Part 3 The date

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Elsa's .p.o.v.

Elsa is sitting on the couch watching the Cleveland show and the door bell rings before she got there Anna answered it and said. Are you here for my sister but your way to hot for her but oh well I'll go get her. Anna walks away and jack leans against the door way and smirks and starts chuckling when Elsa walks up and his jaw drops. You like it I hope it isn't to fancy. Elsa said with a half smile. It's perfect. Jack says with his jaw still dropped. Alright let's get going. Jack finally said. Okay then. Elsa said as they walked out and then Elsa's jaw drop when she sees a scissor door black and blue Lamborghini. What?? Jack says with a rise of an eye brow. Are you kidding me that car is awesome. Elsa said. And they got in and drive off

Jacks .p.o.v.

I think this is the place. And he drove into the drive way and rings the door bell when the door opens. And some red head with her hair in a braid opens the door and says are you here for my sister but your way to hot for her but oh well I'll go get her. And with that she's off  jack leans on the door way and smirks  and thinks to himself. That girl is crazy. And Elsa walks up and jacks jaw drops Elsa says you like it I hope it isn't to fancy. She said with a half smile. Jack said still with his jaw dropped its perfect. Jack finally said. Okay then. And they walked out and Elsa's draw dropped when she sees the scissor door black and blue Lamborghini. What??. Jack says with a raise of an eyebrow. Are you kidding me this car is awesome.elsa said then the drove off.

Elsa's p.o.v

They where in the car for about 30 minutes when Elsa broke the silents. So I would think that you would be going with your girlfriend instead of me? Jack kept driving the stopes at a red light and turned with a mad face and said. I don't have a girlfriend for your information and if you think I did I wouldn't be in this car with you! Then he started driving and Elsa started crying and leaned up against the window. Sorry I talked just take me home then. Elsa said crying. Jack sighed and said. Please stop crying I..
Elsa stopped him and turns and points her finger in his face and said. Don't even start you were the one who got in my face and.. Jack was at a red light and he reached over and gives her a open mouth kiss and they were kissing until someone honked and Elsa pulled away and blushed and turned away hoping that jack didn't notice her smiling thinking. The best first kiss ever! And they parked Elsa didn't know it was a drive in concert and said. Drive in movies are my favorite and this is the best. Sorry I snapped at you and thanks for shutting me up nicely that was the best first kiss ever. Jack looked over at her and said. That was your first kiss? Elsa laughs and they get in the parking spot and beside them two people were making out and jack said. In your luck I have window shades for just the thing so u don't have to look at them. And Elsa smiles. And they watched the concert and they can here it perfect. Jack said when they were playing amber. Can I ask you something before I do it. Elsa looked over and said. Yea what? Jack looks kinda scared to ask then said can I kiss you again? Elsa blushes and said. Why not. Then jack leans over and starts kissing her and then it turns into making out and it goes on till the end of the concert and then they stop and the rest of the way back they talked and listen to jacks band called the cold love and Elsa asks. Can I have a disk of your band? Jack said. Absolutely! And he hands it to her then he ask. Do you want to come over for dinner. Elsa said. Sure Ill get to meet your mom! Jack said. Alrighty then

Jacks .p.o.v

Jack was thinking. It's so awkward why won't I speak ugggh. Right then Elsa said. I would think you would be going with your girlfriend instead of me. Jack stopped at a red light turned and had a mad face and said. I don't have a girlfriend for your information and if I did I wouldn't be in the car with you! Jack sees Elsa start crying then lean up against the window. Jack was thinking . What have I done. Then Elsa said sorry I talked then take me home. Jack says please stop crying I..
Then Elsa stopped him and puts her finger in his face and says. Don't even start you were the one who got in my face and.. Then jack got the courage when he stopped and grabbed Elsa and gave her a open mouth kiss and it lasted until someone honked the horn then Elsa pulled away from jack and he started driving again and he saw her smile really big and then they got into the concert and Elsa grinned again
and said. I love drive ins and this is the best. Then Elsa made a weird face and jack looks over and said. In your luck I have window shades for just the thing so you don't have to look at them. Elsa smiles at jack and 1 hour into the concert jack worked up the confidence and said. Can I ask you something before I do it. Elsa turns and said yea what?? Jack hesitates then he said can I kiss you again he noticed her blush and she said why not. And they started kissing and he realized they were making out and then the concert ended on the way back they talked and laughed and talked and listened to his band and jack was thinking the way back to . Ask her over to dinner just do it. And just then Elsa asks. Can I have a disk of your band jack thinks for a minute and says. Absolutely! And then he was curtain to Ask her over. Jack asks Elsa do you want to come over for dinner. Elsa looked excited and says. Sure I'll get to meet your mom! Jack was so happy she said yes. And he said alrighty then.

Elsa's .p.o.v

They were about to pull up and she saw that jack lived in a three story house and it was dark brown. And she said. Wow your house is amazing. Jack looked over and said. Thanks and I just got off the phone and my mom said we are having steak mash potatoes gravy is optional with mixed vegetables. Elsa started laughing and said yum. Then they got out the car and went inside and jacks mom came up and said your a beautiful young lady how old are you? Elsa looks at jack and he shrugs and Elsa says. Thank you mrs frost and I'm 17. Jacks mom asked jack to come over here and Elsa felt weird and she thought . Am I to young is it the ear rings does she not like me I should just leave . Then jack and his mom came over and said. Alright let's eat. Elsa felt awkward Elsa ate a little bit because she didn't want jacks mom thinking she was a pig after dinner his mom said. Elsa I would call your parents to ask to stay here there has been a notification that a hurricane level 5 and I can't let you go out okay. Elsa got worried because she is terrified of thunder storms and now a hurricane Elsa told jack to come here and she whispered in his ear. I'm terrified of storms. Jack looked over at her and said mom said you can sleep on the couch and I'll sleep on the recliner next to you okay. Elsa nodded and she called her mom and she hung up and said . She said that she got that notification and that it's fine if I stay. A few hours later the storm started jack and Elsa where cuddled up on the couch under a blanket Elsa started to fall asleep when jacks mom came in and Elsa jumped up then she said here's your pillow and blanket dear hope you sleep well . Elsa got off of jack and he went to the recliner and sat there and Elsa laid down thinking if jack liked her laying on him or was he aggravated and was glad his mom interrupted them then he said. If you want I'll come back over there my moms asleep. She chuckled then said . Already and if you want you can come back but if you don't wanna you don't have to. He blushed and said. I wanna Elsa smiled and jack came back over and she huddled closer then last time because it started thundering and lighting and jack said you weren't kidding about Being scared I thought you just wanted me next to you. Then he rapped his arm around Elsa really tight so she wouldn't be scared and they watched American dad then jack unrolled the couch bed and he held Elsa and he fell asleep (no shirt) Elsa thought this is great then Elsa fell asleep 20 minutes later

Jacks .p.o.v

They were about to pull up and Elsa saw jacks house and said wow your house is amazing. Jack was putting down his phone and said thanks and I just got off the phone and my mom said we are having steak mash potatoes gravy is optional and mixed vegetables. Elsa laughed and said yum they got out jack was nervous of his mom embarrassing  him in front of a girl and they got in and straight away his mom said your a beautiful young lady how old are you. Elsa looks over at him and he can't think of anything but to shrug and she said thank you mrs.frost I'm 17 and jacks mom told him to come here and she brought him over and she said she's younger than you Jackson you are  going to be 19 in 1 month also I needed to tell you there's going to be a hurricane and she can't leave anyone out there house will be in trouble so . Jack nodded his head and they went back over there where Elsa was  standing there and his mom said let's eat. And they eat jack saw Elsa not eating much and he wondered why but didn't ask then jacks mom said Elsa I would call your parents and ask if you can stay here tonight because there has been a notification of a hurricane level 5 and I can't let you go sorry. And Elsa nodded and went to call her mom wile she was doing that jacks mom said I like her. And jack looked at her like (wtf) Elsa walked in and said she said she got that notification to and it's fine if I stay jack was thinking yes! And a few hours later the storm had started Elsa had been snuggled with jack and he was thinking what if she falls asleep I hope this never ends. And just then jacks mom walked in and Elsa jumped up and his mom said here's your pillow and blanket dear hope you sleep well. Elsa got of jack and he went over to the recliner and was thinking why did his mom have to interrupt them and did Elsa like him over there and the storm got worse and he said to Elsa if you want I'll come back over there my moms already asleep and she said already if you want you can but you don't have to if you don't want to jack felt himself blush and said I wanna he went over and Elsa huddled closer because of the storm and he realized she wasn't joking about the storm and he said you weren't kidding I thought you just wanted me next to you. And he rapped his arm around her tighter and they watched American dad and then jack rolled out the couch bed and Elsa fell asleep then he fell asleep..

Elsa's p.o.v

Elsa had woken up rubbing her eyes and shuffled towards the kitchen to find jacks mom already up she had jumped and she said. May I please get some coffee or..before she could answer his mom said. Yes! I mean please do and join me after. Elsa just nodded still in sleeping mode and went and started her coffee they had hazel nut ( her favorite) and she sat with her coffee and his mom and just sipped on her coffee when jacks mom said." Did he yell at you at all?" Elsa's eyes widened." Why? His mom let out a big sigh and said."his girl friend Tara broke up with him on txt now every girl he has a date with he yells at and it's a repeated Cycle breakup after breakup." She nodded yes and looked down at her coffee and his mom let out another sigh but Elsa stopped her from saying anything and said." It's really okay I still him!" His mom smiled." You must really like him I saw you two on the couch." Elsa felt her cheeks get hot and just then jack walked in saying." Hey Elsa and mom..MOM! Elsa just sat there looking at her coffee still blushing and jacks mother smiled and said" morning dear. Sleep well I suspose...." He nodded yes and went to the fridge and got out milk  for his coffee and sat down next to his mom and said to Elsa." Was the couch bed comfortable?" Elsa nodded and looked up and said." You don't have to pretend she knows.." He groaned a worried groan and looked at his mom and she was smiling." Your lucky she still likes you Jackson she told me you yelled at her!" Jack sighed." What did she tell you?" Elsa chuckling and then frowning." Well Jackson she told me about Tara." Jack now looking at his coffee says." I'm going to get dressed you should to Elsa." And he basically ran out of the room.

Jacks .p.o.v

Jack woke up and was yawning and thinking." Where's Elsa probably in the kitchen." So he walked in the kitchen Elsa looking at her coffee and he said." Hey Elsa hey mom..MOM! She was asmiling and said."morning slept well I suppose..? All jack could do was nod and went to the fridge noticing Elsa still looking at the coffee in front of her he sits down and says." Was the couch bed comfortable? Elsa looks up." You don't have to pretend she knows. Jack groaned a worried groan and he looked at his mom who said." Your lucky she still likes you Jackson she told me you yelled at her." Jack sighed and said." What did she tell you." He saw her chuckle then frown and said."well Jackson she told me about Tara."  He looked at his coffee said." I'm going to get dressed and you should to Elsa." He noticed that he almost ran out the room. Jack ran up to his room slung his clothes to the floor and got his ear ring and nose ring and got his black tank top and his navy blue jacket and his dark blue jeans with ripped knees and he herd a soft ." Knock knock. He groaned." Go away mom! And he herd no footsteps and he stormed to his door and slung it open only to realize that it was Elsa with her head down jack said calmly." Come in." She did go in and he closed the door Elsa said." Um sorry I ran out of the Room on you ." Jack walked forward and sat beside her on his bed and said." It's okay and don't worry about it." She turned toward him and just kissed him he leaned forward and made her lay down and he realized he was making out with her wile his mom was in the house so he pulled away Elsa sat up and said." Sorry I di.." Jack stopped her." It wasn't you honestly my mom is a really bad at being quiet." So he walked to the door and said." Common I make good pancakes." Elsa nodded and walked down stairs with him.

Elsa's p.o.v

She was stunned at how jack ran out but she just got up and got dressed in the guest room and got out her cloths that her mom dropped off before work it was her faded baby blue jeans ripped up all the way her black and white crop top and her black leather jacket and her black high top converses went out and she herd someone throwing something down the other end of the hall so she went and knocked on the door and she realized this was jacks room she was thinking " uh oh". She could here him say well yell. " go away mom!" She realized she wasn't moving until she herd him stomping to the door. She was thinking " run dang it RUN!" He slang the door open she put her head down he surprisingly said. " come in." Calmly so she went in and he shut the door which made her jump and she sat on the bed and he said." Sorry I ran out on you"

To be continued

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