In the streets of Hong Kong

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" If liberty means anything at all, it means to tell people what they do not want to hear"








Ahana POV 

I notice that Max visibly relaxes. 

"OK let's go others are waiting" he said, and I nodded.

We all headed toward the Chinese restaurant that was just 100 m far while Tyson continues bicker how much hungry he is, we all get seated as everyone ordered what they want to eat.

Shittake Fried rice with water chestnut is what I ordered.

Soon the food arrives while everyone except Kai and me talk with each other. 

I look around the restaurant to see that it certainly gives Chinese vibes the paintings on the wall, or the dragons engraved on the Tables all things did.

My thoughts were cut short as our food arrives. 

For a matter of fact, I am also hungry and the food in front of me is one of my favorites I should be happy right. 

Wrong, why?

Because I am not able to enjoy my food by the sight in front of me, Tyson is digging into food like he has not eaten for ages, Mr. D also tries to tell him to eat slowly but that boy didn't listen.

 Why am I feeling like adding extra park laps to his schedule, oh surely, I will do it, afterward but currently I just want to eat my food peacefully.

"Well, if you have trouble eating food, I don't think you will mind tea" someone said from behind. I turned around he was none other than Ray.

"Huh R- " he shushed me, and I understand he doesn't want others to find out he is there, I nodded in understanding. 

"I don't feel like eating here " I lowly say as I take a glance if anyone sees him but all of them were busy in their world.

How much ignorant can they be of their surroundings I thought amused 

 He gestures toward a vacant table just on the side of ours, I give him a thankful smile. As I pick my food and go toward that table For eating peacefully, Mr . D looks toward me so I just give him a look toward Tyson and he understands why I come here.

After some time We all were sitting together including Ray, everyone was surprised by seeing him there. 

Mr. D was explaining the rules of the match by using the example of dumplings as he was explaining that in each match three rounds will be there and whichever team will win the two rounds will win the match -

"Wait hold on a sec you mean if I win all my matches and these bunch of idiots didn't win then we won't go ahead " Kai said completely annoyed by the fact that his victory is in hands of someone else.

"Yeah except for that idiot part, you have to understand Kai that there is no I in a team" Mr. D said in the hope to calm him down.

But he just stayed silent and start to head out of the restaurant. 

"Then there is no Kai in the team also" he said before exiting and walking toward the streets of Hong Kong.

"Hey get back here Kai "

"We are a team "

Tyson and Max shouted 

 I shake mu heard at his attitude and take my purse while proceeding toward the door. 

"Where are you going?" Ray question 

"To fulfill my duty in this team" I said as I proceed outside without glancing back.

 I look around in hope to see him, I spot him a little far ahead as I jog toward there, I was going to say his name " K-"

"Oh hello, beautiful where are you going?" a random guy says as he and his friend come in my way interrupting me.

"And how does this affect you?" I ask while narrowing my eyes toward them. 

"Because we can't get a beauty like you going in front of us without even talking ~" one of the guys says as they both start to walk toward me. 

Time to play a game  I thought while internally smirking as I put a fake fear expression "S-Stay away I-I am warning you."

An evil grin fill their faces and I take a step backward as my back hit a wall.

"Now there is nowhere to go beautiful " one of them says as they take one more step forward. 

From the corner of my eyes, I see that Kai had stopped in his tracks and looking here only, his grip on his launcher, if he is ready to launch.

One of them tries to take my wrist making my thoughts once again return to these morons.

 Time to end this game.

 I push myself from the wall and crack my knuckles with a smirk " I warned you. "

All I can say is in the next 30 seconds both of them were on the ground groaning. 

"Next time train before trying something".  I said with a smirk.

As I look toward Kai he starts to turn and start moving forward but I can make the amused expression on his face, before he turns, as I jog toward where he is heading, I think of calling him but choose not to so he can have peace and maybe calm down.

I walk some steps behind him, and observe my surroundings , market was bustling with crowds , many shops were here from food to clothes to jewellary each that give a different vibe.

 As we were walking ,I spot a Navy blue and White Hanfu with floral patterns and saying it was beautiful will be a understatement , it was the most beautiful Hanfu I have ever seen 

(Hanfu : Chinese traditonal dress for womens ) 

"Why are you here?"- Kai asked in his usual tone which snap me out of my beautiful thoughts 

"Kai, we are a team whether you like it or not, and as team manager, I must keep the team united I am sure all others will also be worried about you" I said calmly as it is not a time for arguing.

 I see he is silent so I continue, "Kai, you are this team's captain, I know you are a lone wolf, and you don't like to work in groups, but if you want to win you have to give them your time and polish their skills so that they can outstand all the other teams. See I am not trying to lecture you but in a team, all people grow stronger together so if you want to win you have to unite with us and maybe you will also find friends in us."

"Hn why I will waste my time on those bunch of idiots when I can polish my skills at that time, I don't need anyone to make me the strongest and who cares about friends they only make you weak." Kai argued back. 

"That's not wasting time Kai that's a role of a leader, and while polishing others' skills your skills will also get polished, friends never make you weak they give you strength to carry on, and this belief in you prove that you never have experienced an experience with teammates real friends is far away." I said rolling my eyes. 

He stops in his tracks and glares toward me.

"Excuse me what do you know about me just go back to your so-called friends and stop pleading with me to join your useless team you are just a rich kid who did not even know what a struggle is?" he said angrily and start walking forward.

Seriously I don't know what struggle is. 

"KAI WAIT! See you do need friends and even if you don't ,then I have said already that we are a team whether you like it or not, and I am not here pleading with you for coming back I am here just to tell you ,what a team is but you know what you are right, I am just wasting my time in giving you a piece of mind that you will never understand, but don't forget that you cannot enter the world championship without us as all teams have already declared." I said angrily. 

He was about to say something but we both stop as we heard a sound.


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