Round 2 | Submit Your Cat [Closed]

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This is where you can submit your warrior cat OC to participate in the games!

NOTE: If you were a participant in Round 1, you may submit a new tribute for this round, UNLESS your cat survived to the top 8. That means the users of Waspthorn, Ravenwillow, Nectarsting, Snowpatch, Troutdip, Dawnslash, Duskstone, and Sharpwhisper may not participate in Round 2. 

~~ Open spots: 0 ~~


1) You may only submit one character.
2) You cat must be a warrior. Apprentices, leaders, and kits will not be accepted.
3) Gender ratio is not important.
4) Your cat must have 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses, and they cannot be the same.



Name Of Warrior Tribute
2 Strengths
2 Weaknesses

Name: Pretty straightforward, it's the name of your warrior cat OC!

Gender: If your cat is something other than tom or she-cat, please indicate whether we should use male, female or gender neutral pronouns.

Strategy: Choose if your cat's personality and skills will make them an offensive player or a defensive player in the games.

2 Strengths: Pick 2 skills from the previous chapter that your cat excels at. [ Fighting Power, Fighting Skill, Speed, Intelligence, Tracking, Hunting, Herb Knowledge, Resilience ]

2 Weaknesses: Pick 2 skills (that you didn't pick for strengths) from the previous chapter that your cat struggles with. [ Fighting Power, Fighting Skill, Speed, Intelligence, Tracking, Hunting, Herb Knowledge, Resilience ]


May StarClan's light be ever in your favor!

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