Chapter 13

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They hadn't walked five steps before Rosetta's piping voice asked, "Vic, where's the bathroom?"

Frowning, Victor turned to the child. "Poppet, didn't you go before we left?"

"I just wanted to know, just in case." The child tugged at her pajama top. "But never mind since you're so grumpy."

They walked another five steps before Victor stopped again and glared at Jason, who dragged a laden pillowcase behind him. "You brought your Halloween candy? Really?"

"Fine, I'll carry it." Jason slung the candy-filled pillowcase over his shoulder. "Didn't want Rosetta stealing any of mine 'cause she lost hers."

"If you'd left it at home, how could she steal it if she's here with us?"

The boy rubbed his freckled nose. "Yeah, didn't think that through."

Victor had woken with Rosetta snoring next to him. The little girl had a habit of sneaking into his bed when scared or upset. He'd peeked over to see Jason in his own bed, his candy horde sharing the pillow. He vaguely remembered muttering to his mum before Nick helped him upstairs. Kristy had mentioned something too, but Victor couldn't recall as he'd been so groggy.

The blazing column of magic had quieted. Looking inward, Victor had examined it from top to bottom. A fracture existed—the jagged line easy to see. Nothing seemed to be escaping, which gave him a bit of relief. Did magic leak? Something to ask Kristy in the morning.

Another nap was the ticket. As he had snuggled down to sleep, praying for no nightmares, the sensation of fear swept over his body. His magical column had brightened, power flooding his senses. He'd sat up, wondering what on earth—Then he knew. Kristy was in trouble. Victor had felt the genie's growing fear and knew he'd better investigate. Tired as he was, he'd slid out of bed, hoping to sneak off without the Duo noticing.

No such luck. The two had woken when he reached the bedroom door and proceeded to stick to him like flypaper. Victor had steadily refused to bring them but gave in when the Duo almost woke Lovedae with their continuous whining and begging.

Sighing, Victor continued down the aisle as the magical column inside him swirled. He stopped before reaching the front, staring in disbelief at the magi seated in the auditorium. More than half of them, genies and a sprinkling of witches, had risen to their feet and bowed as he passed. Some called his name, while others shouted, "One Magi!" with reverence on their lips.

Victor faced the adoring crowd with something close to embarrassment. He knew it wasn't him they honored. It was the power he carried. 

"No, you mustn't bow to me." He shook his head as he gazed around the expansive room. "I don't deserve that type of honor."

The fae in attendance were a different lot altogether. They hooped and hollered at Victor like old drinking buddies at the neighborhood bar.

The crowd finally took their seats, and the Grants continued their march to Kristy's side. Rosetta slipped her hand in the genie's, giving the older girl a toothy grin while Jason stared around the room in awe.

"Vic, why are you here?" muttered Kristy, her voice emitting relief.

"You needed me." Victor paused to wave at the fae leader, who jumped up and down on the table to the annoyance of the other council members. "I told you I'd be there to catch you if you fall."

"Trust falls, eh?" Kristy touched his arm. "Thanks."

Victor smiled before turning to the dais. His face grew serious as he addressed the table. "Sorry to pop in like this, but I need to corroborate Kristy's testimony. Her story is the truth."

He regarded the faces of the Tribunal leaders he knew, Mistress Fawn, ill at ease and not meeting his eyes, and Gigi, who seemed nothing short of ecstatic at his presence. Victor then turned his emerald gaze to the skeptical minister, the new speaker, and told the tale of the night's adventure.

"We tried reasoning with them, sir," said Victor, in conclusion. "But we couldn't save them. Maybe it would've helped if I had training in witchcraft. I could have figured out how to reach them. But I couldn't let Oliver harm those in my care."

Gigi perched herself on top of the mangled papers and nodded. "Good looking out, fairy-kin."

The minister ignored the tiny fae and pointed at the Duo. "You brought lesser beings into our midst?"

Rosetta placed a hand on her hip and scowled. "How rude."

"They're not lesser beings. They're my hard-headed siblings." Victor prudently dropped the 'sir.'

"Your tale is most interesting, Vickster, and the Tribunal thanks you for coming." Gigi stood up, crossing her arms as she stared at Victor. "But to prove your testimony is true, are you willing to swear by the Unbreakable Magical Bond, a binding element of unyielding power that even a One Magi such as yourself is subject to?"

He shoved his hands into his curling mop of hair before managing, "To the who, the what now?"

"It's an oath sworn to the magic." Gigi grinned at him. "Translated, it means, you lie, you die, sucka."

Victor cast the fae an annoyed look before turning to Kristy for confirmation. The genie gave a subtle nod. "I'll swear if you see fit." He eyed the minister. "Will that suffice?"

Gigi began to dance on the tabletop while several of her entourage joined in on the main floor. "Vicksters' got you there, boyo!" she called to the fuming minister. "If he and Kristy both swear and live, your 'accusations' die in front of a crapload of witnesses!"

Mistress Fawn seemed confused. "Wait, who is Kristy?"

One of the genie administrators stepped behind Mistress Fawn, whispering in her ear. She turned to look at Kristy and then frowned. "Krysania, your father is one of the Fifty, the governing body of our land. Correct?"

Victor raised an eyebrow. "Krysania?"

Kristy cringed at the name, then bowed. "Yes, First Secretary."

"You disrespect your honorable father by renaming yourself with a human name?"

Kristy bowed again. "With all due respect, Mistress. My 'honorable' father dishonored me when he didn't bother saving me from the former speaker."

Gigi continued to dance, snickering at the reply.

The pale leader of the Tribunal snarled at the pirouetting little fae before placing his chin on his gloved hands as he studied Kristy and the Grants. Verde stood and whispered in his ear until Roe gave a slight nod. "Due to corroborating testimony given by the One Magi, the witches declare no fault with the actions of the genie."

To the delight of the fairies, the Duo began cheering, their piping voices resonating through the chamber. Several of the fae, including Gigi, joined in.

The minister stood, a benevolent smile on his colorless face. "One Magi, my apologies for the misunderstanding. You mentioned a lack of knowledge of the witch Discipline. The Tribunal can provide training in any Discipline of magic you require."

For the first time since he'd appeared, Victor smiled, wondering if he'd misjudged the minister. Kristy had done her best in teaching him, but anything concerning witchcraft centered around theories and observations. "Sir, I'd truly appreciate that." The thought of professional instruction filled him with glee.

"But in return, we ask a boon of you." Minister Roe clapped his hands, and three young women appeared before the startled teens. Victor stared at them as they eyed him boldly, each beautiful, silent, and proud. Confused, he looked to Kristy for answers. She shrugged, her gaze as perplexed as his.

Gigi stopped her joyous frolicking and plopped down on the table. "Aww, hell."

Victor turned back to the minister. "I don't understand."

The minister smirked. "One beauty from three of the greatest covens in our realm. Take them one at a time or all at once. We ask that you plant your seed, binding you by blood to the witches and our realm."

"If that's the case, I have the right to choose three genies too." Mistress Fawn gazed at Victor with admiration, then tittered. "He's favorable to the eye. I might secure a spot myself."

"Yuck," muttered Gigi. "Nothing's worse than old booty."

Mistress Fawn glared at the little fae. "I'm twenty-six!"

"Plus five," the fae mumbled.

Kristy and Jason gasped at the minister's words, but Victor seemed confused. His mind tried to process the intended meaning... and failed. "Planting seeds?" The request made no sense. "You want me to teach them gardening?"

Several in the assembly burst into laughter.

"How dense are you?" Jason snorted, then whacked his brother with the top part of the pillowcase. "Doofus, he wants you to knock 'em up! Get 'em pregnant. You do, and Mom will kill you!"

"Eww, no! Vic can't have kids with... skanks!" Rosetta tossed her auburn head in disdain at the young witches. "I'm not ready to be an aunt!"

Shocked, Victor shuffled away from the women, his bare feet silent on the marble flooring. "That's no different than Arabella's plan, except you make it a swap. I'm bloody seventeen, not even legal in my world!" He glared at the minister. "I can't do what you're asking. I-I-I don't even know how!"

One of the summoned witches, a fiery redhead, reached out to him. "We could teach you, One Magi."

But a scowling Kristy stepped in front of the flustered young man, arms crossed. "He said no."

The minister pressed for a bit, weighing the benefits of such a union for the Tribunal and Victor. Stunned, he continued shaking his head, too appalled to speak.

"I see we'll have no cooperation." Again, the minister clapped his hands, and the three women disappeared. "I regret the fact that you feel this way, One Magi."

He clenched his teeth, sick to death of the minister's games. "My name... is Victor."

"Ah, yes, Victor. I thought our offer was more than generous. As you refuse to meet the needs of the Tribunal, we revoke our offer for assistance in training for all the magi in our jurisdiction." He nodded at Kristy. "That means your 'friend' too."

Both teens gazed at the minister wide-eyed with disbelief. "No!" cried Kristy. "You can't do that!"

"That's not bloody fair! You're throwing a wobbly for something I can't do!" shouted Victor. Several magi in the seated assembly agreed with the renowned magus.

"You're the speaker, sugar. We'll abide by your word." Mistress Fawn nodded at the minister, a slow smile spreading across her face.

"Ugh, I liked Minister Sabel better than this douche. Why'd he hafta die?" Gigi stamped her tiny foot at Mistress Fawn, then plopped down on the table, knocking the last of the papers to the floor. "Just 'cause you're banging that walking corpse doesn't mean you hafta follow numb nut's stupidity!"

Ignoring the fae, Mistress Fawn turned to the flabbergasted genie. "Krysania, daughter of the Fifty, as First Secretary of the Jinn, I order you to re...."

Suddenly, Gigi rose from her perch on the table. In a voice that resounded throughout the vast chamber, the little girl cried, "Kristy, daughter of the fairy Medi—I appoint you as the fae representative to the court of the One Magi in the human realm. Long may you serve us!"

The child waved her little hands in glee. "Hallelujah! Now, throw them hands in the air, and wave 'em like you just don't care!"

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