Time to Shine ! First Battle !

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"Winning isn't everything, but it beats anything that comes in second."






Ahana POV 

Finally, after taking a flight here, we are here in China Tower where the Asian tournament is held, and saying I am not worried will be a lie.

This is Bladebreaker's first tournament as a team, the white tiger incident has shown some marks on Ray's concentration that I noticed in yesterday's training, and on top of that they only trained fully yesterday.

But according to me, blading requires 3Ds that are -




They are in this team because they are determined and dedicated and keeping them disciplined is mine and Kai's job. 

I just have to keep faith in them that they will win today. 

Currently, we are in the lobby going through our matchups. 

"Kenny feed them in dizzy and sent me a copy" - I said to Kenny while seeing the matchups. 

"OK Destiny ...... Sent" - Kenny said as I receive notification in my tab, I hummed as I received a notification on my tab.

So, we are in Group A, and the white tigers are in Group E this is quite good this means there are only chances of facing them in finals.

"Group A Huh look like we are first" - Ray said while seeing the Matchups while I nodded formulating their order in my mind.

Tyson was exclaiming how excited he was for the tournament and how he was going to defeat everyone.

This person and his overconfident mind 

"Well, Well, Well, look what the cat dragged in" - A deep voice comes, we look forward to seeing Lee and White tigers.

White tigers, just amazing This is what our team needs {note the sarcasm} - I thought annoyed at their timing. 

"Lee"-Ray says coldly.

"You guys are mascots here or what?" - he taunts them.

''Very funny! but we plan to win ''- Tyson says. 

''Yeah .... Dream on'' - Lee said.

Soon Kevin and Mariah also join them and start saying how they are in Group E and if we are lucky enough then we will face them.

"I wonder if you spend your time training or practicing bragging about your so-called amazing skills" - I said with a taunting voice while tilting my head because I have enough of their bullshit now.

"Yeah, you think whatever you want "- Lee said while rolling his eyes.

"You cannot stop me from thinking whatever I want, and I will appreciate it if you pay mind to your matchups and don't go to random teams bragging about your skills."- I said with a cold glare to them.

Lee scoffed as he turned toward Ray -

"We don't go easy on traitors Ray! remember that. "

"And we will not go easy on anyone" - Ray said as the white tiger finally went from here.

"Do they know any other word than traitor" - Beira scoffed.

"Go and ask them, not from me." 

"Ouch! What happened to your mood ha" - She asked dramatically.

"Wow that was sassy Destiny we should have taken a picture of their faces" - Tyson says while laughing. 

"Don't be too overconfident Tyson Practically you also do the same thing bragging about your skills but don't forget that they have a lot more experience than us as a team, so it better is if you polish your skills as a team rather than praising yourself" - I said to him with a 'you-better-understand' look.

"Hmm, you are right ...... Let's go, guys, we have a match to win and show my amazing skills" - He said as he started to walk toward the stadium, I deadpanned.

"Oops, Hey Don't break his bones, Ok? He has a match currently" - Beira said as I sigh. 

"Why did not he understand?" - I mumble 

"I am sure he will one day" - Ray said from behind as we all also moved toward the stadium. 

"Better for him" - I say as we reach the stadium. 

Our first opponent is The Tall Boys they are pretty popular cause they are undefeated till now. They use a martial type of style in their bey blading so look out for it and good luck - Kenny said to all of them. 

"So, who will go first and later?" - Dizzy says directing the question toward me 

"1. Ray 2. Max 3. Tyson" - I said as I looked toward all of them all of them nodded.

"And against Tall Boys, we have the BBA team BladeBreakers ."- AJ Topper exclaims we enter the stadium and the whole stadium again breaks into cheering, the atmosphere is a little tense as this is the first match in an Asian tournament...

Soon the match starts with tall boys They send Andre as Ray also proceeds toward the stadium. 

"Do your best! Ray" - I said with a small smile, he returned my smile. 

"Go, Ray! Show them all that we are even tougher than the white tigers!! "- Tyson exclaims as Ray stops in his tracks.

Can't this person read the atmosphere - I thought scoffing.

I smack Tyson on the head.

  (A/N: Finally.... I was waiting for, hitting him for so long 😁😁)

"OW OW What was that for? "- Tyson says while rubbing the spot where I hit him.

"For not stopping your tongue, can't you see that white tiger is a sore topic for Ray."- I said while glaring at him. 

"Ignore him, Ray! Go and show them your bond with Drigger" - I said to improve his mood as I don't want us to lose our first round.

Ray nodded and went to the stadium.

"Well then someone should remember whose team they are on now." - Tyson says while giving Ray stink eyes.

"You know Tyson currently the only thing saving you is that you have a match." - I said while giving him a death glare.

Before Tyson can say anything the match start 

Lucky of him

In this match the opponent team Andre is getting tougher to defeat, his bey is made to copy a bull's attack and movement. Ray's attack is not having any effect on it. 

If he will not do something fast, then he will lose. 

I look at Ray to see him observing Andre's Bey when suddenly his face turns into a confident smile. He starts using Andre's attack against his bey.


And soon Ray is declared as the winner.


Next up is Max.

"Good luck Max" - I said. 

He nodded with his usual cheerful smile and went to the stadium, the match started, and the stadium temperature started going up, Kenny exclaimed that his opponent Bey used his spin strength to increase the temperature which could even melt Draciel or any other Bey.

I look at the ground trying to calm myself from the heat, I glance at Kai to see him sitting there quite normally. 

How is Kai so calm?  almost all the people present here are finding ways to cool them, it is getting suffocated here, if it is not important to wear this denim jacket, I would have removed it, but if I were then...........   they all are going to ask 100 questions, so I just have to wait for this match to quickly end.

Kenny soon advises Max to attack when his opponent Bey's speed decreases, Max does as Kenny says, and soon Max emerges as a winner.


 As Max comes our super sweet captain decides to say that he should put more effort and he is sloppy. I sigh - 

They all need to practice but at least it is not necessary to ruin their mood now. 

Tyson defended Max along with others, but Max stopped them saying that Kai was the captain, and we should listen to him.

"Yeah, if he ever acts like a true captain" - I said lowly but loud enough for all of them to listen especially so that Mr. Coldy can listen.

"You have anything to say" - Kai said while glaring at me, his gaze challenging me to once again repeat the same words.

It's funny how he thinks his Glare can scare me, I have seen far scary looks that even now make me shiver when I think about them.

"Maybe, but we are in the middle of a match" - I said while returning his glare. 

Before our so-called sweet talk could proceed further, the next round started, for this round, Tyson was against Tommy he surely was skilled, but Tyson was confident and doing great in the end he also won.


Our team did great - I thought as a small smile came to my face.

Next, we went to the Group E match where the White Tigers match was going on it was their last round and Mariah was their last blader.

Mariah and her opponent launch their Beyblade and they start clashing after some time Mariah summons her bit beast and it gives her opponent a deadly strike as the Beyblade cuts in half.

Tyson and Max look horrified, Ray is neutral and even Kai is speechless.

"WHAT!!" - Tyson yell

"Her Beyblade is amazing!" - Max said

"I have never seen any Beyblade like her!" - Kenny said while panicked.

This is going to be tougher than I thought.  





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