R1 | The Bloodbath

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The tributes stand on their pedestals. The timer starts to count down...


The arena map is revealed to be the original clan territories. The tributes are placed in a wide circle around the Cornucopia, located at Fourtrees.

12 packs full of life-saving supplies are placed in the Cornucopia.

The gong sounds.

All tributes have been released!


Lavendernose turned away from the Cornucopia and headed north. 

Ravenwillow ran north, passing Lavendernose on the way.

Nightlight hesitated, then ran away from the battle to the northeast. 

Troutdip sprinted east as quick as he could. 

Birchfrost followed Troutdip east at a slower pace. 

Russetflame hesitated, then went to the southeast. 

Snakemouth sprinted past Russetflame, heading southeast. 

Jackalface also raced towards the southeast, away from Fourtrees. 

Nectarsting ran south, but she was so focused on putting distance between herself and the bloodbath that she fell in a large river. The current carried her east for a short ways, but then she managed to get out unharmed. 

Sunsetpelt was following Nectarsting south, and saw her fall in the river, and so Sunsetpelt was able to leap across the water safely and continue on. 

Snowpatch ran to the southwest, but fell in the same river that Nectarsting fell into. She also managed to get out fairly quickly, but the current had swept her a little bit to the east. 

Mizzlesky sprinted southwest at a swift pace, overtaking Snowpatch, but then... she also fell in the river, and ended up back on dry land in the same spot as Snowpatch.

Cloverskip ran steadily southwest, and managed to avoid Snowpatch and Mizzlesky's fates. Cloverskip leapt safely over the river. 

Pineclaw immediately sprinted to the west, putting plenty of distance between himself and the Cornucopia.

Sharpwhisper turned away from the fight and ran to the northwest.

Nightwhisper also raced northwest, overtaking Sharpwhisper and running past him. 

Berrywhisker ran forward to grab pack #6, planning to just snag a pack and then leave, but he pulled up short when he saw that Darkheart was reaching for the same pack. The two tributes faced each other with teeth bared before they pounced on each other to fight for the pack. Unfortunately, Darkheart was greatly outmatched in terms of fighting ability...  Berrywhisker was able to pin the other tribute and deliver a strong bite to their throat. Once Darkheart stopped moving, Berrywhisker picked up pack #6 and ran to the northeast. Inside the pack were medium herbs. 

Darkheart has been killed! 

Duskstone jumped forward and grabbed pack #12 before running northwest with it. Inside the pack was a tribute trap. 

Waspthorn picked up pack #5, which contained a large prey. He took it and then ran north. 

Stonewave cautiously crept into the Cornucopia, the lure of good supplies too tempting for him. He picked up pack #2 from the center and then turned tail and sprinted north before anyone could jump on him. Pack #2 contained a tribute trap. 

Petalcreek and Copperburn were also allured by the packs in the center, but they weren't as lucky as Stonewave -- both she-cats reached for the same pack, #4. They were evenly matched. A brutal back-and-forth battle ensued, with each cat landing a hit and then suffering one. Claws and teeth flashed. Finally, barely clinging to her life but determined to survive, Copperburn delivered the killing blow. She stood over Petalcreek's defeated form, her breath heaving and pain radiating in every limb, but she was victorious. Copperburn took pack #4 and limped quickly away to the west, snagging pack #11 on the way out. The packs held a prey trap and a water packet. 

Petalcreek has been killed! 

Dawn'slash stepped bravely into the center of the Cornucopia with her claws outstretched, prepared to fight anyone who remained for control over the remaining supplies. However... no one else had stayed to battle. Dawn'slash was left alone at Fourtrees, with several packs remaining scattered around her. Huh. Dawn'slash marveled at her good fortune and picked up as much as she could carry, taking packs #1, #3, and #7, which contained reinforced claws, large herbs, and a water packet, respectively. Dawn'slash immediately equipped the reinforced claws and grinned at the wicked points.


The howls of two wolves sound eerily in the distance, marking the deaths of two tributes. The Bloodbath is now over. 

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