TCOR Shorts: The Droid (Christmans Special)

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This is a Glynda and Trevor centered-chapter. Enjoy!
It was nighttime in Beacon Academy,
everyone was sound asleep and resting from their studies.
Beacon Security Droids are seen patrolling the perimeters,
Keeping a close eye for any intruders.

Well... everyone except the deputy of Beacon herself,
Glynda Goodwitch, she's not faring well
She is sleep deprived even too tired to concentrate.
This is too much for her to moderate.

Inside her office late at night,
She is seen finishing some papers as she writes.
She works without any concern of her well-being
This some trait that is intriguing.

Her desk has a huge stack of paperwork she needed to be finish,
And it feels like she's being punish

How did this come to be you may ask,
It all started after school hours has passed,
Glynda was almost finish with her work
She was heading to her quarters from all the hard work

Until Ozpin came and dropped in a shit load of paper
He stood Right infront of her desk with Latte not making her life any better.

"Glynda, I need you do all this paperwork..."  Ozpin said.
"...while Latte comes with me and help refill my cup of coffee,"
He said his voice carefree
"...after all I am the headmaster." He conclude.

"Mistress..." A voice said to his mistress.
She turns to see her droid looking a bit distress.
Trevor the Tactical is his name
And logical thinking is his game.

A reason why she decides to call her Droids by a human name
She wants to keep things simple with a simple nickname.
Trevor doesn't mind it as long his mistress is fine with it.
But her stubbornness he doesn't like it one bit.

"A Jedi like yourself needs a proper amount of time of sleep."
The Tactical Droid stated,
"I suggest you do those paper tomorrow after you have a good night sleep."
He reasoned to his Mistress.

"N-no need, I can do it." Glynda declines her droid's offer.
While ignoring what Trevor referred to her
She yawns and gets back to the paper work.
Much to her dismay there too much work.

If the Tactical Droid has the ability to sigh in disapproval, this would be it.
Trevor is surprise that Glynda is not letting him do the the paper work for one bit.

It has been two weeks after the idea of Droid companions were approved,
Huntsmen are getting fond of their droid comrades if that is anything to proved.
Glynda seems to be neutral about her opinion about Droid companionship
But that's beside the point as her sleep is what she needs than paperwork shit.

He continues to watch as his mistress continues to slave away on the many papers
Not life making life easy for his mistress who needs to sleep for the better.
Trevor knows she needs a good amount of sleep in order to perform well to tomorrow.
Glynda just needs to accept that Trevor can get work done like these in a flow.

And more the Tactical Droid thought,
how would he get his mistress to sleep.
The more the Tactical Droid thought,
"I must find away to give her a wink of sleep.
"She's been doing for few hours now.
I must get her to rest... but how?"

Then the Tactical Droid got an idea.
An awful idea.
Trevor got a wonderful, awful idea.

'I know what just to do!' The Droid thought mischievously
before he leaves the office quietly.

~Small Timeskip~

Glynda continues to work on the paperwork,
After finishing one stack she sees four more stacks to on work.
She sighs at her unfortunate luck and dismay
She lets out a groan of annoyance at this night today.

She checks the time and it's already 11:00 PM,
The Professors sighs at what she was condemn
It took her two hours to finish one stack.
Now she has a few more to keep in track.

Despite this, Glynda grabs one of the paperwork.
Her office door opens stopping her work.

She raise her head from the paper and sees Trevor at the doorway,
On his mechanical hand is coffee coming her way.

"Mistress, I see you are still working. Here have some coffee..."
Trevor said in his robotic voice before he walks over softly.

Glynda immediately takes it before thanking him, "Thank you..."

She takes a sip from the drink out hesitation
Trevor gives her non-existing look of anticipation
After taking a sip she looks at Trevor gives the coffee
To which the droid grabs back softly.

She turns to focus on the paperwork,
but then she all of a sudden feels dizzy halting her work.
She and more tired than usually as Trevor watch in anticipation.
Her vision became blurry and hinders her concentration.

Trevor has spiked the coffee with sleeping pills,
To make Glynda fall asleep but not make her ill.
When the sleeping pills finally took full effect,
Glynda soon fell asleep with her head resting on her desk.

Trevor was glad the sleeping pills work,
incase the sleeping pills failed to work
He would have to shoot her with his Stun blaster,
To make the process faster.

The Tactical Droid then picks up the unconscious deputy on his arms.
He carries her in a bridal position and brings her to her room with no harm.

Trevor would be lying if he didn't find Glynda cute when she sleeps.
He put those thoughts aside as he walks out while she's fast asleep.

Walking on the corridor where her quarters would be located.
He walks passed by a few Security Droid, whom queried.
Trevor finally arrived to her sleeping quarters at her door
He gently places the unconscious deputy of Beacon on the floor,

He opened the entrance and picks her up again to her room
When he enters the quarters he sees Glynda's room.
The interior design of her room he finds decent.
He made his way to her bed, which he finds pleasant.

He when he enters her bedroom he gently places her on her bed.
Trevor then places the blanket over her,
Glynda stirs peacefully in her sleep
Trevor gently pats her head.

"Sweet Night Mistress..." Trevor said to the sleeping Professor.
He quietly then made his way out of her quarters.

Just before he is about leave,
he hears Glynda moan on her sleep.
Trevor whips around and sees Glynda stirred around her sleep
She slowly wakes up while still daze.

"H-Huh?" Glynda groggily says, "Wha-"

Glynda falls back on her bed unconscious after a single bang!
Trevor has his stun blaster aimed at the now sleeping Glynda,
His barrel of blaster smoking after the ordeal has been done.

He shot her with a stun blaster to make her fall asleep,
just imagine if he forgot to set his blaster to stun!
He would be in huge trouble and it be no fun.
Seeing his ordeal is done, he leaves.

He goes finish all the unfinished paperwork.
Hopefully he will to finish all the work.


Glynda sleeps soundly before the blaring sounds of her scroll wakes her up.
She reaches out to her scroll and presses the snooze button, shutting it up.
She sits up straight and sits on the edge of her bed and she stretched her arms up.
She then took notice she is still wearing her uniform than her pajamas.

Her eyes then widen, remembering the paperwork that needs to be done.
She quickly hops out of her bed and exits out of her quarters in a run.

A few security droids took notice of her running towards therm in fast pace,
they decide to greet her even without an non-existing face.

"Good after Ms. Goodwi-" The Security Droid wasn't able finish
When Glynda pass them, ceasing their sentence.

The two Security Droid looks at the running Combat Professor who ran passed them.
The two glance at each other in confusion by the hurry
but they just ignore such worry.
And they went on with their duties.

When Glynda arrived to her office in time,
she barges in to get the paperwork done in time.
But to her shock and surprise,
the paperwork has already been finished.

The five stacks of paperwork that were once on her desk is all done,
All finished, organized and none

"H-Huh? Wha? How?"

"It seems you are awake and healthy..." a voice said.
She looks behind her to see Trevor behind her.
She narrows her eyes before, realizing what just transpired.
She pointed at the Droid is caution and a sneer.

"D-did you do this?" She demands to Trevor.
"Affirmative..." He replied as he closes the door.
He looks back and replied apologetically as his words spills.
"...though I must apologize for drugging you with sleeping pills."

Glynda then shouted angrily, "You drugged me?!"
She looks angry as the droid is a big carefree.
"It was necessary that you have to sleep." Trevor said his reasonings.
"if you lack sleep you will not focus and lose concentration on your teachings."

Glynda anger disorients and looks at the paper again.
She sees that Trevor's capabilities does have gain.
She knows she won't be able to get work done
And Trevor helps get all the hardship done.

She took one last glance at the Droid with no caution.
Trevor, the machine she thought is the devoid of emotion.

Seeing her droid's commitment to keep her healthy
This internally makes Glynda is glad and very happy.
"Thank you, Trevor." She says with a soft tone.
Trevor nods at this and leaves the office alone.

Glynda stares at him with respect
Along with that prospect
Is also some admiration
If her smile is any confirmation.


The End

Well this short is done. I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for Chapter 10!

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