{9} the movie

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Sean's pov

After me and Mark hugged for a while I jumped off his desk. I immediately regretted it though because my shorts fell down and I wasn't wearing underwear. Mark blushed and his eyes were the size of the moon. I blushed furiously and quickly pulled them back up. Me and Mark were silent for a while, then we both started laughing hysterically.

Time skip to after work.

I was tired from making drinks and I wanted to go back and hang out with Mark. I got changed into the clothes I wore to the club and walked out. I headed for Marks office. I stepped inside and he smiled at me. "Ready to go home kitten?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. We headed out to the parking alot. Mark started the car and we drove off. "How was your first day kitten?" Mark asked me as we drove down the street. "It went well" I said smiling. Not long after that we made it to the apartment. "Wanna watch a movie tonight?" Mark asked me. I nodded while he unlocked the door. "I'm gonna go rent a movie, I'll be back soon kitten" said Mark smiling and heading out the door. I was home alone so I decided to play on his computer. I was playing a new game called happy wheels, it was really fun yet stressful. "Get up there come on!" I yelled as the character fell and died. I giggled and got up as I heard Mark come into the house. "Hi kitten" he said smiling with a bunch of movies in his arms. "Hi Markimoo" I replied pouring myself some Dr. Pepper. He put the first movie in. I grabbed a blanket and we got under it. I slowly laid on Marks chest and he started to stroke my green hair. His hands are so warm. The first movie was a comedy and I loved the feeling of Marks chest bouncing up and down everytime he laughed. Suddenly my phone started ringing. I picked it up and saw that an unknown number was calling. I shrugged and answered it. The voice that has taunted me for years rang through my ears. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!" Yelled Alex through the phone. "A-Alex!?!?" I stuttered out. "YEAH IT'S ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?!?!? Alex asked me.

Marks pov

Sean's eyes are getting teary and I hear yelling who the hell is he speaking to!? "Is everything alright kitten?" I asked him. He looked at me with tears going down his cheek. He shook his head no and started to hyperventilate. I grabbed the phone from him and hugged him to my chest with my free hand. He started sobbing into my chest and he hugged me tightly. I put the phone to my ear, "hello?" I asked. "WHO THE HELL IS THIS!? I heard a deep voice yell. "This is Mark a close friend of Sean who the fuck is this?" I said back to him. "THIS IS ALEX, SEAN'S BOYFRIEND!" He snapped. So this son of a bitch is Alex. "He's not my boyfriend anymore Mark" said Sean still sobbing into my chest. I rubbed circles into his back "Shh its alright kitten I'll take care of this" I told him. "Now listen to me you sick son of a bitch, you do not own Sean, he is a gorgues precious little flower and I will not let you hurt him!" I said loudly to Alex, I heard heavy breathing on the other end. Before he could yell again I hung up and blocked the random number. Sean was still sobbing into my chest, I carried him bridal style into my bedroom. I laid him under the covers and then slid in next to him. He immediately cuddled into my chest. I kissed his forehead as I heard his gentle snores.


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