TCOR Shorts: Story Time (Canon)

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~Location: Patch, Seven Months joining the Rose/Xiao-Long Family~
Time: 11:00 PM, Saturday

It was night time as the Rose/Xiao Long Family are fast asleep in their beds.

Well... not everyone. Late at night a certain little rose and her half-sister are still awake and playing in their bedroom with their Corgi Pup, Zwei while a certain B1 Battle Droid is seen trying to get them to sleep.

Their schedule of sleep should be around 10:00 PM, the Clone Wars Veteran has been trying to get them to bed for the past hour and it isn't easy for him. And it wasn't even easy for him to begin with because usually it would the parents or Qrow to put them to bed but unfortunately, they got back home exhausted from a hard day of work.

Now the reason for why is it difficult for the Battle Droid Veteran falls to two Categories;

A). He's Droid built for war not babysitting, and B). He has zero experience with Organic children and this is the first time he has to put them to bed.

"Hey! It's passed your bedtime go to sleep!" (D/N) exclaims to the two girls but they're still playing.

(D/N) lets out an exasperated sigh as the girls continue to play around him.

'... they should imagine how I feel...' He thought as the young energetic girls continue to play around him, '...decorated Veteran of the Clone Wars demoted to the babysitter... okay, I wasn't that great but still!"

An idea pops on in his processor and he stated to the two girls.

"Ruby and Yang!" The Modified B1 Battle Droid addressed to the girls, "...if you sleep right now I promise I will be joining your playtime tomorrow, throughout the entire day!!"

This got the girls' attention. They've always wanted to play with their Droid Servant but he is always busy with chores that always move his attentions away from them.

"Yay!" The two girls cheers excited before they hop up and down happily.

Ruby jumped up and down as she happily exclaims, "Stowy! Stowy!"

"Yeah! Tell us a Big Bwother!" Yang urges as well, excited to hear stories from the B1 Battle Droid.

"A Story you say?" (D/N) places a finger under his chin while two little girls look in wonder, "Very well, when I tell you a story you better fall asleep!"

"Yay!" The two young girls cheered before they quickly hop and sat on the bedside. They watch in anticipation as (D/N) grabs a chair and sits in front of them.

He narrates his story

"Okay... here it goes. This story is base on my... life..."

~Flashback: 19 BBY~

"Chapter 1, I am manufactured..." (D/N) narrates.

Inside a Droid Foundry somewhere in the deep parts of the Outer-Rim, Battle Droids are being manufactured for war against the Republic.

" formative years were like that of any B1 Battle Droid..."

(D/N) himself is being manufactured on the factory's conveyor belt, starting from legs, lower torso, upper torso, arms, and transmission pack.

"Non-stop humiliation..."

...And finally, his head is then placed... which is facing the wrong direction. Before a factory arms correct it.

The scene cuts to the newly created legions of Droids, preparing to attack the Fortified Republic Base. On one of the AAT, (D/N) appears out of the cockpit of the tank before using his Bio-Binoculars to get a better observation of the target ahead. He is leading the attack.

"Alright boys!" (D/N) relays his orders through the linked Droid Network, "...Time to show the galaxy what we are capable of-"

He yelps in surprise when artillery shot nearly hits his AAT, "AHHH! I... uh... Forget what I said! ATTACK! FULL ATTACK!"

His troops immediately march towards the fortified republic defense while the Tanks provide fire support from a distance, chipping away the Republic's defenses.

The Battle went on as the Separatist sustained heavy causalities on the assault; a lot of blaster fire was traded, explosions erupted everywhere on the battlefield. Even a couple of AATs were blown up by the artillery defense, luckily (D/N)'s AAT wasn't hit. But eventually, they were able to beat down the Republic defenders and Jedi.

"Okay..." (D/N) said, as he watches his troops round up the rest of the Republic Soldiers who surrendered, "...we won! Now how much did we lose?"

"/Um...sir, we technically lost 2/3 of our infantry and also 1/3 of our armored forces.../" one of the B1 Battle Droids informs him of the battle results.

"Huh... not bad for my first time leading!" (D/N) said, impressed by the Tactical Reports, "So...whats our next mission?"

The next scene shows (D/N)'s participation in various Battles he has fought in, such as the Battle of Scipio.

The skirmish between the Clones and Droids take place, (D/N) is commanding a small squadron of Super Battle Droids and Commando Droids.

"Alright boys! Onward to glory!" (D/N) cheered, as the rest of his Droid legion engages the Clones with their blaster ready, "Follow me!"

(D/N) ran into the frontlines when the LAAT Gunships land and disembark Clones into the right.

Thus the Droids and Clones fought.

"It didn't matter which planet or sector I am in, I would sometimes nearly get shot or even blown to bits!"

But their battle was short-lived the Jedi cut through their ranks, decimating many Droids. Dwindling their number, with the support of the Clone Army.

"Gah! Um... on second thought, maybe it's best if I RETREAT!" (D/N) yelped in fear before running away from the battlefield and entering into another spaceship close by.

"EVERY DROID FOR THEMSELVES!" (D/N) exclaims loudly before flying the ship away from the Battle, while avoiding the enemy fighters, and onto hyperspace back to the main Separatist Fleet.

A montage of (D/N)'s participation in lots of Battles includes his participation, such as the Battle of Annex, the defense of Cato Neimodia, and other various battles he lost and won. Surprisingly surviving all of them.

"Thus my last Battle or possibly my last involvement in the Clone Wars is the Battle of Felucia."

(D/N) is seen in his AAT marching alongside his Droid Brethren, their footsteps are heard as they march.

"My forces were sent to repel a Republic Attack and reclaim the Planet. I was given a command to repel their attack and I was informed I am to face... Jedi! Which I should remind you I have a fear on facing!"

(D/N) use his Bio-binoculars to get a better view of the Clones ahead of them, before he witnesses Order 66 taking place.

"And to my surprise, the Clones is instead attacking their own General. I was very confused at first, but it didn't matter so I gave the order to attack!"

(D/N) relays his orders to his under command droids. He ordered followed with a forward attack gesture.

"All units, Charge!" He ordered to his Droid brethren.

"But... there was a slight problem..."

(D/N) took notice of something odd from his Droid, "Huh?"

"They just stood there very still and they were not listening to me..."

"Um... guys. I said attack." The Modified Battle Droid Commander repeated his order to his Droids ", guys, open fire? OPEN FIRE!"

The Droids under his command didn't move an inch or even responded, some of them are slumped forward and fall to the ground. Here's a hint, order 99 took effect.

"Uh oh..." (D/N) said confuse, "...hello?"

"This taught me an important lesson;..."

(D/N) then took notice of the Clone Troopers now focusing on the deactivated Droid forces, and they thought of blow his them up for fun.

"Oh no..." (D/N) said, realizing the danger he found himself in.

"...Get out of trouble's way."

(D/N) quickly hops off a Tank and hops on a STAP. He quickly accelerated his STAP back to the base. (D/N) tried to warn the Droids of the incoming republic attack, but unfortunately, his effort is in vain as most of the Droids are unresponsive.

Realizing that warning of the Republic attack is useless when all of the Droid forces are now left deactivated. (D/N) decides the last best thing he could do.


(D/N) towards the landing pads where suppose ships are.

"Unfortunate most of the ships are droids and cannot be controlled manually. But fortunately me I found something changes my life forever."

(D/N) stops in his track and he spots something on the landing pod.

"An experimental Escape Pod!"

He mesmerized by the escape pod but he wasn't able to adore or even ponder his decision when he hears the sound of marching from the distance.

"So in my desperation, I entered the pod and launches in an unknown location."

(D/N) in his newfound hope of desperate, he immediately enters the escape pod and launches it to an unknown location.

The Pod soon launches itself onto the sky before exiting out of the planet's atmosphere.

When his Pod soon reaches out of the Planet's atmosphere, he types in a few buttons before pushing the hyperdrive accelerator down. His pod then picks up speed before jumping into hyperspace. Leaving behind Felucia and avoiding his fate.

"Unfortunately the Pod was still in its prototype stage and so, I was pulled out of hyperspace and ended crashing down to this place... Remnant."

"Uh oh! AAAAAHHHH!!!" D/N) screams as he was then pulled out of hyperspace and his pod soon entering Remnant'ts atmosphere and down crashing onto the patch, somewhere close to the Rose/Xiao-Long homestead.

~Flashback ends~

"And that is the story on how I ended up in Remnant and ended up being a servant to the Rose/Xiao Long Family. The End." (D/N) concludes.

The two little girls, being the very naive and innocent kids they are, they let their imagination envision what (D/N)'s story went. Mainly on what a cool and badass War Robot he is.

"Woah!" Ruby awed, "Big Bwathor is brave!"

"Yeah! More! More!" Yang urges, "I want to hear more Big Brother stories!"

"Sorry, maybe next time. After all, you should sleeping be sleeping right now." (D/N) remarked, ", I will be joining your playtime tomorrow."

"Aw... okay Big Brother." Yang pouted before she lays down on her bed.

As the two girls made themselves comfortable on their Beds Zwei hopes on Ruby's bed and made himself comfortable while (D/N) then wraps the blanket over them, as the two sisters smile at their Droither as he stands over them.

"Good Night, Big Bwother!" The two sisters said to him.

"Good Night..." Their Battle Droid butler said back.

Ruby and Yang's eyes slowly close and (D/N) pats her head gently for comfort.

(D/N) then made his way out of Ruby's bedroom and took one last glance at them. He then closes the door gently before walking his way to the kitchen to take care of the task he was given.

But at this moment now, (D/N) made a promise to be with them throughout the whole day.


The End.

I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter.

A/N: If you can already guess, this chapter is based around a "LEGO Star Wars: All Stars" episode "Lo, I am Manufactured."

A/N 2: Now you guys must be wondering; why didn't the girls bring up the fact that (D/N) is an Alien robot during Beacon Academy? Well, they were kids at this time. Anything that (D/N) mentioned about the Clone Wars is just to their childlike imagination to them.

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