Facing the 'devil', literally...

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Ahana Pov 

His gaze was turning suffocating, one reason might be-- that I did not expect to see him here, the other-- that I wanted to take a knife and stab him again and again and again an--

Yeah, seem like a good time to stop my intrusive thoughts.

I got up from my seat earning a worried glance from Ray, "Ahana, what are you doing? You are still injured."

"Destiny. I will prefer, you to not call my real name, not at least Infront of everyone," tell me what again, I was thinking while telling him my real name, "And I am okay now, no need to worry." I lied through my teeth, my ankle was sure better after rest, but it was nowhere near fine.

Then again, I had suffered through quite a lot more pain than this, it does not bother me that much. 

"I'm fine," I repeat, with a firm tone as I saw him also getting up to probably help me, "and I will prefer to be left alone." 

With the words being said, I walked out of the main stadium toward the lobbies and hallways, heaving a sigh, I walked forward my mind in a labyrinth of thoughts-- that vary from mere thoughts to memories. 

What is that man even doing here?

The question repeat itself in my mind, I would have wondered about it if I hadn't heard the sound of air cutting, leading me to take a swift step back.

A navy-blue Beyblade with black accents, the bit-chip marked with a black face, make a crack on the wall-- the spot where just some mere moments ago my head was, talk about close miss. 

"Look like you have finally grown up," the gravelly tone cut through the tension in air.

"Surprised, you are, no? After all, you make quite sure that I will not see sunlight ever in my life, Grandpa." I said with an indifferent tone, leaning on the wall, he was clad in a grey suit with a black tie-- just like his personality. 

"It all was your parent's fault," he said, with his trademark sadistic smile making me clench my fists, "After all if M-"

"Don't," I interrupt in between, exhaling a breath, how I want to kill the person before me, "don't you dare, take their name from that filthy mouth of yours."

"Aww, look like I hit a soft spot, oh... or a sore nerve,"

"You know, your bones will not easily heal, if they broke in this age."

"Are you threatening me, little girl?

"I am stating facts, old man."

Thankfully, the teams begin to exit the stadium and so did the audiences, only that led me to walk away-- if he was here, then this will lead to bad news, a totally bad news in future.


Author's Pov

The Asian tournament final took place today, Max had gone against Gary but lose with a score of 2-1, look like Gary's head was finally in a battle rather than food, the second player from team blade breakers was Ray, against Mariah, who bring back Blade breakers a victory.

So, now for the tie breaker round, Lee was against Tyson in a sand temple stadium. Long short story, Lee's blade attack 'Dark Lightening' was much stronger than expected, bringing Tyson to a defeat in their first match. 

"Tell Ray, if he'd stayed with the White Tigers he would have learned my energy trick too, but he didn't and now, you'll have to pay the price by losing the tournament and going home." Lee mocked with a sneer, "Enjoy letting your teammates down! Ray because you are just so good at-"

"Can you shut the fuck up already?" A cold voice sound out in stadium commanding attention, as every head turn toward the black-haired beauty. 

"Oh, oh, oh, everyone look like our ice queen is finally provoked," A.J. Topper said, his voice excited, Destiny doesn't speak much in matches, whether they are Her's or other's so seeing her speaking-- especially defending her teammate, was an exciting site for everyone. 

"I truly don't even know, how Ray was friends with you? I mean, look at you, you are just wasting everyone's time with your childish antics-- just like a child holding a grudge." she said with a bored look, tilting her head. "Ray will disappoint us or not, let us decide that- that is none of your damn concern."

"Huh, look who is speaking, you are said to be a strong blader, undefeated, then why are you just a manager in this team, Destiny?" Lee shot back, his eyes narrowed "Let's speak the truth, you don't have the talent, you are just flying from rumors."

His sentences arise gasps from every person in audience stadium. 

"You are lucky we are in stadium, in between an official match, otherwise your ego and Beyblade both would have been in pieces." she said, with such a cold tone that it causes even the audience to gulp, her bangs covering her eyes.  "Actually, I will gladly do it, once we get out of here." she said, with almost a threatening smirk.

"Uh, oh, Lee is doomed." The pink-haired girl, Mariah, mutter under her breath.

"His entire focus is on, Ray." Kai voiced out, standing near the stadium so Tyson could hear him. 

"Well, duh, I know that, why mention the obvious, Kai?"

"Because you are missing an opportunity, his mind is elsewhere, and he is expecting something desperate from you, do the obvious and confuse him." Kai advised, as he return back to his position, Destiny could not help but raise a eyebrow, never knew he would give advice to someone. 


"A fourth and final battle will take place to determine the winner of this tournament." A.J. Topper announced, the remaining two battles between Lee and Tyson ended with a score of 1-1, the last battle being a Tie, "Teams will select their own players for the sudden death match."

"Yeah, I'm gonna win this thing!" Tyson said pumped up, walking toward the stadium. 

"Tyson, wait." Ray's firm voice stop Tyson, as Ray stand up from his seat. 

"Huh, yeah?"

"Tyson, I want to take on Lee."

"What, seriously?" Max asked preplexed. 

"But Tyson's got momentum, Dizzy's data suggest-" Kenny start her usual 'Data analysis' before Ray shut down her laptop-- oops, I mean dizzy. 

"Ignore the data, chief, Lee and I have a score to settle." Ray said with determination burning in his eyes, "Tyson, Can I?"

Tyson nodded in response.

"Come on Ray," Kenny said, before turning toward Kai and Destiny. "Destiny, Kai, at least you both tell him."

Kai didn't utter a word or even bat them a eye, just stayed in his usual stoic position leaning on the wall. 

"I know, I can win this." Ray said in a confident tone.

"Bring us victory, Ray, I'm counting on you." Destiny said, with a nod. 


"I'm so happy, we won, we won the Asian tournament, we won." Kenny exclaimed while crying happy tears. 

"Yeah, oh, yeah, woah." Max was his excited usual self. 

"Nice work, couldn't have done better myself." Tyson complimented Ray, giving him a high-five. 

"Hardly, but Thanks for the thumbs up." Ray said with a smile. 

"It was sure tense there for a minute, though." Max said, looking toward Ray. 

"Too tense for my taste, but you pulled it off Ray, and that's what counts. Congratulations are on the way, I guess." Kai said, still leaning on the wall. 

"It is surprising for you to say that, you know, especially when you keep the teams on their toes for like- 24/7." Destiny commented with an amused look, closing her eyes, she was also leaning on the nearby seats from where Kai was standing.

She expects him to give her a glare or an eye roll, but she was surprised when he gave her a response, "Do you really think these bunch of brats, would have won, if I would not do that?" 

"No," she answered truthfully, her eyes watching the interaction between Lee and Ray, "guess you are a good captain, indeed." 

"Quite soon you realized that." he said, sarcastically. 

He stood straight probably to walk out of the stadium, but got stopped by Mr. Dickenson, "Kai, Destiny, Team, look like Ray have to ask you something." he said, giving Ray an encouraging look. 

Ray looked toward the white tigers for a second, as they all gave him a reassuring nod, "Guys," he started gaining everyone attention, "I would not have been able to widen my horizons of knowledge, let alone have the courage to win against my friends, if not for you all." 

"So, I would like to ask you all to come to our village," he gestured toward the white tigers, "for our village yearly festival." 

A festival, what, why?

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I wonder, can you all reach this up to '12' votes, hmm can you all?

Until next time, 

-Mia 💖

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