Chapter 5: Initiation PT2

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~Location: Emerald Forest~

In the deep parts of Emerald Forest, there lies a huge pit with no Grimms on sight, but are to what remains is a huge ship was a massive transport and supply ship. The ship was over one thousand meters wide and housed several hangar bays, which could accommodate multiple landing craft to transport infantry to the battlefield. It stores over five million metric tons of cargo, it was primarily used for arms and resupply shipments to the organic defense armies.

It was 908.78 meters long and 910.35 meters tall, while its armored hull and barbell shape afforded a width of 1257.32 meters.

This ship is none other than the Separatist Supply Ship!

(Just imagine its in Emerald Forest)

The reason why it has been hidden and never been discovered by the people of Remnant or the Atlas Military is because the plantation and trees around the Supply Ship grew in such fast rate that it surrounds the whole vessel keeping it hidden from everyone, making it look like a hill with trees around it.

What remains in the vessel is full of 300,000 deactivated Battle Droids while hundreds of them are still active and working on the ship, many AATs that are still in good condition, and a few Separatist Shuttles.

Inside the bridge of the Supply Ship there is seen is someone sitting in the command chair, and that someone is a Nemodian who in the moment sitting on his chair of the Bridge. And he goes by the name of Thun Umda, he is one of the surviving Separatist commanders of the CIS, and has escaped the empire with only a handful of a few organics 20 Genosians, 6 Nemodian and 2 Duros.

Even though they crashed landed on Remnant with no hopes to return to space, they still have the Supply ship to act as a stronghold, thanks to the Geonsians they were able to repair any damage of the ship making it fully functional, with the help of Nemodians who upgraded the Battle Droid's software overtime to make the Battle Droids to be effective in Battle. And also they are lucky enough that there's a dust mine close to them rich with different kinds of dust, the Nemodians also experimented on the dust to see if they can turn dust into Tibiana Gas, or an alternative power source powerful than dust, fortunately they are successful.

'Hm... I wonder what happened to other Separatist Commanders...' Thun thought was he wonders if there are any surviving Separatist left, even though the CIS has been defeated he still holds hope that any Separatist Leader or Commanders are out there still alive, hoping someone would receive his message.

Another thought entered, him he wonders if it's same to reveal himself to Remnant. He's conflicted whether reveal himself or not, he thought of two scenarios. One being that Atlas will capture him and dissect him since he's an alien, the other that things will go peacefully but he's not sure.

While Thun was in deep thought, a Super Tactical Droid walks up behind him.


"Huh?" He looks to see the Super Tactical Droid behind him, "...What is the problem Crypto?"

"Sir, one of our scouts found something odd..." Crypto informs which catches his attention.

"Show me..."  Thun ordered.

Crypto nodded before showing showing him the Point of View of the Commando Droid. The recording shows students being launched in Emerald Forest for their initiation, but Thun remained unfazed and unimpressed by this since he saw them doing this for the past few years whenever a new school year start and students would be launched from the Cliff of Emerald Forest to start their initiation, but he does enjoy watching Students fighting Grimm since he finds it impressive.

While watching for a couple of seconds then another figure and scream from the recording catches his attention.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" the voice screamed, when he took a closer look it's revealed that the figure soaring in the air is a B1-Battle Droid, and it's none other than RB-224 himself!

"What!? Is that a Battle Droid?!" Thun said in surprise.

"Affirmative Sir, our Commando Droid scouts were scouting ahead, then all of sudden they saw him soaring in the air, however I do not recall having any Droids to be scouting close to Beacon Academy or Vale..." Crypto explains.

Thun thought for a moment before giving out an order.

"I want you to bring that Droid here, he must have information that may be beneficial to us..." Thun ordered.

"Roger Roger..." Crypto complies as he gives out the order to bring RB-224 to the Supply Ship.

~With RB-224/(DN)~

"THIS IS WHY I DESPISE FLYING! CURSES! AAAAAAAAAHHHH" The B1 Battle Droid continues to scream while soaring in the air, that is until he crashes into one of the Tree, grabbing into one of the of the branches.

(D/N) panted heavily before speaking up.

"I hate flying!" (D/N) rants before he let's go of the branch and lands on the ground on his feet.

"Okay, I'm here alive and unharmed, that's good! Now!" He said as he pulls out Ruby's ammunition magazine, "time to find master Ruby and give her back her ammo magazine, and I hope she lives." (D/N) then pulls out his E-5 Blaster and made his way through the Forest.

While making his way into the forest, he looks around while aiming his weapons in case if any Grimm appeared. As he continues he away, unknown to him an figure from a distance is following him. While (D/N) was looking around, he heard low growling noises around him. Once he looks over, and sees four Beowolves coming out of the bushes, making their way towards the Droid.

"Uh oh... uhm... Hi?" (D/N) said awkwardly as he grips his weapon tight.

Then the Beowolves howled and suddenly rushed towards him.

"Oh shit!" (D/N) curses out in panic and aims his weapon at the four Grimms.

He fired a few shots at the three Beowlves with his E-5 Blaster killing them, while the last were nearing him, the Modified Droid wasted to no time to dodged an incoming attack rolling to the other side and fired several shots at the Grimm which missed.... HORRIBLLY!


Before the Grimm charged at him, (D/N) then switches his E-5 Blaster with a Vibrosword and blocked each attack, before impaling the Grimm with his Vibrosword until it disintegrates to dust.

"Huh, first time fighting a Grimm creature and they die like that? Hm... I wonder if the Grimms are Jedi, considering they disappear when they die..." (D/N) thought about beige shrugs it off and continues his way to find his masters.

Unfortunately as he was rushing through the forest, he encountered a large Ursa in his way.

"Oh come on! Give me a break!!" (D/N) complained as he grip his Blaster in hand ready to fight.

Before he could attack, an unknown figure rushed past the Ursa's legs and chops it's legs off causing the ursa to scream in pain and all on the ground.  Then another figure appears in the trees and jumps down and stabs the Ursa in the head, killing it. Soon both figures stood infront of the stunned Battle Droid.

(D/N) stood there shock, he couldn't believe what he is seeing. Infront of him are two Commando Droids! He couldn't believe it, he thought he was the only Separatist Droid in Remnant but he was wrong. This somehow brought joy to (D/N) seeing that he is not alone.

"Y-you're Commando Droids!? And you're here in Remnant!?" (D/N) said in shock.

"Everything will be explained, come with us our Admiral Negu wants to talk with you..." the Commando Droid said.

"What!? There are others!?" (D/N) exclaims in shock.

"Affirmative..." The other Commando Droid replies.

The B1 Battle Droid wasted no time and started following them, he cannot believe that any remaining Separatist survivors are here that it makes him happy to know there are others that are still alive.

~Location: Beacon Cliff~

On Beacon Cliff, Ozpin was overlooking the edge with a Scroll in hand while Glynda walks up to him with her tablet.

"Well, sir, it seems that the last pair has been formed." Glynda informs.

As Glynda pressed the button on her tablet and the cameras shows Ren and Nora.

"Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie. The poor child, I feel sorry for him. I can't really imagine the two of them getting along..." she added.

She then switch to the next camera showing Pyrrha and Jaune.

"Still, he's probably much better off than Ms. Nikos. I don't care what his transcripts say, I still think that Jaune fellow is not cut out for this level of combat. Not yet. But I suppose he will prove his worth soon enough." Glynda said.

She then surveys the other cameras to find any trace of the B1 Battle Droid.

"I'm searching through the cameras, but it seems (D/N) is no where in sight. I hope he comes out alive or meets up with them otherwise Ms. Rose and Ms. Xiao Long will be distraught over this..." Glydna said as she starts to walk away, not before Glynda remembers something.

"Speaking of which, sir, what did you use for the relics this year?" Glynda asked, but there was no response.

When she looks back at him, she noticed that his attention on his Scroll. Glynda raised an eyebrow and asked "Professor?"

However, Ozpin was more focus on what's happening in his Scroll than what Glynda is asking. He was currently watching Ruby, who was currently paired with Weiss, sitting on the grass while Weiss was pacing back and forth.

~With Ruby and Weiss~

While Ruby was picking the grass, Weiss said while still pacing

"It's this way... No, wait. It's this way...No, Definitely this way. It's official...we're lost." Weiss said,

Ruby gets irritated and stood up, "Why can't you admit you don't know have any idea where you're going?" She said irritated.

Weiss huffed and said "Because, I know exactly where we're going...We're going to...the forest temple."

"Ugh!" Ruby cried, "Just admit it that you don't know!"

Weiss looks at Ruby and snapped "Oh stop it. You don't know where we are either!"

"But at least I'm not pretending like I know everything!" Ruby shouted.

Weiss placed her hands on her hips and angrily asked "What's that supposed to mean?!"

Ruby stomped her foot and replied "It means you're a big stupid jerk and I hate you!"

Weiss scoffed and said "Just keep moving."

As she turns and walks away, Ruby said in a mocking tone "Ehn, Just keep moving. Hurry up... Watch where you're going... Why are you so bossy?"

Weiss turns back at Ruby and shouted "I'm not bossy! Don't say things like that!"

"Stop treating me like a kid!" Ruby shouted.

"Then stop acting like a kid!" Weiss shouted.

Ruby then shouted back "Then stop acting like you're perfect!"

Weiss then gave Ruby a menacing look and said "I'm not perfect. And plus you have that Stupid Machine caretaker of yours that always stood up for you!"

"Don't call (D/N) a Stupid Machine!" Ruby growls, angered by how Weiss is insulting her Brother-Figure.

"Whatever! Your always so dependent on it, and beside I'm not perfect. Not yet, but I am leagues better than you are!" Weiss said before she turns walks away.

Ruby glares at her before she sadly sighs "You don't even know me." She said before she follows suit.

~Location: The Separatist Supply Ship~

"Here we are, we have arrived..." The Commando Droid said, as (D/N) followed them inside, while he looks around in awe.

"By the Maker..." (D/N) said in awe, as he looks around his surroundings to see B1 Battle Droids working on monitors, repairing any damages and also guarding alongside with Super Battle Droids.

What amazes him more, is that there are Geonosians flying around and Nemodians doing task that was told to them, soon they made their way to the hallway where they see a patrol of B1 Battle Droids passing by.

By the time he reaches the bridge he was met by the Admiral of the ship, Admiral Thun, standing infront of him alongside with his Super Tactical Droid, as (D/N) entered the bridge.

"Greetings there Droid... what's your designation..." Thun said.

RB-224 wasted no time and he stood up straight in attention before giving a salute. "RB-224! Reporting to duty sir!"

"Good... now..." Admiral Negu shows (D/N) the recording of him soaring in the air screaming, "...if will you explain please explain how did you end up in the air like that?"

"Oh, I accidentally stepped on one of the launching pads when I was walking towards Headmaster Ozpin about-"

"Wait, you made contact with the locals!?" The Admiral said in surprise including the Droids around him.

"Um yeah, I'm a butler or servant to a Rose Family, I was trying to give Master Ruby back her ammo magazine for her..."

"The Rose Family? Master Ruby?" Admiral Negu asked confused.

RB-224 nods pulls out a picture of him and Ruby, Admiral Negu examines the picture and is surprise by what he is seeing.

"Hmm... this is your master?" Admiral Negu asked, pointing at Ruby.

"Roger Roger, it's not just only her... it's everyone in the Rose family..." (D/N) said.

"Hm... continue..." Thun gestures, as (D/N) explains to him his backstory, he started off that he was in one of the Separatist Outer Rim Worlds fighting the Republic and when the Shut Down Command was ordered he was the only Battle Droid who survived the Shut down. He then explained how he escaped the planet by using one of the Republic Starfighters, but crashed landed on Remnant due to the fact that he was riding on starship THAT WAS STILL IN REPAIRS! Which explains how he crashed in Remnant in the first place, because he originally suppose to be in GEONOSIS!

Next he told them that he was founded by the Rose Family when he crashed landed on patch and was made as a new friend to the new girls.

"...and that's all..." (D/N) finishes.

"Hm... Impressive you have been in the Rose family for 11 years and remained loyal for them..." Thun said impressed by this.

"Roger Roger, ever since Summer's passing I have made my top priority to keep Ruby and everyone in the family safe... except maybe Raven..." He said the last part quietly.

"So is this Ruby the little girl that was soaring on the sky?" He then shows a recording of Ruby and Weiss holding into a Nevermore's talons.

"Yes, that's her-WAIT! RUBY!?" (D/N) freaks out when he sees Ruby riding on a Nevermore. "I HAVE TO GO HELP HER! SHE'S IN TROUBLE!"

(D/N) was about to run out, but he was stopped by a few Droid guards blocking his path.

"What are you doing!? Ruby is in trouble!" (D/N) shouted in anger.

"I understand you're distress, but I want you to do me a favor, and in return I'll help you..." Thun offers.

(D/N) looks interest and said, "...very well, I'll listen what you want to offer, but make it quick! Ruby will get hurt!"

"Alright..." The Nemodian agrees, before he starts he explaining his offer.

~Location: The Temple Site~

At the temple site Yang Xiao Long, and Blake Belladonna, arrived at the temple site. The temple itself was in ruins, abandoned and there were multiple pillars with chess pieces on them.

Yang leans on Blake and asked "You think this is the place?"

Blake just nodded as they walked towards the temple. Once they arrived, Blake noticed the relics, raised an eyebrow.

"Chess pieces?" Blake asked.

As Yang looks around, she saw the white knight piece, picks it up.

"Hmm, how about a cute little pony?" Yang asked her partner.

Blake looks at her, and replies, "Sure."

"That was easy." Yang said as she places the chess piece on her pocket.

~With Jaune and Pyrrha~

Both Pyrrha and Jaune were walking into a cave hoping to find a way to reach the temple and finding a relic. After walking for minutes, the two of them saw a glowing gold bulb floating that oddly seem to have been heading towards their way.

"That's the relic!" Jaune said excitedly.

But when he tries to reach for it, the but the glowing light moves away. Irritated, Jaune tries to grab it again.

"Hey! Bad relic!" Jaune said irritated.

"Uh, Jaune? I don't think that's the relic." Pyrrha said worriedly as her partner tries to get it.

However, Jaune got the bulb and said "Ha! Gotcha!"

But the moment Jaune got the floating bulb, a low snarl was heard and the bulb moved until Jaune was face to face with a giant Scorpion!

AKA known as the Deathstalker, and the young Arc is holding it's tail or stinger.

And a high pitch scream that was heard.

~Location: The Temple Site~

At the ruin temple, Yang and Blake heard the scream.

"Some girl is in trouble! Blake did you hear that?!" She looked back and saw Blake looking up "Blake did you hear that? What do we do?." Yang asked.

However Blake's attention was on something on the sky, Blake pointed towards the sky, Yang looks up and saw an someone falling towards them.


Just as Ruby falling straight towards them. Out of nowhere, Jaune came flying in from the side and collided with Ruby. The two then crashed into a tree leaving the duo on the ground speechless.

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asked Yang as she stepped forward to get a closer look at the tree where they crashed.

"I-" Yang was interrupted when everyone looked over, out of the trees, was an Ursa clawing wildly. Just then, another explosion rang out and a cloud of pink smoke appeared behind the Ursa and it soon fell over dead.

Just then, they heard Nora screaming. "YEE-HAW!" She rolled off the Ursa's back and gave out a sad sigh, "Awww, it's broken."

As she was looking at the dead Ursa, Ren appeared walking towards her

"Nora...please...never do that again." Ren said, out of breath.

When he was about to look at her, Ren saw that saw was gone and everyone was looking around to look for her. They found her when Nora was looking at a white rook piece. As she she got the relic, placed it on her head and started to sing.

"I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" Nora sang.

"NORA!" Ren shouted.

"Hehehe, Coming Ren!" Nora said, a she skipped towards her partner, while everyone else was puzzled.

"Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" Blake asked.

But as Yang was about to answer, Pyrrha quickly came out of the forest and ran towards them while the Deathstalker was on her tail. Pyrrha quickly evaded the Deathstalker's attack until she noticed Jaune.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha shouted in worry.

Looking down, Jaune saw her and said "Pyrrha!"

Ruby got off the tree, rushed towards Yang.



Right when they about to embrace someone popped between them, freezing them in their place, "NORA!"

"Did she just run all the way here with a Deathstalker on her tail?" Blake said, pointing at Pyrrha who is currently battling the giant scorpion.

Just then, Yang burst into flames along with her eyes turning red.


As Ren rushed up to the them while Nora did a little dance, literally two seconds past before Ruby tapped on Yang's shoulders.

"Um, Yang?" Ruby said, pointing up.

Everyone looked up only to see a giant Nevermore flying over them. One it's talons was Weiss hanging on to her dear life.

"HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME?!" Weiss shouted.

"Well I did tell her to jump, and also..." Ruby sheepishly said as she rubs the back of her head, before shouting at Weiss, "... THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR CALLING (D/N) A STUPID MACHINE!!!"

"She's gonna fall," Blake plainly said.

"She'll be fine," Ruby said.

"She's falling," Ren said.

Weiss lost her grip and started to fall. As she was falling to her doom, Jaune sees this, gives out a confident smile as he leaps into the air and manages to catch Weiss while in the air.

"Just dropping in?" Jaune flirted.

However Weiss said nothing as she looked down. Jaune did the same and saw that they were still in the air. In horror the two panicked as they started to fall once again. In the end, Jaune fell face first to the ground while Weiss landed on his back in a sitting position while looking at her nails.

"My hero," Weiss said not amused.

Jaune, on the other hand, still hurt said "My back."

Just then, Pyrrha landed hard on the ground near the others.

"Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!" Yang said in a sarcastically.

"Not if I can help it!" Ruby said confidently.

Everyone watched as Ruby pulled out her scythe and headed towards the Death Stalker. The Grimm knock her back with it claw. Ruby quickly got up and decided to run after shooting at it head for a second. Yang ran towards her to save her. The Nevermore was coming in and it spread it wings. The Grimm flapped it wings firing a barrage of sharp feathers at the red reaper. Ruby's hood got pinned by one of the feathers forcing her to stop while Yang came to a halt to avoid being skewed. The scorpion Grimm was in striking range of Ruby and was ready to strike her with it stinger.

"Ruby, get out of there!" Yang shouted.

"I'm trying!" Ruby shouted struggling to get out of the way.

"RUBY!" Yang shouted in horror.

Ruby looked up to see the stinger coming right toward her. She closed her eyes and embrace for her end.
That is until...

Ruby then opens her eyes and to her and everyone's shock, they see the Deathstalker shrieks in pain as half of its bone armor is destroyed. Everyone looks at the direction where the shot came from and what came out of the Forest left them in shock.

What came out of the Forest is an Armored Assault Tank!

The AAT also known as the AAT battle tank or the AAT-1 Hover Tank, with The AAT's main weapon was a heavy laser cannon capable of obliterating Republic AT-TE walkers. And alongside the  cannon was the two light laser cannons on each side of the AAT, and the AAT's launch tubes could be equipped with a variety of ammunition. The three standard-issue ammunition types were "bunker-busters", high explosive shells used for destroying enemy structures such as outposts; armor-piercing shells, used for penetrating heavy armor on tanks; and high-energy shells for anti-personnel and anti-vehicle use. As they were fired, these shells were surrounded by high-energy plasma, which improved their penetration and reduced friction, thus increasing speed.

Everyone watches in shock as the Hover Tank advances towards the Deathstalker on the while firing its two light laser cannons at Deathstalker doing little damage to it.

"Woah..." Jaune mutters out in shock as the AAT advances.

"Indeed..." Blake said in shock by its arrival as the Deathstalker turns it attention to its new adversary.

Everyone wonders who is driving the AAT, then soon the top hatch of the AAT and the Pilot is revealed to be...

"(D/N)?!" Everyone said in unison when they see (D/N) driving an advanced tank! Also he was new paint job as well.

(D/N)'s new paint job consist of red markings on top of his head and torso, and also Ruby's Emblem on chest to the right.

"HEY! WHY WON'T YOU PICK UP SOMEONE YOU'RE OWN SIZE YOU OVER GROWN ARACHNID!!!" The Red Commander Battle Droid shouted at the Deathstalker, and looks at the Grimm with hate, and anger! How dare it attempt to kill and hurt his master.

The Deathstalker then roars for a challenge as it also charges towards the AAT.

"Open Fire!!!" (D/N) orders as the AAT fires it's main laser cannon at the Deathstalker destroying more of its armor and damaging it more as it shrieks in pain, with the light laser cannons firing upon the Deathstalker to causing more damage.

"Back! Back!" (D/N) ordered as the AAT starts backing up trying to keep distance between the AAT and the Scorpion Grimm.

(D/N) looks at Yang and shouts, "YANG! GET RUBY OUT OF THERE!!"

Yang got off from her shock and run towards Ruby and brings her to safety back to others.

Just as everyone was watching the fight between (D/N) and the Deathstalker in amazement, they hear the sound of clanking footstep from the Forest.

"What's that?" Nora asked as everyone looks at the direction where the sound of clanking is coming from.

Then what came out is a Battalion of 20 B1 Battle Droids marching out of the Forest with a Commando Droid Captain leading them.

"What the hell!?" Jaune exclaims in shock to see this.

"More (D/N)s!?" Ruby and Yang said in shock when they see duplicates of their butler/brother-figure.

"All units! Blast that Grimm!" The Commando Droid Captain orders.

"Roger Roger!" The Droid Battalion complies, and fired a barrage of concentrated plasma bolts at the Deathstalker, causing it to shriek in pain and turns it attention to the Droid Battalion, as the group of huntresses and huntsmen watches in shock.

While the Deathstalker is distracted, the AAT soon reloaded another shell before aiming the main laser cannon at the Deathstalker.

"FIRE!!!" (D/N) shouted as the main laser cannon fires and obliterated the Deathstalker as it disintegrates into ash, "Hostile destroyed!"

The huntsmen and huntresses just stood there in awe on what they witness, they just witness something that was foreign to, and also Weiss has hard time processing what she saw. Everyone immediately thought these were from Atlas, but the Snchee knows for a fact that these are not from Atlas since despite the Kingdom being the most advanced, she never heard of anything about this.

"Whoa..." Jaune breath out, " that's so cool..."

Just then the AAT and the Droid Battalion then advances towards the group and everyone, except Ruby and Yang, tensed thinking that they'll be next to be obliterated. But Ruby and Yang walks in front of the group as they gaze the Hover tank and the group of Battle Droids in amazement as the AAT and the Droids stopped in front of them.

"(D/N)?" Ruby and Yang said as they look at the Droids. Confused on which is their Droid Butler/Droither (Droid+Brother=Droither). Then the Red Battle Droid Commander on the top of the AAT hops out and walks in front of his two Master.

"Master, I'm here... It's just the red paint job making me stand out." (D/N) said pointing at himself, as Ruby's and Yang's attention are on the Red marked Droid.

"(D/N)?" Ruby said as she gaze at her Droid companion.

"Yes?" (D/N) asked.

There was silence and just then the silence was broken by Ruby.

"THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!" Ruby shouts in excitement, and everyone got off from their shock, "...why didn't you tell me that's there's more of you!?"

"I'm curious as well..." Weiss said in suspicion, seeing these Droid different from the ones in Atlas.

"And who's the dark grey one?" Nora asked pointing at the Command Droid Captain.

"Well-" before (D/N) could explain a B1 Battle Droid walks up to him, interrupting him.

"Sir! We got a problem, we got 30 Beowolves coming our way!" The Battle Droid informs.

"Very well, the rest of you hold them off while I and BX-554 get the students to safety, is that understood?!" (D/N) orders.

"Roger Roger!" The Droid Battalion complies as on of them enters the AAT.

Soon a howl is heard from the Forest and indicating Beowolves are getting close to the group, immediately the Droids gets in battle position and gets ready, soon a roar from the sky catches everyone's look up at the Nevermore flying overhead, screeching.

"Guys, that things circling back. What are we gonna do?" Jaune asked concerned.

"Look there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us" Weiss said indicating the remaining chess pieces.

"She's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the cliffs. There's no point in fighting these things." Ruby said.

"Don't worry, the Droids can hold them off while we make our way back to the cliff!" (D/N) reassures.

"Run and live. That is an idea I can get behind" Jaune agrees.

Ruby goes over and grabs a gold knight and Jaune takes hold of a gold rook. Then over 30 Beowolves charges out of the Forest at the group as the Droids hav their blaster trained.

"Blast them!" The B1 Battle Droid exclaims they fire a huge barrage of blaster bolts at with Beowolves with the AAT providing fire support.

"Everyone, we should go!" BX-554 said.

"Let's go!" Ruby said as the Nevermore flew past them.

The others ran past Yang as she watched her little sister with a proud smile.

"What is it?" Blake asked as she stopped to check on Yang.

"Nothing..." Yang said as she ran ahead.

the rest of the group of Huntsmen and Huntress began heading out of the forest, as Ruby took a swift glance at the Battle Droids fighting against the Beowolfs before turning her attention to what's ahead, and soon the group ran up the hill and saw a ruined tower and bridges, and they also saw the giant Nevermore circling above.

Everyone took cover in the ruins and watched the Grimm fly down and land on the top of the tower, it let out a loud screech as it looked down at it's prey, AKA Huntsmen, Huntresses, and two scrap metals.

"Well that's great!" Yang said sarcastically.

"Don't jinx it Ma'am!" BX-554 warns, then something is heard behind everyone as they looked and saw another Deathstalker crash coming through the Forest.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO JINX IT!" The Commando Droid shouts at the bimbo.

"Oh man, run!" Jaune yelled as everyone ran, the Nevermore sees it's prey out of their cover and it took off into the air preparing for an attack.

"Nora, distract it!" Ren instructed to his partner as he ran.

Nora ran as she evades the Nevermore's sharp feathers before pulling out her grenade launcher and firing at the Nevermore, (D/N) sees this and assisted firing his E-5 blaster at the flying Grimm.

The shells from her grenade launcher, bursting into pink electricity when they hit the Nevermore, with Blaster bolts doing damage to the Nevermore causing it to retreat.

"Hah! Take that you over grown chicken!" (D/N) taunted.

"Yeah!" Nora agrees.

However the Deathstalker closed in on Nora and (D/N) rapidly but was it stopped by Blake and Ren while Weiss grabbed Nora and BX-554 grabs (D/N) as they took them to safety.

"Wah! Okay, Giant Scorpions and Giant Birds they are both in my list!" (D/N) listed.

The Deathstalker's attention is now on Blake and Ren who are now retreating from the Grimm Scorpion, Pyrrha then switched her weapon's into rifle mode and shot at the Grimm, while Ren fired his twin SMGs at the Deathstalker while Blake jumped away from the Grimm.

The group race over the stone bridge, however the Nevermore uses its giant wings to shatter the path right in the middle, forcing (D/N), Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Nora, and Jaune closer to the central collection of columns, while BX-554, Blake, Ren, and Pyrrha on the other side with the Death Stalker. Ruby fires at the retreating Nevermore with (D/N) doing the same as he fires his blaster at the Nevermore, while Blake is being pushed back by the Deathstalker.

Jaune coming to the edge of the broken the bridge and sees that future teammates are in need of assistance against the Deathstalker.

"Man, we gotta get over there! They need help!" Jaune said.

"Let's do this!" Nora smirks.

Jaune looks over the edge and only sees the dark abyss below, and backs up.

"Yeah, but uh... I can't make that jump!" Jaune's said.

Nora smiles devilishly at him as she starts laughing and she knocks him back, turns her weapon to hammer form, and jumps to the edge of the bridge.

Jaune looks at what's Nora is doing and his eyes widen in realization on what she's planning.

"No! Wait!" Jaune exclaims, however Nora slams her hammer into the bridge and throws Jaune to the other side, screaming.

"No, no, no no, no!" Jaune exclaims while he's soaring through the air, luckily for him BX-554 catches him before he would hit the ground.

"Thanks uh...?" Jaune said unsure what to say to the Commando Droid Captain, while the Droid sets him down

"BX-554, at your service sir!" The Commando Droid Captain introduces.

"Uh... I'm just going to call you (CD/N) (Commando Droid's Name)." Jaune said.

Nora places one foot on the hammer and fires it off the collapsing section of bridge, launching her to slam its face right in the center of the Death Stalker's skull. She fires it at the stinger that was coming down to get her, and blasts it back again to avoid its reach, and also accidentally knocking into Blake and making her fall from the edge.

Blake sees the Nevermore above her and launches her whip as the gun's blade attackss into the edge of the bridge, circling around and leaping onto the aerial Grimm's back. She dashes all over its body, slashing the entire time, before jumping off and landing on the ruined platform at the top of the columns next to Ruby, then moving over to (D/N), Yang and Weiss.

"It's tougher than it looks!" Blake said.

"Then let's hit it with everything we got!" Yang said with her Ember Celica in the ready.

"Oh also master Ruby, you forgot this!" (D/N) said as he tosses the Dust rounds to Ruby and she loaded it to her weapon.

"Thanks (D/N)!" Ruby said.

(D/N) nods and looks at the Grimm and said,

"Concentrate Fire on sector: 11374265!!" (D/N) orders, confusing the Huntresses-in-training.

"What?" The four huntresses asked confused by the order.

(D/N) sighs in irritation, "JUST FIRE RIGHT THERE!" (D/N) clarified, pointing at the approaching Nevermore.

"Oh..." they said as Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang and (D/N) fires a huge barrage of projectiles at the Nevermore, which it either dodges projectiles or absorbs the damage harmlessly until it crashes through the columns and platform. Soon (D/N) girls leap from one section of falling stone to the next until they reach the higher bridge on top, just below the cliffs.

"None of this is working!" Weiss exclaims.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious captain obvious!" (D/N) exclaims sarcastically.

"Hey! This could be easier if you have that tank and those robots helping us!" Weiss remarks.

"...good point..."

Ruby is watching Blake whip over to another section of the area and Yang firing round after flaming round at the Grimm, soon formed in her mind.

"I have a plan! Cover me!" she blasts away as Weiss raises her blade and heads into the fray

Back with the Battle with the Deathstalker. Jaune, Ren, Nora, Pyrrha and (CD/N) are still fighting the Deathstalker.

"We gotta move!" Jaune said as they all rush towards it.

The Death Stalker attempts to attack Pyrrha with her claw at Pyrrha, but she deflects it with her shield and slashes it with her blade. The scorpion recoils and swipes at her with its other claw, Jaune deflect it with his own shield, knocking it back so Pyrrha can leap over and attack its face.

The Commando Droid rushes on at the grimm, avoiding its pincers before he leaps upward, and he manages to pierce it's bone armor with the Vibrosward causing the Grimm to shriek in pain before it trashes around forcing the Doird to jump back with the group.

Ren runs up firing and gets on the stinger when it attempts to strike him, shooting at the base between it and the tail while Nora, (CD/N) fires more blaster rounds and grenades at the claws. Pyrrha hurls her javelin straight into one of the monster's eyes, making it throw Ren to the side.

"Ren!" Nora exclaims in concern.

Ren hits the side of a stone block hard and falls to the ground, not getting back up. Jaune manages to hold his ground and notices the stinger is hanging, and and an idea comes in mind.

"Pyrrha!" Jaune calls out.

"Done!" Pyrrha complies.

She then raises the shield and hurls it like a frisbee, slicing the stinger off and causing it to fall into the Death Stalker's head as Pyrrha retrieves her shield.

"Nora, nail it!" Jaune orders.

"Heads up!" Nora said as she jumps on Pyrrha's shield, Pyrrha leaps as Nora aims her blast down to give herself a maximum lift, and she smiles the before twirling down it slams stinger into to the head, embedding it to the Deathstalker's head and crushing the bridge beneath it.

Jaune, (CD/N), and Pyrrha bound over the monster to the land behind it, and Nora fires up and away behind them as the monster falls to the abyss. Jaune hits the ground on his back, Nora on her bottom, while Pyrrha and (CD/N) managed to land on a crouched pose, and Ren simply walks over to them, exhausted until he collapses.

"Good job strategizing commander!" (CD/N) congratulates.

"Wait did you call me Commander?!" Jaune said in surprise.

Mean while with the Nevermore. Yang is still firing her Shotgun Gauntlets at the beast, landing a blow at its face and causing it to fly straight towards her, Yang leaps for the beak and forces it to open wide as she shoots..

"I! HOPE! YOU'RE! HUNG-!...-GRY!" She yells with each shot.

"Master Yang! Look out!" (D/N) warns her.

She looks behind her and jumps back from its mouth onto a ruin, causing the creature to crash into the cliffs.

The Nevermore recovers quickly, before it could fly away a red projectile hits it, damaging it, as everyone looks where the shot came from and it's revealed to be the AAT from before along with the Droid Battalion.

"Fire!" The Droid shouts as the AAT wasted no time as it fires another shell hitting the Nevermore.

"Reinforcements have arrived!" (D/N) said satisfied.

Yang smiles as she spots Ruby and Blake on the broken columns and Weiss rushing to the battle. Yang passes her while the Nevermore starts to fly back up, but Weiss hopped over to the ruin it's lifting off of and freeze the tip of its tail to the ground, leaving it pinned in the halting its attempts to fly away. Weiss back-flips into a snowflake-circle jump and lands on the other side, running to the group.

Blake fires the Gambol Shroud over to Yang, and the two tighten it between the columns so Ruby can jump on the center with Crescent Rose and bend it back into Weiss' black sigil, right next to the caster. The Red Battle Droid Commander keeps his blaster trained at the Nevermore.

"Ruby, you think this would work?" (D/N) asks.

"Of course, she did come up with this idea. Also with that tank supporting us." Weiss said, pointing at the AAT.

"Think you can make the shot?" Ruby asked, not taking her eyes off the Nevermore as the AAT is hitting it more.

"Hmph, can I?" Weiss says confidently.


"Ofcourse I can!" Weiss said.

Nevermore attempts to break free but the AAT fires again, preventing it from escaping.

"You guys better hurry up! Because we don't have much time!" (D/N) informs them.

Ruby looks forward and pumps Crescent Rose as Weiss turns the circle from black to red and releases Ruby at such a speed that the ground behind her launch cracks, rose petals flying from her ascent. With each new shot, she gets closer and closer to the trapped Grimm until her scythe catches the Nevermore's neck in its blade and causes them both to fall to the cliff wall. Weiss raises her sword and creates a series of white circles up the wall, which Ruby dashes through by firing the entire way up.

Ruby then ran at impossible speeds up the cliff dragging the Nevermore behind her by the throat with Crescent Rose, she let out a fierce yell as she neared the top of the cliff reaching a loud end when she reached the top and sliced the Nevermore's head clean off!

The Nevermore's corpse tumbled down into the abyss as everyone watched in amazement.

"Wow..." Jaune mutters out.

"Indeed Sir..." BX-554 said, impress by Ruby's skills.

Ruby walk to the edge of the cliff her red cloak fluttering in the breeze as rose petals flew out, (D/N) stood beside Weiss, as Blake jumped down beside him as Yang walked over with a proud smile.

"Well, That was a thing" Yang said with a proud smile.

"Roger Roger!"

Then (D/N) feels a tap on his shoulder and is revealed to be Blake.

"Um... (D/N), you might have some explaining to do..." Blake said, pointing at the Commando Droid, AAT, and The Droid Battalion.



To be continued

Well this chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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