It was not your mistake ....

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"Believe in yourself and your abilities, you have the power to make things happen." 







Ahana POV

Today was our match against India's representative team - Charming Princes.

When I first heard them name I internally cringed (A/N: Me too, Me too)

Can't they find a better name than this?

We were in the hotel lobby while I was busy in my thoughts and others were talking about today's victory of course except for Ice King...

Tyson's sentence snapped me out of my thoughts - "Well India's strongest blader was not that difficult to defeat. "- He said bragging.

Before I can clear his misconception of defeating India's strongest bladers Kenny spoke up -"Well they were not the strongest, some rumors say that India's strongest bladers have not participated in the world championship."

"Hmm you sure keep updated with the latest topics Kenny "- I said.

"But Kenny they are only rumors an-" Tyson says but I interrupt him.

"They are not rumors Tyson they are the truth" - I said briefly glancing at him.

"India's strongest bladers have not participated in the World Championship and that's good for you cause if they have, then this win for you will be very difficult."- I continued 

"Then why they have not participated?" - Ray asked curiously

"They have some personal reasons" - I said as I started to open my room.

"And you know about them, don't you?"- Kai asked while narrowing his eyes toward me.

"Maybe, maybe not" - I answer while smirking and enter my room and lock it.

-----------------------------(TIMESKIP - TO 2 NIGHT BEFORE QUARTER FINALS) ---------------------------

"What happen Ahana, you look disturbed?" - Beira asked as I was looking at the night sky.

"I don't know, Beira, I am just feeling like something bad is going to happen" - I said as I lay on my bed closing my eyes.

"Hmm but you can't do, so for now don't take tension" - Beira advised with a concerned voice.

"Yay you are right" - I said, and soon fall into a peaceful slumber.

I open my eyes with the sound of someone knocking my door ....

"Destiny, Destiny" - Kenny voice come.

Why is he here at this time?

I get up from my bed, wear my shrug and open the door.

"Hey, Kenny, what happen that you are here at this time" - I ask him.

"Destiny, That Kevin from White tiger has stolen the disk in which our team data and Ray is battling with him" - Kenny said panicking. 

"Wait .... HE WHAT?"- I said now fully awake.

"Where is he and others?"- I ask as I quickly lock my room.

"Outside" - He say.

"Ok let's go" - I said as we start going toward the place where they are battling.

At the time we reach their Ray and Kevin was battling with each other, Ray seems to have upper hand and close to finish the match.

"Alright! I have enough of you Kevin, GO DRIGGER!"- Ray said commanding drigger to attack..

"I am not done, Ray. Let me show you the power of galman ! TAKE THIS GO GALMAN!"-Kevin said while commanding his bey.

Both Ray and Kevin were attacking each other, Drigger push Galman to the edge and Ray called out for his special move' Tiger Claw.'

"No! Ray please......... You can't do this to me, I am your friend please.... Ray please.......... "- Kevin begged Ray. 

What happen to his attitude now this is unusual - I thought looking toward Kevin suspiciously.

"Kevin' - Ray say as his eyes soften, He fell for Kevin trick and his connection with drigger break.

"I .... Drigger.... attack" - Ray mumble unconviencingly

Due to his lack of concentration Ray bond with drigger break. Drigger roared last time and vanish into sky while giving a disappointing look toward Ray.

"Drigger" - Ray mumble his eyes flashing with sorrow.

"HaHa .... Oh Ray Hahaha ... You are so dumb" - Kevin taunted Ray while laughing.

"Kevin... You...!" - Ray said

"Of course, I was faking it, how can you even think that I will beg in front of you ha? You also know that if you will use Drigger power without concentration, then it can leave you Forever! But still you fell for my trick" - Kevin continued

I clench my fists as I look toward Kevin.

How dare he play such a cheap trick with my team

I look toward Ray he was looking toward sky his eyes flashing Anger, Sorrow but mostly Loss.

Kevin sees that Ray mind is somewhere else, so he attacks his bey.

So pathetic

But before he can damage Ray's blade, Tyson shoot dragoon in the stadium and challenge him for a battle with same rules.


"Hey, remember what you said! Now stop running and give us back our Data !!" - Tyson say looking at him in anger.

After Kevin lost his battle with Tyson, he was leaving feeling humiliated after his loss.

"Am not! I always keep my promise. Here" - Kevin say as he throws the data disk toward us, and Tyson catch it.

"Don't think it's over, I might have lost to you but it's nothing compared to your loser friend. Lose his own Beyblade, so pathetic" - Kevin spat before leaving.

"He is not wrong Ray. I have always respected you but still you fell for his trick, now how are you planning to get your bit beast back"- Kai said firmly.

"Hey, he has just lost his bit beast at least you can say some comforting words but no you are only waiting for an opportunity to taunt him" - Tyson accused Kai.

"Think whatever you want, But Ray I am disappointed by you, I never thought you will break like this" - Kai said looking toward Ray with a disappointing look.

"I know Kai....What I did was stupid.... I know Kevin's trick still I fell for them..."- Ray said looking at the ground.

"Whatever, it happens so leave it... all you can do is get it back that's all i can say"- Kai said as he turns to leave.

"Kai can't yo-" Tyson say but I interrupt him.

"Stop it, nothing can be done by arguing with each other it's pretty late now you all should go back to your rooms"- I said gesturing toward the hall where our rooms are there.

"But Destiny. -" Tyson try to say

"Tyson no, go back to your room give your mind some rest" - I state firmly.

One by one everyone starts heading inside, I look outside where there is Raining.

I love Rain but seriously after all of this my mood is spoiled.

"You are not coming" - Ray ask lowly not looking at me.

"Hmm i will, but i think you need someone to talk to" - I said looking toward him with a little bit softness.

"I -I am sorry about today, i don't know how i can be so stupid to fall in his trick ......maybe i just think that they still consider me friend" - He say as he come to stand beside me, he says last part lowly but still I heard it, his eyes were flashing with sorrow.

Betrayal by friends, ha


"We don't care , its good that she is gone"

"She was just a nothing "

------------------------Flashback end --------------------------------

I shake my head.

It's not the time for remembering all that.

Sometimes you have to listen to logic ray, otherwise the results are not good, you know that they don't consider you friend now, still you fall in his trick - I said as I look toward him.

But that don't matter now, I believe in you ............. you will get drigger back soon - I said reassuring him, as we start to walk toward our rooms.

You w-will not blame me- Ray ask shocked.

It was your mistake ray, but now by blaming nothing can be done, and don't worry everything will be ok - i said giving him a reassuring look as i unlock my door.

Thank you, Destiny - Ray said his voice sincere.

"Ray, Destiny is my stage name ... Call me Ahana " These words left my mouth before I can think, I enter in my room and close the door.


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