Making the Call

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My next move is a strategic one. Not that I was left with much choice. Wishes had a picture I needed. My job is to convince her that Grant isn't and never has been worth fighting for. I swallow my pretend pride and do the thing I'd been dying to do since I started this operation, I call Wishes.

She answers on the second ring. "Sorry Grantheis, I was super busy with Elijah and just noticed you were calling me again."

I bite back a laugh. This was the first time I'd called her. "Whatever."

I take a dramatic pause for Grant effect. "I know you know why I called so, I'm just going to get right to the point. Get rid of the"

She laughs for what feels like an hour, but I'm not complaining. "Oh Grantheis, you so funny! What do you think?"

"Huh?" I feign confusion even though I invented our language and know exactly what she means.

There's a seriousness in her voice now. "What do you think I'm going to say about that?"

"What do you want from me?" I start to see why Grant gets irritated by Wishes, she tries to control him.

"I wanted you not to do it. You a cheater and I want her to dump you."

Not what I wanted to hear. I thought she'd want me,
I mean Grant to kiss her. I play my ace as a last resort. "Come here." I use Grant's catchphrase.

"I can't, I'm very busy."

I sigh, she wants me to beg her. "Please?"

"Fine, you can stop crying for me now, I'm coming." The line goes dead.

I do some breathing exercises to ready myself for her arrival. No matter what, I have to play the part. I can be myself later.

She walks in even though the door was locked. "I'm here."

I eye her, my heart heavy. The want is evident on her face. The want for someone besides me. "Look, this is a one time thing alright?"

"Me coming to your house is never going to stop, you can't stay away from me."

I make my way to her. "Shut up."

"Grantheis that's so..." I kiss her to cut her off. My best chance at making this work is to give her hope. It's risky for me to be this close to her, but I have to do it. I give her a little bit more passion in this kiss.

She pulls back. "What is this Granthies?"

I center myself. "You wanted me to kiss you, I just cut to the chase."

Her big eyes shine as they stare at me. "That's nice Grantheis."

I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not. "Really sweet of me. Now you can delete the picture."

"It's mine. I can't do nothing." She seems almost angry. Maybe because I've ruined the mood.

"Is this because I didn't take you on that date? I'll take your right now if it'll kill that picture." I plead with her.

She shrugs the best she's able to with no neck. "You can still do that even though I'm not deleting the picture."

I let my annoyance show, just to make this next part seem believable. "I wish you never took that picture or at least that you'd delete it forever. This whole situation is so messed up."

Her eyes harden, telling me that I struck a nerve in the right way, the productive way. She says nothing, but takes out her phone and starts hitting buttons I can't see.

I attempt to lean over her to see the screen, she jerks away. I face her and ask, "Whatcha doing?"

She glares up at me. "Deleting your stupid picture."

I smile, unsure and not concerned if Grant would in this situation. I didn't want to use my second wish on this, but I had no choice. There's still one left and I think I can make it through the war with the last wish as my lifeline.

The other thing I worry about is if Wishes has caught on to what I've been doing. Does she know I'm using her genie powers against her? I push it out of my mind knowing if I let my paranoia take over, I'll go insane. I'd like to, but I can't ask for more wishes, it's the one thing Aladdin got right about genies. Unfortunately, I have to use all three wishes before I can kiss her to get more.

"Ummm, thank you." I do my best trying-to-hide-my-surprise-and-gratitude Grant voice, which is one he uses a lot shockingly.

"Thank me with our big date." She smiles at me, resetting the pace of my heart.

I smirk the way he would. "Who said big? I'll take you on a date, but this isn't a big thing, got it?"

"Got you, Grantheis." She moves into me. "So where are you taking me on our first date?"

"First and last." I shoot her a warning glance. "I don't know, McDonald's?"

Her eyes lit up like I've never seen. "Really?!!! You'd really take me to McDonald's? That's where we first met!"

I take a deep breath. They first met at the Clone Mansion, but I can't correct her because he wouldn't. "Yeah, whatever it's public, so..."

"I knew you were a secret romantic Grantheis!"

"Stop calling me that!" I yell back.

She doesn't even look fazed. "Okay, I won't call you a romantic ever again, just a lover."

I sigh. "I meant Grantheis, but don't call me that either."

"Doesn't matter to me, lover." She looks pleased with herself and I hate to crush her spirits, but Grant wouldn't be able to resist.

I shake my head. "You're so delusional. Let's just go and get this over with." I grab her hand and pull her behind me. I'm not sure if Grant would touch her right now, but I had to feel her skin on mine. I couldn't help it.

"Woah, lover slow down! You're getting too excited! Wishes only agreed to one date."

I scuff. "Call me that when people are around and I'll kill you on the spot."

She giggles, making it hard for me to mock anger. "Don't pretend you're only dirty in private! Wishes knows what you do."

"Get in the car." I open her door. He's a jerk, but somehow also a gentleman.

She gets in and lays her seat the whole way back.

"What are you doing?"

She grins. "Just making you think."

"About pushing you out of this car?" I start up his fancy Ferrari and start backing out of his driveway.

She squints at me. "You be acting different lover."

My palms get instantly sweaty.

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