. Their smiles and their words, even if she was unable to understand them, conveyed tranquility and serenity. Among them, in that dream, there was only love and harmony. Some were laughing, some were playing with a small ball, some stumbled on Kaos’s uneven stairs, some were singing, others were eating... Everyone had fun, like children. That dream relaxed her. She saw it as a good sign for her child. But then... a scream. A cry in her dream that interrupted joy and fun.
It was full of terror and hatred and... that child... a beautiful blue-eyed child on the edge of an abyss. Below it the infinite emptiness, no way out. The darkness became the predominant element of her dream, silencing all laughter and harmony, destroying the feeling of peace the Mother had felt up until that moment. Now her dream had turned into a frightening nightmare, full of shrieks, confused images, cold and empty.
No, baby, no! She thought, terrified. Do not fall! Watch out! I will save you! Hold on! I'll pick you up! I'll help you! Don't fall into that terrible darkness!

And the child fell, followed by its trail of light. She screamed in her sleep and reached out toward the little one, who was slowly falling, sucked into darkness. She managed to stop it, grabbing it and hugging it. Smiling, the light of the child became part of her. Then the Mother cried out, now wide awake: the creature she was carrying wanted to come into the world! Between the flashes and the anger of the heavens, an angel was born in the dark. A perfect angel! The tiny burgundy halo shone over the black hair, which had blue marks like the father's. But the eyes... The eyes were light blue like the Gods’!

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