My Lovely Wife

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A/N: Two what ifs basically. First is genderbent Kira and second is different family but very similar situation.

If there was one thing Y/N didn't want to admit to anyone, it would be the fact that his marriage didn't seem to have any excitement. At least in his eyes. Every morning was the same. His wife would get out of bed, use the bathroom, get dressed for work, and leave without even saying goodbye. She would never wait to see her son. She would never engage with them at all. It was as if she were simple a robot doing its daily task. Whenever he wanted to talk, she would seemingly ignore him, just staring down at the food that he had prepared for the family. Her's normally getting cold due to how late she would come in.

He didn't have the energy to keep talking since he knew that she would never listen. Now just because there was no excitement didn't mean that he would cheat on her. He loved her with all of his heart. It just hurt him when he believed that she didn't want this life anymore.

Y/N sat in the living room with eyes glued to the TV. If one were to look closely, they could see a look of melancholy held within them. His son, had just come back from school and while that did make him smile, the look on his son's face made it turn to a frown. It seemed like whatever his wife had, she had given to their son.

"Maybe we should go out somewhere as a family. At least then I'd see them smile. Maybe."

Just as he rubbed his eyes, the front door opened slowly. This, obviously, caused Y/N's attention to immediately turn towards it. At the door was his wife, Himari, who was home earlier than he expected her to be. While this indeed was a surprise, Y/N simply shook his head and stared back at the TV.

"Just sit down and relax. I'll start dinner soon Himari."

Similar to everyday, his wife seemingly ignored him. She took off her shoes and walked over to the radio, turning it on.

"No," Himari said softly, "I'll do it."

"It's really no-"

"I'll do it. Just stay there."

Y/N looked over towards Himari, a little shocked by her statement. "I... Alright then. Ryusei just got back from school so he should be upstairs. How... How was work?"

Himari stayed silent for a moment before turning her head slightly towards Y/N.

"It was fine. Nothing too bad."

Himari walked over to the sink and began to wash her hands, leaving Y/N stunned. Her actions truly confused him. For the past few years Himari was an Android programed only for a couple of things. Working, bathing, and sleeping. These three things were on repeat every single day. Perhaps she had picked up on all of this and decided that they could make things better.

"Do you need any help? I could-"

"Stay seated."

Hesitantly, Y/N nodded and sat back down. His eyes went back to the TV and through the reflection, he found himself smiling a little. He was just happy that she talked to him and acknowledged that he was in the room.

After around 20 minutes, the food was prepared and Himari walked over to a chair in the living room. She sat down and turned over to Y/N.

"Dinner's ready. You can call down Ryusei."

Himari's gaze focused on the table in front of her. Due to how clean the table was, she was able to see herself along with the pink figure behind her. The figure disappeared and Himari lightly tapped her fingers on the table.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Y/N asked, rising from his seat.

"No. I ate something on the way home."

"Oh, okay then." He walked over to Himari and kissed her on the cheek, making her gaze quickly move towards her husband.


"Nothing. Just go ahead and eat... dear."

A smile formed on Y/N's face and walked over to the stairs, calling Ryusei's name. To say that the boy was surprised to see his mother home was an understatement. It was a rarity that he even saw her in the morning. He wanted to ask if something was wrong, but he was told to go eat instead. While both father and son are, Himari was busy taking care of her nails. Though, not in the fashion most would believe her to do.

"I remember you Y/N. You and I ran into each other one day. I've watched you for a while now. I will still never understand how you could love someone like her. Don't worry though. You will be much happier with me around. While I would thank Higashikata and Kujo... I despise that very notion. They will pay for trying to ruin my quiet life."

"Mom are you going-"

"No. I've already had something dear. Just eat."

Ryusei turned to his father, who only chuckled in response. For he honestly didn't know what was going on.

Rain soaked Yakari Kira as she walked through the streets of Morioh. The weather forecast said that it would remain sunny throughout the whole day. Sadly, this was a lie. Both her suit and skirt were covered in rain as she didn't bring an umbrella. The only good thing about this was that there was seemingly nobody around. It was just her and the hand located in the pocket of her jacket.

"Damn that weather report. Had I been cautious enough I would've taken my umbrella."

A scowl then formed on Yakari's face. If she ever came face to face with the man who lied to her, she would make sure to leave nothing left of his body. As she continued walking, the rain seemingly began to lift up. However, Yakari was quick to notice the umbrella hovering over her blonde hair.

"I think you need this more than I do."

Yakari turned her head to see a man in a black coat walking next to her. Looking at the stranger for a bit, Yakari took the umbrella from him and sighed.

"Thank you. I was told that it would be bright skies for most of the day. Instead I was treated to harsh winds and rain."

"The weather can be quite the emotional one. That's at least what my father used to say when I was younger."

"I heard the same thing. Didn't believe it until now."

The stranger chuckled and placed his hands into his pockets. The walk to Yakari's destination was silent. Just as it should be. Though, during their walk, Yakari would often give the stranger a few glances. Mainly at his beard and how well it framed his face.

"So, how far are you?"

"Just one more block. I believe the rain has lightened up a bit. You can have your umbrella back."

As Yakari handed the stranger his umbrella, she quickly noticed the golden band on his finger. He was already taken?

"Thank you Ms..."

"Kira. Yakari Kira. And since I gave you my name, I believe it's only fair that you gave me yours. Is it not?"

"I... I guess not. Y/N L/N. The walk was... nice. I hope you have a wonderful day Ms. Kira."

"I will Y/N. I will."

From then on, Kira would watch Y/N's daily routine along with the woman who he called his wife. The perfect time to take out Himari was oddly around the same time when Yakari was being chased down by Josuke Higashikata and his allies.

Yakari's hand slowly slide down the window as she stared out the window. There were so many opportunities that she had to go out and take what she wanted. However, her urge to stay with Y/N and the need to keep the attention away was what stopped her.

"So many of them..." Her nails began to grow once more and she slowly placed her finger into her mouth.

"Just need... to keep calm..."

"Babe, you okay?" Yakari quickly turned around to meet Y/N's gaze. His body was still a little wet from his shower and his towel was wrapped around his waist.

"Y-Yes. I'm fine. I'm just tired as all."

"Well alright then." Y/N walked over to their bed and dropped his towel, causing Yakari's gaze to immediately go downward. Y/N, seeing her eyes widen, simply stared at her.

"What?" Y/N tilted his head in confusion.

"I... Nothing. I'm... I'm just surprised that you did it while I was looking."

"Oh, I guess you're right. I mean usually you're asleep when I get out. By the way... I did wanna talk about... Babe, eyes up."

Yakari shook her head and looked up at Y/N while blushing.

"I wanted to talk about... us. By that I mean us as a family. Recently I've noticed that you and Ryusei have been... well... ignoring each other. The both of you just seem so miserable and I wasn't sure if..."

As Y/N continued to talk about what was bothering him, Yakari was lost in Y/N's eyes. She already knew about all of this. It was another reason as to why she believed herself to be better than his previous wife. Yakari still debated if she could even call Himari that. She wasn't able to give her husband what he wanted. Her life was a quiet one, never being pried into by others. It was a perfect life for Yakari. After Josuke and his allies were dealt with, she would indeed enjoy this quiet life of hers.

"...but honestly I just wanted you to know how much I care and... Himari, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yes I'm alright. I... apologize for my lack of communication. Work has just been stressful as of late. You know how Mr. Takahashi can be. I promise to make it up to you darling. How about tomorrow night?"

"I... I'd love that. Just you and me?"

"Why of course. Besides, Ryusei has school does he not? It would be great for the both of us to do things together. We... do need to catch up."

Yakari slowly made her way towards her "husband", swaying her hips as she did so.

"I believe... we can make up a bit tonight too."

Yakari couldn't be happier in her situation. Not only did she get the man she desired, but she was able to continue doing what she loved. Taking hands that she found beautiful and destroying the ones in which she found ugly. Y/N and Ryusei were none the wiser. In fact, both seemed to be ecstatic at "Himari's" new approach. Mainly Y/N. Yakari was able to do the things that Himari could never do. She was the superior one. She was able to succeed at having both a quiet life and having Y/N in her arms.

What a wonderful world.

A/N: Be honest. Not necessarily the best thing to come out with since I'm still in my funk. I don't really know how to feel about it, but I feel like it's enough.

Also, next story won't be a Male Reader one. Next chapter might have this character in it.

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