Prologue: An Uninviting Entrance

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This is my first time writing a Naruto fanfic so please bear with me!


⚠Warning: Contains Adult Themes, Strong Language And Gore⚠

"They refused your invitation, you say?" Zenaku inquired. His form was crouched down, squinting his eyes at the clear, dirt road ahead as he made sure to stay hidden in the bushes.

A white cloth covered the lower half of his face that resembled a turban, leaving only his onyx eyes visible unlike the animal-like masks of the Anbu team in the Hidden Leaf Village. He sported a sand-brown flack jacket with extended shoulders underneath his black ninja clothing, as well as black finger gloves and sandals. He carried a kunai knife in preparation for an emergency or a surprise attack. He wore the forehead protector of a ninja, the sand logo carved into the metallic surface.

The full moon casted over the night sky, providing light and a beautiful glow in thoroughfare that divided the forest. However, the scenery was rather dim at the areas where tall trees are in conjunction, blocking the source of light. The sound of the chirping crickets and howling owls occured in the encompassing area, capturing the peaceful atmosphere.

The Land of Iron is known to have an endless, permanent cycle of winter season as a moderate snowfall occured, coating every expanse of the land with tiny whalebone-white ice particles. Compared to the green landscape and the colorful village of the Leaf, the icy, snow-covered country displayed a black and white vintage view which proved to look rather plain than appealing.

Danzo had mirrored Zenaku's actions as he stayed low, his solemn gaze focused on the ground in deep thought. He was rather a frail, old man with black shaggy hair and onyx eyes, but is more capable than he looks. At first glance, people would've thought he endured through a painful injury because of the bandages wrapped around his right eye. An x-shaped scar was found on his chin, most likely from one of his previous battles or it occured during his childhood years. Underneath his white shirt is a black robe that he chose to wear just over his right shoulder for some strange reason. Apart from that, it seemed like he intentionally selected a very long robe that reached down to his feet, covering it. The dark clothing concealed his right arm which was bandaged as well. He seemed unaffected by the freezing temperature despite the lack of heavy clothing material.

"It's too bad, really." Danzo spoke up after a momentary silence, his voice raspy and impassive. "They'd be a formidable opponent against the Leaf. But I guess we have no other choice but to do it the hard way."

Zenaku's eyes narrowed. "It's less than surprising, actually. As expected of the samurais, they abide by their morals and virtues strictly. Talk about unyielding discipline." He said, his gaze lingering at the main road ahead.

"A samurai and a ninja are two different warriors, polar opposites to be exact. If a ninja hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, a samurai faces off in a battle head on. They are both fighters, yet excel in contrasting tactics in terms of taking on an enemy." Danzo uttered in a matter-of-fact tone.

Unlike Zenaku who held a watchful, vigilant gaze to his surroundings as well as a tense posture, Danzo gave off an impression as if he were in a realm of tranquillity. As a man who had grown accustomed of brutal battles and bloodshed during his youth, it is a natural instinct to pay no heed to such a knee-jerk act that every ninja executes in a mission. Even if an enemy manages a surprise attack against them, Danzo is certain that his response would be at a speed of lightning and in the end, the enemy's intentions will have an adverse effect.

The Sand Anbu rose on his feet cautiously, slipping his kunai back inside the pouch on his waist. "Five minutes had passed. By now, my division had eliminated the regular forces on guard. Location of the Leaf reinforcements?" He inquired.

Danzo copied Zenaku's actions, grabbing a hold of his cane before doing so. "Their time of departure is slightly delayed compared to your team, but they should be near the Three Wolves mountains by now."

Zenaku nodded. "Then this shall be our cue to get going." Focusing his chakra on his feet, he proceeded on running up a tree trunk effortlessly, with Danzo following after him.

As quietly as possible, the two leaped from branch to branch, the gentle, cold breeze brushing past them. Despite the falling snow crystals nudging against their faces, it wasn't enough to divert the duo's attention from the shadowy field of vision.

"Speaking of destroying the Leaf," Zenaku began, his brisk pace in hopping from branch to branch not ceasing. "I heard that the new Hokage is one of the legendary sannin, Tsunade. Don't tell me you're that depraved, Danzo. She's still far from accommodating to such a prominent position."

Danzo's expression hardened noticeably at the mention of the newly appointed Fifth Hokage. "It doesn't matter. Besides, I'm curious as to how Hiruzen's favorite pupil will handle the village's catastrophe. Only this situation will verify Tsunade's worth as the Hokage."

Zenaku released a half-suppressed laugh. "You really are a sadist."

The founder of the Root division smirked deviously. "I'll do whatever it takes to become the Hokage, even if I have to compromise my own morals. And I'll prove to those fools that I'm the rightful one, not Hiruzen." Uttering the name of his rival since youth left a bitter taste on his tongue, his grip tightening around his cane.

Subconsciously reminiscing his past with his old friend only heightened to his already foul mood. His unwavering pride had told him to refuse acknowledging his inferiority towards Hiruzen. But as he continuously showcases his growth and potential as a ninja, Danzo was reminded of his incapabilities and the fact that Hiruzen was always a step ahead of him. The cruel actuality was enough to make his blood boil and resent his once close friend. When Hiruzen became the Third Hokage, Danzo created the Root division, a branch in the Leaf's Anbu team to protect the village from the shadows.

Soon, the Three Wolves mountains came into view, it's structure captivating to those with a queer eye. Its formation bears a resemblance to the shape of tsunami waves, the snowy canopies conformed into long, spiky patterns pointing downward. The landform was etched into a cave, its wolf-like features giving off an impression that it could eat anyone alive who dares to approach it.

Danzo and Zenaku ran up to the ascending slope of one of the mountains, their feet sinking under the deep snow on the ground. Upon arriving at the top, the cadaverine and the smell of rotting flesh infiltrated into their nostrils. Several samurais laid lifelessly on the ground, blood splattered everywhere on the white surface. Compared to the thin clothing the ninjas usually wear, underneath the samurais' black clothing was a white, heavy, segmented plate armor that covered their shoulders, chest, stomach and lower back. Moreover, they wore gauntlets, shin guards and helmets; although, senior officers adorn their helmets with horns. The face masks they wear possessed built-in radios as respirators to combat poison regularly used by ninjas.

Danzo crouched down in front of one of the corpses, pushing the helmet up slightly to find blood seeping out from the curve of the samurai's throat as the cause of a stab wound.

"Looks like my strategy worked." He uttered, rising on his feet.

"Seems like it." Zenaku spoke up with a nod. "How clever of you, Danzo."

"A sword is like a part of a samurai's body. Without the sword, it's the same as losing an organ or one of your body parts. And without that body part, the flow of your system will become dysfunctional." The frail man stated. "They may be highly trained sword fighters, but they're far from surpassing a ninja's speed and taijutsu skills."

With that, the two ninjas went off to prowl into the village of the Land of Iron in the silent but howling night as they prepare to execute their plan that will determine the first major climacteric in the samurai and ninja history.


The young girl sighed in contentment as she snuggled under the warmth of her lavender fuzzy blanket, a childish grin found on her small, round face. She felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach, the pleasant, giddy feeling making her feel like she was on cloud nine. Presents wrapped in white, thin paper rested under her bed, black ribbons adorning the items. She was so eager about opening them especially since she got them from her grandparents, but with her mother's gentle but firm behavior about her sleeping curfew, she had no choice but to comply.

Her bedroom was small yet spacious for one person, with her bed arranged in one corner. Casement windows were laid out up against the furniture made out of laminated glass, overviewing the snow-coated mountains at a far distance. A nightstand displayed beside her bed, a candle lamp found on top of it which wasn't lighted up. A tiny bookshelf was arrayed on the other corner filled with her favorite novels.

Hiruda nuzzled her cute, button nose against her favorite blanket, inhaling the sweet scent of vanilla. Her long, jet black hair splayed out all over the bed, her vibrant violet eyes slowly fluttering close as she allowed herself to succumb to the serene atmosphere.

A sharp slashing sound followed by a loud, blood-curdling scream made her jolt up, eyes wide with pure fear and anxiety. She jerked her head around frantically, suddenly growing conscious of her surroundings. The loud, rapid pounding of her heart made her feel like it would burst out of her chest as her trembling feet touched the wooden planked floor. Every step she took towards the door felt like struggling to walk in the bottom of the ocean, her small, petite frame palpitating with terror as she reached for the door knob hesitantly.

Hiruda deliberately slid the door open, her pupils dilated in anticipation. The young girl nearly lost her footing from shaking so much as a tear strolled down her cheek, breathing erratically. A hallucination of someone wearing a mask and stabbing her with a sword flashed in her mind, which didn't ease her frightened state. Once the door was wide open, darkness was the first thing that greeted her, but it was only a matter of time before someone attempts to jumpscare and murder her mercilessly.

It was dim and pitch black in the hallway as she forced herself to take a step forward, dragging her heavy, wobbling legs towards her parents' bedroom. She didn't dare to glance over her shoulder, knowing that it'll give her more unpleasant hallucinations.

Another high-pitched shriek resounded and a loud thud afterwards, this time, Hiruda was certain it came from her parents' bedroom. A soft gasp escaped from her lips, pressing her ear against the door as a whirlwind of endless possibilities swirled in her mind.

"No! Eruda! Get your hands off of my wife, you bastard!" She heard her father exclaim, fury and indignation found in his gruff voice.

A soft whimper came from her mother's lips, making Hiruda's heart ache at the pitiful sound. "G-Ganta... Everything will be alright, honey..." She managed to croak out, she sounded like she was being choked.

"No, no, no, no!" Hiruda flinched at the abrupt loudness of her father's scream. "Don't say things like that, sweetie! I'll beat these two intruders and save you!"

He received a wicked cackle in return, one that made the hair on Hiruda's skin rise up. Shakily, she slowly moved the sliding door slightly, allowing a small gap to be manifested. Her eyes widened at the horrifying scene before her. Laying on the bed was her mother, a long gash wound slashed across her stomach, fresh blood smeared on her white nightgown. A purplish bruise was found on the side of her forehead which seemed to be the cause of the loud thud earlier. Zenaku stood beside the bed, one of his hands wrapped around the woman's throat while the other gripped the top of her head tightly.

"Aww, isn't that sweet? You sure are one lucky woman to have such a promising husband like him." Zenaku uttered in a sweet, sickening tone, tugging at Eruda's short chestnut hair sharply that made her cry out. Her green eyes were filled with horror. "But, let's see if he can really save his lovely wife." Once more, he broke into a maniacal laugh, throwing his head back.

Hiruda's father was trapped in a corner across the room as Danzo pointed his sword below Ganta's chin. His hair was jet black and spiky, and his eyes were a shade of violet similar to Hiruda's features. Ganta would glance at his katana laying across the floor a few feet away from him everytime, formulating a plan in mind.

"It's no use," Danzo said stoically, as if he could read the man's mind. "One move and I'll slit your throat in half."

"What?!" Zenaku interjected, his tight grip remaining on Eruda, who was sobbing quietly. "Hold your horses, Danzo. I haven't even absorbed his chakra yet." The Sand Anbu protested.

The frail man clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Whatever, Zenaku. Do your thing while I hold this one down."

"Oh no, you don't!" Ganta yelled as he swatted Danzo's blade with his arm, using the opportunity to punch him square in the face.

Danzo groaned as he staggered backward, clutching his mouth with his free hand. Ganta formed into a fighting stance, his hands balled into fists.

"Heh, that punch wasn't so bad for a samurai." The Root leader admitted, removing his palm to reveal blood dribbling down on the corner of his mouth.

Ganta's eyes narrowed dangerously. "I hate to break it to you but just because the sword is out of our grasp doesn't mean we're helpless."

"I may have underestimated you." Danzo said, before a smirk came up to his lips. "But that doesn't mean you're any better than a ninja's hand to hand combat skills."

With that, he lunged his sword towards Ganta's stomach. Thankfully, the man was able to dodge in time before following it up with an uppercut on the jaw. Danzo jumped back instinctively, providing manageable space for Ganta to fight freely. Despite being weaponless, he was still considered a formidable opponent as he inclined his neck before the tip of Danzo's blade would graze his cheek. His eyes scrutinized the middle aged man's form, finding an opening to gain the upper hand. While Danzo continuously swings his sword aggressively with Ganta ducking and recoiling away swiftly, he crouches down and executed a low roundhouse kick. Ganta anticipated his move as he jumped and veered his right shoulder out of the blade's reach simultaneously.

Danzo allowed himself to look impressed. It was a rare occurrence for someone to counter his concurrent attacks and yet, Ganta was able to dodge those effortlessly without flinching. When Hiruda's gaze landed on her mother, she had to stifle her loud gasp at the petrifying scene in front of her.

Her loving, sweet mother was being raped remorselessly by the psychopathic Sand ninja right before her eyes.

Zenaku hovered above the weeping woman on the bed, his hands groping her breasts through her white nightgown shamelessly. Eruda mustered all her strength to push hin away, but her blood loss was slowly starting to weaken her.

"Hmm, you're just the type of woman every man lusts for; stunning, powerful, and courageous. Just as I expected from the lady of the strongest samurai clan." He purred as he kept fondling her chest roughly, earning a whimper from the trembling woman.

"S-Stop... Please..." Eruda pleaded, her voice cracking. Her face was stained with tears as she struggled to pry his grip off of her chest.

Zenaku smirked, leaning in to lick the shell of her ear. "I suppose you're pretty good in bed too, hm? Especially with that womanly, fuckable body of yours."

Eruda's eyes widened, anger flashing in her green orbs. Her hands balled into fists as she scowled at him. Without second thought, she lunged her leg up to kick his face, only for Zenaku to grab onto her thigh with one hand.

He chuckled devilishly. "Someone's still acting like a fighter I see. Let's see how long you would last." Licking his lips, he parted her legs and pressed his crotch area against hers.

Her face became pale as if she had seen a ghost. "O-Oh my God... No, no, no... Please don't..."

Zenaku ignored her as he began grinding his pelvis into hers sensually, closing his eyes in pleasure as he threw his head back. "Shit... Even through cloth, you feel so damn good." He moaned.

An ear-splitting scream erupted from Eruda's throat as she trembled uncontrollably. "Oh God, no! Make it stop! Make it stop!"

"M-Mom... No..." Hiruda had collapsed on her knees as she lost her footing, tears streaming down her cheeks like an endless waterfall. The young girl began to hyperventilate, her mind unable to process the extreme, traumatic events that were being transpired in her once peaceful home.

Thankfully, her quiet sobs and sniffles went unnoticed because of the fight going on between Danzo and Ganta.

"Eruda!" Ganta exclaimed, frantic with worry as his irises shrunk at the sight of his wife being molested. His teeth clenched, veins nearly popping out of his temples from fury and indignation.

"You bastard! Get your hands off my wife!" He fumed, prepared to pounce at the assaulter when suddenly, Danzo's sword was pierced into his stomach in a blink of an eye.

Ganta gasped as he coughed out blood. "E... Eruda..." He croaked out, reaching his arm out at the woman he loved being sexually abused.

"Ganta!" Eruda whimpered, an agonizing shriek escaping from her lips.

Danzo pulled his sword out, shoving the man's body aside who was barely breathing. Placing the weapon back into its scabbard, he shot Zenaku an irritated glance.

"Would you stop beating around the bush already? This isn't the time to fool around, Zenaku." He growled.

The Sand Anbu rolled his eyes, but complied at his request. He lifted himself up from the bed, leaving Eruda broken and bruised.

"Do what you need to do. It won't be long before the General's army find us." Danzo demanded.

"Jeez, has someone ever told you how impatient you are?" Zenaku asked. The frail man shot him a glare, effectively shutting him up.

Zenaku sighed, performing a hand seal before placing his hand on top of Eruda's head that began to glow in a shade of blue.

Eruda glared weakly at the Sand Anbu. "You... You'll pay for this..." She uttered weakly.

The man cocked his head to the side, giving her a mocking smile. "We'll see about that."

Eruda had lost consciousness after Zenaku had pulled his hand away. "Weird. Sure I felt stronger but it seems like her kenjutsu chakra wasn't enough." He admitted, confusion written all over his face.

Danzo snorted. "Fool. Obviously she's not from the Rakurai clan until she was married to the current head."

Zenaku crouched down next to Ganta, a smirk found on his face. "Then that means with his power I can finally retrieve the lightning bolt, right?"

Hiruda was shell-shocked. "What could they possibly want with my family's most prized possession?" She thought.

Danzo remained silent, but the Sand Anbu shrugged it off as he did another hand seal. "Chakra Absorption Technique." He chanted quietly, making his hand glow once more before placing it over Ganta's head.

Suddenly, Zenaku's body began to throb violently as violet lightning flickered around his right forearm. He fell back as he jerked his head from side to side, screaming in agony.

"Dammit! It hurts! I feel like... My arm is being torn apart!" He yelled, clutching at his forearm which was being electrocuted ruthlessly, his hand twitching uncontrollably.

Danzo stood still calmly as he watched the Sand Anbu writhing in pain. The sound of cracks occured as flickering lightning didn't cease from torturing his forearm until the body part had been forcefully ripped apart, red liquid splashing everywhere in the room.

Zenaku released an anguish screech at the extreme affliction as blood dripped from his exposed organs. "Ah, fuck! What... The hell?!" He uttered in disbelief, struggling to lift himself up.

Danzo remained unfazed. "You should've thought about the consequences. The Rakurai clan's lightning chakra is by far the most formidable and unique and could even outmatch any lightning jutsu."

Zenaku groaned, leaning his numb body against the wall. "Just shut it, Danzo. If my body couldn't take it, then all I need is to get myself into shape to withstand this powerful chakra."

Danzo pulled out his sword again, glancing between the conscious form of the married couple. "I can finally do what I have to do now."

Before Hiruda could fully process his words, he had already penetrated the tip of the blade straight into Ganta's heart, a loud squelching sound breaking through the stillness of the night. In a split second, he zoomed past across the room, plunging his weapon into Eruda's chest.

Hiruda squealed loudly before she could stop herself, completely traumatized. She finds herself panting audibly, the smell of her parents' flesh and blood making her want to vomit. The horrible scene kept replaying in her mind like a broken record as she clutched at her head in attempt to make it stop, feeling like she was on the brink of losing her sanity. Sweat beads dribbled down to her neck despite the freezing temperature, her lungs going dry from screaming too much.

A weak chuckle came from Zenaku. "Looks like their precious little daughter witnessed everything. What do we do?"

Danzo sauntered towards the young girl, making her flinch as she tried to back away. "S-Stay away!" She begged, her vision blurry with tears.

"Assassinating this girl will serve no purpose." He simply stated, his cold gaze rooted on Hiruda.

Zenaku quirked an eyebrow. "What's your point?"

"She's the future heiress of the Rakurai clan. Letting her live would mean she'll become one of the toughest enemies when the time comes." Danzo crouched down in front of the sobbing girl, grabbing a handful of her hair before tugging on it harshly, making her yelp.

"She may be weak as of now, but the annihilation of her clan will unleash her hidden potential." He shoved Hiruda roughly, her small frame colliding against the floor in the process.

Danzo rose on his feet, scowling at her. "The reason why you are weak and helpless because you're oblivious of what's happening around you. It's your halfwittedness that caused this tragedy. Never forget this, revenge and hatred is what makes you feel superior. Without hatred, reaching your goal is out of question."

He spun on his heel, dusting something off of his robe. "Our job's done here, signal all the teams to set the fire."

Hiruda was appalled. "S-Set the fire...?"

Zenaku struggled to stand, releasing a sigh. "Man, you're so persistent, you know?"

Danzo didn't bother to respond as he broke through the glass windows by slashing it with his sword, escaping from there. Zenaku glanced at the girl, flashing her a sly grin.

"See you soon, little girl." He cooed before leaping out of the window, leaving her terror-stricken at what had just transpired.

The skies became dark and cadaverous, manifesting the sullen and forbidding atmosphere. The young girl's hands grew clammy as they trembled on her lap, her gaze unable to leave the fresh corpses of her parents. An anguished, shrill cry blared through the night, shattering the once peaceful era of the samurai military.

On the 22th of August, the day of her twelfth birthday, was her very first birthday where Hiruda Rakurai had received the most horrendous and tragic phenomenon in return as her surprise present.


So that's all for the first chapter! I'd appreciate it if you leave a comment to share your thoughts!

Word Count: 4,084

Amazing banner is made by sapphitedreams!! Special thanks to her :D

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