711 Nachos

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The cool breeze throws my hair all over the place. Recently, I came back from the studios and now I'm walking to 711 to get nachos. The sun is already setting and the moon is about to go up. Luckily it's not cold compared to winter when it's literally freezing cold.



711 is right around the corner, that's what I know. My feet keep carrying me past houses and across streets and finally green and orange lights catch my eyes. I cross the street, hoping the nacho machine works this time unlike last time. But something frightening happens. And it's not about the machine.

"HEY GET BACK HERE!!!" The store manager yells so loud I can hear it from a couple blocks away. A flash of green and black zips out of the doors; and into me. The figure pushes me to the ground and lands on my body with an oof.

"Hey, toots," the person says while getting up. They grab my arm and pull me with them.

"ACE?!" I scream and Ace shushes me harshly. "What are you doing?!"

"Shoplifting. What do you think I'm doing?" Ace acts like it's not a crime. I'm dumbfounded. He boastfully shows me a bag of nachos slung over his shoulder. Sirens now sound around us and the tug gets harder. "Hurry!"

"I am!" I shout furiously. "Ace, why would you do this?!"

"Cuz it's part of my life, doll." Holy cow. That name he gave me.

Ace let's go of me and the next thing I realize; my legs are automatically running on their own! The green man pulls out his keys and hops on a black motorcycle parked crookedly on the parking lot. We hop on and he starts the engine with a loud VROOM!

"Hold on tight!" Ace warns me and I obey. The motorcycle zooms extremely fast, making my hair feel like it's peeling off of my scalp. Ew. Maybe not like that.

We take a sharp turn around the corner, the police still following us. My heart palpitates rapidly as fear fills my mind. I never wanted to look like a bastard bass playing criminal. But hey, it's Ace who's the one, not me.

"Ace I don't think we can make it!" I shriek and point at the ramp ahead of us. I didn't realize that we're now in a freeway. I'm really scared of speed let me tell you that.

"We can!!!" Ace screams in response and goes faster. We go up the ramp and fly over the speeding cars bundled up together. He turns the motorcycle off road in mid air and we outrun the police. I cling onto Ace like he's the only thing I need in my life. Which he doesn't know that it's true.

"Where are we going now?!" I gasps for air after the rapid impact of g force.

"You're house. It's getting late," he doesn't make eye contact with me. I silently nod.


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