Prologue: A vision and a choice

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In the deep territories of neutral space a small fleet of clone wars era Republic warships were cruising at a slow pace to conserve fuel. In the bridge of the lead ship named 'The redemption' stood a female Jedi Knight looking out into the stars pondering in her thoughts. Her name was Etain Tur-Mukan and she was currently the leader of the clone resistance. She herself was a survivor from order 66 thanks to a group of clone defectors who arrived at the temple to save her just in time. 

In this little repel cell was a small armies worth of clone troopers made by the masters of cloning technology on Kamino. While they were cloning a rebellion on the planet they knew it was only a matter of time before the empire would come and shut it all down. So using they're time and recourses smartly they were able to scrape together a small fleet of ships so the clone resistance had a fighting chance. But when they knew the empire was coming they sent the clone resistance away from the cloning planet so they wouldn't be found out. 

"Um...General, Commander O'Conner is back from his scouting mission." A clone trooper said as the female Jedi knight kept her face forward looking out at the stars.  

"Very good, send him in." She said as the trooper then saluted her and walked away. The doors to the command center then opened revealing a clone commander looking over a big map of the galaxy. He was wearing phase 1 clone armor with black accents and his face revealed a scar just barely next to his right eye and had short black hair. Strapped to his back was a DC-15A Blaster rifle and in two holsters on his skirt were duel DC-17 blaster pistols. Then the clone from before then approached the experienced commander. 

"Sir, the General wants to speak to you." The trooper said getting the attention of O'Conner.

"Very well, better not keep her waiting." O'Conner said as he then made his way to where the Jedi General was. When he was standing right behind her he then stood at attention and saluted. "You wanted to see me General?"

"Yes, I did." She answered. "At ease."

O'Conner then stood normally as the female Jedi knight turned around to talk face to face with the clone commander. 

"Did you find anything on your scouting mission?" Etain asked. 

"No general, only a few imperials." O'Conner answered. "But we got out of there before they could hit us back."

"Well, its good to know everyone made it back." Etain said. "At times like these every single clone lives in our fleet matters."

"I couldn't agree more with you general." O'Conner said. "But at this rate we'll never find a suitable base for us if the Empire keeps it's iron grip on most of the planets we now about." 

"Yes, it is a very difficult problem." Etain agreed. "But I may have found a solution to our problems."

"How's that general?" O'Conner asks curious. The Jedi General then turned to the stars again as the clone commander stood next to her. 

"Recently, I started having visions." She started. "And I think they are trying to tell me something."

"W-what is it that you see in these so called visions?" O'Conner asked. 

"Everything I see it, I always see a set of coordinates that I'm not familiar with." The Jedi Knight replied. "And a see a young girl... with sliver eyes."

"Is that all?" The clone commander asked.

"No, I see us battling across many plots of land in the vision." Etain added. "Places, where darkness lurks over everything and everyone, and even now I can still see even without these visions."

"Well, have you looked at the coordinates in your visions?" O'Conner asked.

"Yes, but again its not too familiar with me." She answered. "I feel as if they should lead somewhere."

"Do you mind showing me?" O'Conner asked. 

"Not at all." Etain answered. Soon the two walked back to the command center and pulled up the hollomap of the whole galaxy. 

"So where do these coordinates lead to anyway general?" O'Conner asked. Etain then pointed to a section of the galaxy in the very outer rim where it just seemed like a empty section of space and surprisingly they were very close to it. "But... according to this map here, there's nothing out there, just empty space."

"And yet the visions I keep having tell me there is something there." Etain said. "If there is nothing there why would the force tell me otherwise?'

"I don't know general." O'Conner answered. "Do you think there really is something out there?"

"At this point I could only guess." Etain said. "Visions through the force aren't always accurate and can be misleading." 

The two then looked back at the map of the galaxy trying to think of a way to figure out what exactly was the force trying to tell the Jedi Knight. But it was then that the clone commander then thought of something.

"General, if I may, I would like to go on a scouting mission to these coordinates to see if their really is something there." O'Conner said. This really caught the Jedi Knight off-guard as she never could have guess one of her best to do something dangerous.

"Are you sure?" Etain asked. "For all we know the unknown regions of the galaxy could be filled with lots of dangerous hazards.  

"Not to worry, I'll bring along a couple of other pilots." O'Conner said. "But I will only have those who volunteer to go with me."

"I don't know commander." Etain said. "It just seems risky to me."

"Everything we do is risky general." O'Conner stated. "I knew the risks I faced when I defected from the empire to fight them, this is no deferent." 

"Are sure your up for the task?" Etain asked looking at the clone commander in the eyes. 

"Yes general, if there is something there I'll contact you." O'Conner said. "And if not, I'll return to the fleet as fast as I can."

"*Sigh* Very well, I approve." Etain said. "But just be carful, and don't do anything reckless." 

"You can count on me General!" O'Conner said standing straight. "I will get the job done with zero error."

"Good, get your fighter ready and have your wingmen prepared." Etain ordered. 

"Of course General, it will be done!" The clone commander said as he grabbed his helmet and then started making his way to the hanger.

"Oh and O'Conner!" Etain called out causing the clone commander to stop and turn around to the Jedi knight. "May the force be with you."

This cause the clone commander to form a smile on his face before slipping on his helmet.

"Always general, always." O'Conner said before taking off to the hanger. 

A little while later...

After prepping his T-65 X-wing prototype O'Conner had two volunteers crews for the ARC-170 to be his wingmen for the recon mission. Soon the main-hanger doors of the venator opened and the 3 starfighters then took off from the cruiser and into the area of space. Soon after the 3 formed a triangular formation with the X-wing in the middle and the 2 ARC-170's on the sides. 

"So commander, what's the mission today?" One of the ARC-170 pilots asked.

"Well it's no blue milk run but just as important." O'Conner started. "We are going to do some recon on a set of coordinates that was given to us by the General." 

"Oh, straight from the top huh?" The other ARC-170 pilot asked. "Is that why this mission is so important?" 

"Yes, I'm transmitting the coordinates to you two now." O'Conner said. "Once you have them punched in notify me and make the jump to hyperspace on my mark."

"Copy that commander." Both pilots said soon receiving the coordinates. "Coordinates are locked in and we are ready to jump."

"Alright, making the jump to hyperspace in 3...2...1...Mark." O'Conner said then pushing the hyperspace button activating it. Within seconds the three ships jumped into light speed disappearing from the fleets sights. Etain watched as the three ships left in search of what they might uncover.

"The future of this resistance rests upon you commander O'Conner." Etain said to herself. "Good luck and may the force be with you."


And that should do it for the prologue! Let me know yours guys thoughts in the comments! I would love to hear them!

Anyways I will try to update my Marines in Remnant next as it is very close to being done!

Anyways see you all next time!!


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