Chapter 11

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The warning spoken by Kristy weeks ago logged itself in the forefront of Victor's thoughts. Untethered magic is dangerous, like a rabid dog that went berserk. With no barriers enacted, his magic flowed freely. It led, steered, and guided its vessel towards his desired goals in a way he never would have attempted. Cushioned by the magic's abounding power, he swam in a sea of ecstasy.

A cheerful Victor motioned to Nick and the Duo to start running. "Giddup!" he cried, then burst into laughter.

They took off running with Jason in the lead, his water gun held upward. Nick followed with Rosetta clinging to his back.

Untethered, dangerous.

The magic encircled Victor as he eyed the band of witches —who stood in a V formation—blocking the path.

"Know that their deaths are on your head, One Magi!" When Oliver shifted to stop the trio from entering the tunnel, he found himself unable to move. Oliver's eyes widened, and the vibrato fell from his voice. "What is happening?"

Silvan and Solan possessed some combat experience, unlike Oliver and his remaining underlings. They transported themselves closer to the genie as a means of protection from Victor before magicking up swords and shields. Victor heard Kristy's battle cry as she defended herself against Silvan and Solan. She positioned herself between the two, striking out with staff and power, her fae side lending strength beyond her fragile appearance.

Solan was the first to fall face-first onto the hard ground. Victor turned then, ready to face their remaining adversaries.

Oliver and his group fared no better than the downed Solan. Before the self-proclaimed leader could launch an attack, the gravitational forces around him and his band increased. With the gravity that strong, blood traveled downward in the witches' legs, pinning them to the ground. They screamed and struggled, fighting a two-fold battle as each fought to keep their bones from breaking and free themselves from the deadly forces.

Victor almost skipped toward the engaged magi, reveling in the power that coursed from a body no longer tired or distressed. The euphoria of his magic balancing life and death was exhilarating! He clapped his hands in delight as the air molecules flowed from high pressure to low, causing a change in velocity. The speeding wind picked up the embattled magi, tossing them into treetops and dragging them through the rough brush.

He giggled. Who knew how devious air molecules could be?

Oliver dropped from the cloudy area above the misty trees, his magic barely saving him from slamming onto the hardened ground. His coal-black eyes stared from a bruised face at the dreamy teen who stood nearby.

"This is... my reality. I am a god!" slurred Oliver. "This isn't possible! Your power cannot... outdo mine. Here... I am the One Magi!"

Victor tapped his cheek with a finger, wondering if he should tell Oliver he still had control—he'd just beaten the older man to the punch by releasing his magic with no barriers. He decided against it, not wanting to spoil the fun. Again, the magic sent Oliver and crew sweeping across the fog-ridden treetops.


He turned, a bemused expression on his face as Kristy limped toward him, her clothing ripped and stained, and a bruise graced her right cheek. He studied her for a moment, but she seemed no worse from her playdate.

"Solan is dazed, and Silvan disappeared when I got the upper hand. Come on, let's go!"

A smiling Victor chuckled, then pointed upward at the witches whose robes billowed in the artificial winds, screams barely audible. "Ollie and company look like kites, don't they, Krissy?"

"Ollie?" Kristy gaped at him. "Krissy?"

Victor giggled. "You toddle off, love. I'm having too much fun with Ollie to leave."

"Vic, did you let your magic out untethered?" Her tone seemed accusing. "You did, didn't you? Untethered magic is intoxicating! Dang it, don't let it control you!"

"It's all right. I'll ketchup." He gently pushed the genie away, giggling again as he started to walk away. "Oops... catch up."

Victor wasn't prepared when Kristy hauled back and slapped him. Hard. She then grabbed his arms, shaking him until his teeth rattled.

The blow hurt like the dickens but cleared his head by removing the rose-colored haze that clouded his thinking. Emerald eyes shot to the motionless figures whisking through the air. He'd let the magic out, and it had taken care of things, including wrapping him in a false sense of properness.

He'd hoodwinked himself and nearly lost all control.

"Damn it, pull it back, Victor, now!"

Victor obeyed the irate genie—afraid that she'd hit him again. He struggled to reign the magic back inside its column of containment. It didn't go willingly, but somehow, he managed it, feeling like he'd wrestled a water buffalo during the process.

The witches coasted to the ground, landing in a moaning heap. Thank goodness he hadn't killed anyone. Victor didn't think he could bear murder on his conscience even though the witches did not share his views.

"Let's go." Looping an arm under her shoulder, they hurried into the tunnel, knowing they only had minutes before their enemy regrouped. The smooth floor allowed them to move faster. Unfortunately, it would give their adversaries the same advantage.

"I bloody well lost us time," muttered Victor as they sped down the passageway.

"Not so bad," replied Kristy. "You forced them to use their resources to stay alive. You weakened them."

He still felt disgusted with himself. "We'll throw our combined magic at one spot. That should break through this false reality and get us out."

"How do you—"

"Shh." The two stopped. In the quiet, he heard distorted voices. "I don't know if it's Oliver and crew or Nick and the Duo. Either way, let's pick it up."

They increased their pace and soon saw Nick and the Duo perched at a rocky dead end.

"English! Kris! Thank goodness."

"Kristy! Vic!" chirped the Duo in unison.

"Oi!" Victor felt his heart lighten with relief—before a stabbing pain struck him square in the back. He yelped and staggered, only keeping his feet due to Kristy's arm around him.

The witches had regained their footing and caught up—fingers pointed like guns at the fleeing couple. One fired, and a second bolt of weakened energy came charging down the tunnel. Kristy turned, her staff whirling like a pinwheel in one hand, deflecting the shot.

"They transported to catch up! Damn, I didn't think they'd have enough left to do that. Hold on, Vic."

A trembling Oliver shouted down the tunnel as he steadied himself against the rock walls. "Such a pitiful human prank to pull, One Magi! You don't deserve the title befitting of leaders and kings such as I!"

Again, instructions came from nowhere. Create a barrier between you and the witches. You're too weak to let the magic out again, but you can siphon off bits to maintain it.

A reeling Victor agreed by pushing away from Kristy. "I'm okay. It wasn't that strong. I need to create a barrier here. Then we'll give all we can muster to a spot on that rock face." He took a deep breath and stood on shaky feet in the middle of the tunnel facing the four who stumbled toward him.

"You'll die together!" Oliver, his eyes gleaming red, lurched down the tunnel, his minions in tow. "I'll have your heads perched outside the Chamber of the Four as a deterrent for all who would defy me!"

Kristy started to balk, but Victor didn't give in. "Bloody go!" He raised both hands, and a shimmery veil of silver appeared between him and his foes, who scurried like drunkards toward him.

The genie turned and ran. Victor heard Nick yelling about no exit, but she silenced him, ordering them all to stand back. "Ready when you are, my love!" she called.

My love? Despite the dangerous situation, his heart sang with joy. But it fell just as quick. Victor didn't want to use the magic so soon after recapturing it, but he had no choice.

Kristy's magic aimed at one spot became his point of reference. He kept his left hand on the barrier, and the right pointed at the rock face. Victor then released a stream of energy so precise it glowed.

And then the witches arrived.

They rushed the shimmery curtain to no avail. One by one, then all together, the witches, minus Oliver, targeted the barrier.

"One Magi, drop the blockade. I promise you a quick death!" shouted Oliver. Victor made the mistake of glancing at the man and shivered when the leader's wild eyes gazed into his own. "Give in to me, your god! Die like a magus."

"It's working!" shouted Nick as Jason and Rosetta whooped for joy. "I can see the other side."

Victor poured power into the barrier and the exit spot. Sweat dripped down his face as he gritted his teeth. On the other side, the witches stood, power surging in their attempt to bring down the barricade. His magic sensed his human body tiring and yearned for freedom. But Victor held on, straining not to allow the bubbling magic inside him to escape. If it did, he'd have no control over it this time.

Even if it decided to kill.

"Stand back!" Kristy yelled as the fusing of her magic and Victor's blasted through the rock, displaying a darkened sky beyond the tunnel. The genie crawled through, calling out what she saw—a park-like setting with trees, brush, and flowers. A streetlight shone on one corner near a row of houses.

"It's the park where everything started!" cried Kristy.

A lightheaded Victor could almost smell the blessed nighttime air from his position in the tunnel. Now he brought both hands back to the barrier while the witches steadily chipped away at it.

Kristy motioned the others through as she rushed back to Victor. Nick hopped out, his mouth yammering a mile a minute, but the Duo refused to budge.

"What about Vic?" they asked, whiny voices raised in anguish.

The object of their concern seethed at his hard-headed siblings. "Get out now, you bubbleheads!" he shouted.

The Duo begrudgingly obeyed.

Blood trickled from his nose, and his legs grew weaker. He dropped to one knee as his control waned but kept his hands pressed against their only mode of protection. Victor didn't have much left in him but refused to take too much out of the magical column as it might escape again. Oliver cackled in glee as his people pressed harder against the blockade, then depleting themselves of all they had.

The wall thinned further, and Oliver's hand broke through, reaching for the flagging teen.

Then Kristy appeared, her light steps halting behind him, slender hands resting on his shoulder. She opened a link between them, joining her magic to his as she shouted, "Take all you need, my love!"

The barrier thickened as Victor received a jolt of much-needed power from the girl. He hadn't known linking was possible! The genie slipped an arm under him, helping him stand. "Move backward toward the opening. We'll use your blockade to seal it."

"I cannot be defeated! I am the Emperor!" Oliver screamed at his flock to no avail. The exhausted witches fell against the barrier, their power depleted. "I am the Four, destined for greatness!" He placed his wet tongue on the barrier and started licking it." I am the true One Magi!"

Victor wondered if Oliver had lost his grip on reality.

"YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME!" Oliver began foaming at the mouth as he slammed his head against the shimmering wall. "I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end!"

Suddenly he stilled. His blood-red eyes met Victor's as he began to laugh. "You haven't beaten me yet, human. I'll dine in Hell tonight with you as my guest!" Unlike his followers, Oliver hadn't used his power until now. He began drawing energy from everything on his side of the barricade—even the remnants of magic from the people who had linked themselves to him.

Victor gaped at him, suddenly understanding what the man intended. Oliver planned to release the power in one fatal strike. All the residual energy discharged in the confined space would destroy the alternate reality and send the explosion down the tunnel, killing them all.

"No! Stop! This isn't worth dying for!" pleaded Victor, turning toward the witches.

But Kristy yanked him back as she began running to the exit.

Understanding the intent too late, Oliver's people shrieked and shouted for their leader to stop. The woman grabbed his robes, hoping to break his concentration while Solan and Terek cursed at him. But spent as they were, there was nothing they could do.

You cannot help. Oliver has passed the point of no return.

Victor felt the buildup of power and pressure as he ran—and agreed even as tears of pity stung his eyes.

Then came the release.

Kristy yelled, "Run faster!"

The explosion shook the tunnel and then came barreling after them.

They pelted toward the outlet. Knowing they wouldn't make it on foot, the genie threw her arms around Victor, transporting them to the exit. The forgotten barrier could only block a portion of the blast, so Victor twisted his body in the genie's arms, taking the brunt of the force they couldn't escape.

The explosion blew the tunnel just as they dived out of nothingness onto the freshly mowed grass.

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