Chapter 7

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A colorful skullcap covered Tón Greco's ash-blond hair. He sat in the car's back seat, sipping a takeout coffee. "Coffee is life. A cup of joe burns fat and improves physical performance." He took another reviving sip. "It also lowers your risk from diseases and boosts longevity."

Kristy laughed. "So does exercise."

"Don't get him started, love." Victor yawned as he pulled the car into the school's parking lot.

Tón slid out as soon as the engine shut off, slamming the door behind him. Victor rubbed his tired eyes before reaching for Kristy's backpack. A slender hand stopped him.

"Why so tired lately?"

"Too much on my mind." Victor shrugged. "Between the naughty Duo, the naughtier magic, and these bloody nightmares I've been having, I haven't gotten ample sleep."

Since learning of his link to the professor, the haunting dreams persisted. The content remained the same—a vengeful Professor Craig blaming him for his death and seeking retribution. The talks with Dr. Mason continued, but the teen still hadn't mentioned the nightmares or his parentage. He'd taken to flipping through the professor's journals well into the night as he searched for clues surrounding his origins.

Professor Craig once said to trust his intuition. Instinct led him to the journals.

The illogical part of him believed the professor's spirit haunted him for letting him die. If I had agreed with the voice and gone straight to him, would he be here today? He'd asked himself the same question the last three years with no viable answer. Two weeks of interrupted sleep compounded with large doses of guilt began to wear on Victor.

"I'll have results from GenTrak's servers tomorrow. That'll ease your mind. I had to learn how to magically set queries linked to keywords. You'll have it soon as I get it."

"I don't mind you reading it. I trust you."

The genie beamed with pleasure.

"How in blazes did you learn to do the computer stuff?"

"You don't want to know."

Considering what Kristy had done was most likely illegal, he agreed. It bothered him that she had nicked the information but admitted this was something he needed to know. After several conversations with Dr. Mason, who'd become a frequent visitor to the house, Victor understood his individualistic nature held him back. He'd grown to admire the man, who'd convinced him that connecting with others was the best way to conduct matters of importance. Connections improved progress.

It was a hard pill for a caretaker to swallow. Instead of balking at the illicit help, Victor swallowed the guilt. "Thanks, Kristy."

"No thanks needed." Her lovely eyes twinkled. "It's nice doing things for you."

"I could say the same."

She placed a finger over his lips, silencing him. "Don't explain it away." To Victor's delight, Kristy removed her finger, replacing it with soft lips in a brief kiss of gratitude. "Thanks, Vic."

Happiness flowed through his system like a waterfall. Victor tried to think of something witty to say, to show his deep regard for her. Instead, he blurted out, "You'd be great in a scary movie." At her wide-eyed look, Victor stammered out, "I-I-I meant seeing a scary movie. Together."

"Thought you were calling me a monster." Kristy gave him a sly look, her breath mingling with his. "Let's watch one together. We'll hold hands if you get frightened." She burst into laughter, and seconds later, he joined in.

Banging on the car window halted their conversation. Nick Johnson and Tón peeked in, grinning and winking. Although the two were Victor's best mates, they made the most unlikely grouping. Whereas Victor liked to remain discreet and inconspicuous, Tón and Nick preferred the spotlight, taking outrageous to a higher level.

Knowing they'd tease him, a reluctant Victor slid out of the car, followed by Kristy. Before either could speak, Tón and Nick began their performance.

"Tón, you see it?" Nick flipped back his shoulder-length dreads as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Tón removed his skullcap, but his attempt at tossing his hair back failed. "Too much gel," he muttered before getting into character. "Yes, Nick, I did. The pressing of pursed lips, then the parting of those same lips to emit a smacking sound."

Nick folded his arms and tilted his head back. "Yes, a kiss. This means we, the Doctors of Love, have led English successfully in the ways of Kino. We succeeded because you're Tón..."

Tón jiggled his slender hips, glanced at his friend, and pointed. "And you're Nick."

"And together..." They slid back-to-back and assumed similar flamboyant poses. "We are A-Tón-Nick!"

Victor sighed. "I thought you blokes gave up that tagline."

But Kristy released a tinkling laugh and clapped. "Bravo! I love when you do that. So, what's Kino again?"

Victor pointed a warning finger at his friends. "Don't you dare." He didn't want Kristy to know he'd listened to a lecture on the social dynamics of Kino, the science of touching a woman. She'd think him a complete pervert! Instead, he grabbed Kristy's backpack and slung it on his shoulder. "Let's go. I've got one detention this semester and aim to keep it that way."

Tón nodded. "The new principal gives out detentions like candy."

Nick and Tón trotted alongside the two as they headed to the door leading into the school. Nick glanced at Victor. "Yo, English, speaking of candy, we still trick-or-treating tomorrow?"

"Of course, the Duo can hardly wait."

"I'm going too." A gleeful Kristy slipped her arms through Nick's and Victor's. "I can't wait!"

Victor gazed down at her, delighted when she smiled up at him.

Tón sighed. "I can't go. My old man is outta town, and Mom refuses to pass out candy alone. I was going full anime. I ordered the cosplay outfit of Jasper Yuusuke from 'Sins of a Blood Knight.' I freaking love that show."

"Me too! I got the Hiro cosplay for my birthday," said Nick. "I look good in it. Shows off my butt real nice."

Kristy giggled. "Nice to know."

As they discussed costumes, Victor noticed three students smoking near the side door. One was a chap he only knew by sight, but he recognized Jackson Grigg, captain of the baseball team, as one of the participants. It saddened him to see someone in a position of responsibility engaging in such reckless behavior. The person responsible for Jackson's changed outlook saw them, nudged his cronies, and came sauntering forward.

Maddox King, the guy Nick called the 'poster child of juvenile delinquency.' Victor shared his last class of the day, the dreaded chemistry, with the teen. Maddox had suffered suspensions for disorderly conduct, fighting, and bullying, but surprisingly, his grades weren't as troublesome as his attitude. The wavy blond hair, rugged good looks, and football player physique gave the impression of a student who wasn't that bad. But, according to Tón, having a parent on the school board helped the most.

Maddox—who should have been a junior but was held back a year—moved to block their path. He stood with Jackson at his side and tossed his cigarette butt onto the concrete. "Kristy," he bellowed, his voice husky. "We need to talk."

Victor's brow furrowed, surprised that the fellow knew Kristy. Surprised by the revelation, he sampled the bitter taste of jealousy.

He felt better when the genie whispered, "If you don't want me committing murder, don't leave."

"I won't." Victor peeped at her. "The bloke cheesed you off, eh?"

"That isn't the half of it."

Jackson and his flawless veneers moved forward, his smile the epitome of perfection. "Hey, how's it going?" After glancing at Maddox, he said, "Maddox needs a word with the lady." He smiled again, expecting the males to make a hasty exit.

No one moved. The million-watt smile fell.

"We're busy," said Kristy, her tone frigid.

"Yeah, important costume business," added Nick.

Maddox frowned at Nick. "Maybe you need an incentive."

"From you and what army?" replied Nick.

The big blond didn't have the best reputation for patience. Victor didn't want his friends involved if the brute decided to raise a fuss.

"You guys go ahead. We'll catch up," muttered Victor.

Tón posed to leave, but Nick paused. "I don't like punking out on my friends."

"It's all good, mate."

Grumbling, he followed Tón into the school. Victor turned toward Kristy with confusion as his magical column began rumbling. He ignored the sensation, and his ears homed in on her conversation with Maddox.

"I just wanna talk, baby," coaxed Maddox. "Clear the air."

"Don't call me 'baby,'" replied Kristy, her hand on Victor's arm. "You have nothing to clear up with me."

Maddox narrowed his eyes at Victor, who watched the proceedings with interest. "Shove off."

Seeing the annoyance on Maddox's face, Jackson added to the request. "Come on, Vic. Let's go."

Although weary, Victor gave them his most winsome smile. "No, thank you."

Kristy grinned before turning back to the irritating blond. "You disrespected my friend. Apologize to her."

Victor raised an eyebrow. Her?

"It was no big deal." Again, Maddox gave Victor a once-over. "This the ballerina you were telling me about?"

Kristy scowled. "I said ballroom, not ballet." The 'you, idiot,' was heavily implied.

Victor's tone was dry. "Don't worry about it, love. I've been called worse."

The third member of Maddox's group peered over, flicking long brown bangs away from his hooded eyes. The grungy boy sauntered toward Victor, taking a long drag on his cigarette as he studied him. "I remember you, the dancing Brit." He stopped, feet spread apart with a hand on his waist. "Maddox, this guy's waaay too pretty to swing our way." He removed the smoldering cigarette from his thin lips, holding it out between his index and middle finger. "I'm thinking... a fag?"

Jackson's uneasy chuckle and Maddox's roaring laughter were brought up short when a wide-eyed Victor glanced at the cigarette and frowned. "No, thank you. Don't fancy them. Bad for the lungs."

They gaped at him, confused, but an oblivious Victor motioned to Kristy by tapping his watch. The genie didn't bother saying goodbye, only stalked off toward the door, dragging him along with her.

The burly blond called after her. "Not taking no for an answer. We're gonna talk, babe."

She ignored him. "Vic, what's a fag?"

"Oh, a cigarette, bad for your health." Victor held the door open for the furious girl. "So?"

"Remember when me and Tammy went out for ribs a couple of weeks ago? Maddox, Jackson, and the other guy, Bobby, were there and asked to sit with us because it was crowded. We were laughing, eating, and joking—having a good time. I was upset, so Maddox paying attention to me kind of soothed my ego."

Victor remembered he was the reason Kristy had been upset.

"Anyway, I laughed at something Maddox said, and Tammy joked how you were gonna be jealous. It must have ticked him off because Maddox told her to shut up and then called her a... a racial slur. There was a brief silence before Tammy went off and then stormed out. I didn't know what it meant then, but I followed suit. When I looked it—" Rage filled her beautiful eyes. "I was livid."

"I can imagine which one he used." Victor understood Kristy's fury as part solidarity. The genies had used contemptuous names for the half-fae. "He's been bugging you since?"

"Maddox was out for a week, but since being back, he's steadily riding my nerves."

They walked through the crowded hallway to their lockers before stopping at Victor's. Kristy turned the combination lock with deft fingers, opening it on the first try. Victor couldn't help but feel gratitude as battling his finicky lock contributed to his stint in detention for tardiness. The genie grinned before heading to her locker.

Then he heard it—the familiar screech from his former harasser, Maryann Harper. Thanks to Kristy and her "magical manipulation" of Maryann's attitude with the Allure, being around the senior was almost bearable.


Maryann came barreling down the hall, her eyes locking on Kristy, who had switched lockers with another student to be near Victor.

"Kristy, you did it deliberately, showing up wherever Maddox is to draw attention to yourself," said Maryann, her purple-tinted lips forming a pout. The curvy young woman stamped her foot in one of her too-tight outfits. "Don't lie because I just saw you in the parking lot with him."

Victor leaned against the wall, watching the exchange. He noticed Nick standing at his locker, enjoying the show.

Kristy placed several books on the upper shelf. Her black jeans and his oversized Star Wars sweatshirt made her look almost childlike. But there was nothing childlike about her tone. "Vic was there. Was he hitting on Maddox too?"

Maryann stamped her foot again. "You know what I mean. First, you take Vicky from me, now Maddox? Have you no shame?"

Kristy slammed her locker shut as she turned to face Maryann. "I'm not interested in Maddox. He's an ass."

The genie's annoyance must have seeped through as Maryann resorted to pouting. "You used reverse psychotherapy on him! He doesn't even look at me anymore! Word is he's planning on taking you to the Winter Festival and the dance."

A snort of laughter came from several lockers down. "Maryann, I'd pray for you, but it won't help. Psychotherapy involves treating mental disorders."Nick flicked several dreads out of his face. His brown skin glistened in the sunlight from the row of paned windows across the hall. "Girl, if you're that anxious to go to the dance, I'll take you."

"As if." Maryann snorted. "I'm not that desperate."

Nick faked a pout. "Aww, booboo."

Rolling her eyes, Kristy yelled, "Victor!"

"Yes?" he replied, his tone mild so as not to agitate her further. Kristy was not in the mood for joshing. Even her ponytail swung in an irritated manner.

"We're going to the stupid festive dance thingy together."

"Yes, love." Victor unpacked his backpack as his heart performed a series of somersaults.

Kristy smiled at Maryann. "Now the rumor isn't true. I'm going with Vic."

"Dang, Maryann. Tammy said he called her 'THE' racial slur." Nick slid over, a serious expression on his face. "That word is a nuclear bomb to black people. A punk move by Maddox if you ask me."

"I didn't ask you." Maryann huffed. "He was probably kidding around with her."

"That's a bloody cop-out," added Victor. "I can't wrap my head around why you'd defend him."

The spiky-haired girl rolled her eyes before turning back to Kristy. "Maddox doesn't even know I'm alive anymore." She sulked, glaring at the pink-haired girl. "Thanks a lot, friend."

Kristy didn't bother responding.

Nick shouldered his bookbag and grinned at Maryann. "You could get really desperate and go with Tón and me." He wiggled his eyebrows at her, and Maryann turned and stormed down the hallway.

"Nice going, Nick. If Maryann would defend Maddox, we're well shot of her." Victor picked up his bookbag, noting the horde of vagrant students had decreased. "Come on, Kristy, I'll walk you to class."

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