Complicated Feelings

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I kiss her back with matched intensity. I have contradicting feelings silently fighting against each other in my mind as she moves her hands playfully down to my shirt button. She unbuttons my shirt with ease and presses her hand against my chest in a way that drives me crazy. I know that this can't happen, that I need to back away. I will lose Wishes for sure if I let this go too far. That's my primary concern, but I also have to worry about the fact that I will anger Grant which will be detrimental to my plan.

On the other side, the poison of her lips feels like a drug to me right now, I need it. It helps my aching body, but worsens my racing mind. Why must love always be a game of Russian roulette? It's never as easy as two people loving each other and getting together, there's always twisted games and hurt feelings involved. How could I not of accounted for this to happen? She likes Grant, of course she may kiss who she thinks is Grant. This recognition of the fact that she doesn't and never has wanted me is enough to make me move away from her. I'm so tired of second place.

She sighs and keeps her eyes on mine. "That was different." Her voice comes out hoarse.

I know she's suspicious which sends my heart into a race I am not sure it can win. "Different how?"

"It felt like we were doing something scandalous, something we're not allowed to do. Like we're breaking the rules."

Oh, if only she knew how true that statement is. "You felt that in a kiss?" I question her, unsure how Grant would've handled this situation and finding it increasingly difficult to care.

"Sure. A kiss is full of emotions, I've developed the skill of interpreting them all. Maybe it's where we are and the fact that we're being watched by weirdos that made the kiss feel rebellious, I don't know." She emphasizes the word weirdo, wanting the clones to hear her.

She's not completely wrong, I know Wishes can see us and I'm certain Wishes is going to find out I'm not Grant eventually so this could be the knife in the coffin for our relationship. This girl may have a future as a fortune teller.

I laugh. "Maybe. What else have my lips taught you about me?"

"There's been a few times where I could sense that you were in a crushing amount of pain." She looks at her feet.

Her feelings for Grant run deep enough for her to hurt when he hurts, simply because he's hurting. I didn't realize how profound their relationship is. I start to feel a little guilty for testing their relationship like this for my personal gain, but not bad enough to put an end to all this. There's too much at stake.

I touch her arm gently. "Hey, I'm alright. A little pain can be good, I've grown from that pain." I try to soothe her, but I can tell by the look on her face that I don't.

"Grant, I felt your pain just two days ago. You are almost always in pain." She says weakly.

Words aren't easy to form as I process this. Grant has never seemed to be struggling to me. He is always joking around and laughing. If he's hurting this bad how can he hide it so well? That can only mean that he's been struggling for awhile, that's the only way you get that good at faking something. It's like a chronic disease, you get so used to the pain that you can mask it, but you're never immune. I am speaking from experience, I've gotten so used to people telling me that I'm going to die alone that I learned how to be independent, so that no one would ever think I even wanted anyone.

The ache resonating through 'my' body reminds me that the pain isn't just mental but physical as well.

I sigh and shift in an attempt to mitigate the pain. "I'm okay. Meeting you has made me really happy." I smile feebly as I say what I think Grant would say.

"I don't believe you, I'm a therapist." She grins.

I had no idea she was a therapist, but it makes sense. She fits the role perfectly. Maybe she and Grant are a good fit. "Come here." I imitate Grant's catchphrase with open arms. She hesitates and nuzzles into me.

I smile down at her. I haven't felt this warm and fuzzy since I first met Wishes years ago. I close my eyes and get lost in the moment, which I also haven't done in a while. I forget about everything as I hug her. I never realized how life saving a hug can be.

"The clones are never going to let us out of here." She complains into 'my' chest.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Not willingly."

She takes a minuscule step back and stares up at me with big blue-yellow eyes. "I need a nap, being kidnapped is surprisingly taxing."

"I'll keep watch." I smirk and follow her to the couch. "How did this happen anyways? What'd they do?"

I lift up the blanket so she can crawl under it. She lays down and shakes her head. "They told me you were in trouble. I didn't believe them, but you weren't answering your phone and I couldn't find you. I refused to chance it. A group of those freaks cornered and attacked me then, threw me in this room like I was a piece of their garbage."

I swallow my guilt. "I'm sorry, that must've been terrifying for you." I tuck her under the covers.

"It's okay, we're together now." She closes her eyes and pulls the covers up to her nose, as if hiding herself.

"Goodnight." I say, taking a risk and giving her a gentle forehead kiss.

She says nothing and turns away from me. I don't ask why and she doesn't tell me for a minute until out of the blue she speaks up. "You hooked up with my mom?"

I wish I could be a fly on the wall right now, but I'm stuck in this scene. This was karma for me messing with Grant's life. I have to fix my mess.

"Yes. It was a long time ago and it was a one time thing. I know that doesn't necessarily make it better, but I really like you and I will do anything to make it up to you and make us work." In that moment, I'm Grant and I'm consumed with guilt and fear.

"You've seen my mom naked." Her voice comes out as small as she is, which has a strange affect on my heart.

I struggle to find words as my chest tightens and walls start to close in around me. My vision gets blurry and I can't make out her face as it becomes twisted arrangement of blues, reds and yellow.

The last thing I notice is her screaming Grant's name as I hit the floor and fade into the blackness.

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