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"Master Geta! Master Geta!"
A young boy laughed as he ran up to his teacher in earth bending. The small boy climbed up the mans legs trying to sit on his lap. The man picked him up before the poor child was about to fall back on his butt, ruining his perfectly good mood. The boy giggled and smiled in satisfaction of getting the mans attention.
"Can you tell me the myth! You know the myth about the collectors job?"
Master Geta looked at him and smiled.
"You've heard this story so many times already! Why would you wanna hear it another time"
The boy giggled.
"Because! I want to get selected when I get older!"
"Well then my boy!
It all started with earth being nothing more then a dark, dark place! Even darker then the night! Til' a light came and gave light to the darkness. Four animals came from that light, all mastering one element. Together they started the construction of a world where living, breathing organisms would live.
Those four animals are known as the spirit animals. The squirrel made the earth. they made the earth solid and strong. The Koi-Fish made water -that's was calm and collective- fall from the sky so plants could grow from the earth. The owl gave the plants air to breath. The air was fresh and free. And the Phoenix made the sun out of hot and lively fire to give the world heat. Together made the four spirits a balance, a world that was so obsessed with balance that only little push could ruin it all. But then-"
"THE EVIL CAME! RIGHT MASTER GETA?!" The little boy cut him off excitedly.
"Yes, I was coming to that. Patience my little boy. As I was saying: But then Evil unleashed it ruined the balance. Volcanos erupted, tsunamis washed over, earthquakes and hurricanes destroyed homes, separated families and killed innocents! The four sprit animals decided to try to retake the balance again so they selected one person to learn all four elements to retake the balance and become a symbol to the world. But the four spirits knew that they couldn't stay in that world anymore. The good was ruined and now evil was around them. So the four spirit made their own world apart from our world. Do you remember the name of that world?"
"The spiritua realm!" The boy answered knowing the story by heart and soul. Master Geta nodded and continued with the story for the young boy.
"But before they left, they all made one person out of their powers. They sculptured the person out of hot mud and gave it life. That person was as fierce as fire, free as air, solid as earth and caring as water. That person became the collector. They were supposed to help the selected person to control all four elements.
The collector took one person from every nation that would help the selected one to learn all four elements.
Together all six of them ,the selected one- or the epitome- learned all four elements and took on the evil spirit.
The epitome made the moon to control the wild oceans, stopped the Volcanos, calmed the earth, and moved the Hurricanes. Balance almost got restored but not until the epitome met with the evil Spirit themselves.
With the help of the four elements the evil spirit almost got defeated.
But the spirit continued to fight back and in the end the epitome lost. But then the light spirit came and captured the evil spirit.
Almost like a dance, the both spirits fought. the evil spirit trying to get out and the light Spirit holding it in place. The two spirits got mashed together and made a balance between good and evil.
The Yin and Yang.
Every generation a new epitome gets born to grow up, learn all four elements and make sure the balance is in place."
Master Geta ended his story and looked at the young child. Master Geta knew that the boy would be as satisfied with the story as the last couple of times he've heard it. The boy smiled but it soon got turned into a frown. Master Geta got confused.
Have the boy finally gotten tired of the same story? That's impossible! The boy loved that story!
"Master, what about the collector? What happened to them?" The boy asked while looking up with big, concerned eyes.
"The collector? Well, it is said that the collector always have kept their job: To stay by the epitome's side forever." Master Geta smiled, feeling relived that the young boy wasn't unsatisfied
"Does that mean that the collector is like thousands of  years old?"
"No, some say that the epitome reincarnates every generation shortly after the epitome dies." The young boy looks down at his feet and nod.
"I hope that I'll get selected"
"Well, first you have to train to master the element before you can teach someone else. Come on, It's been a way to long pause anyways." Maser Geta picked up the young boy as he stood up and put the boy down onto his own feet.

Things to remember forward:
Bumi nation: the earth bending nation. Spirit animal is the squirrel.
Feu nation: the fire bending nation. Spirit animal is the Pheonix.
Ayer nation: The air bending nation. Spirit animal is the Owl.
Maje nation: the water bending nation. Spirit animal is the Bangai Cardinal.
The epitome: epitome is another word of symbol. Epitome is the symbol of peace and balance. The epitome changes from generation to generation. All epitomes share a link to each other but they're their own individuals. The link can be triggered to make the epitome get contact with past epitomes.
The collector (akabi) : job to collect at least one master of the element as well as the Epitome. Reincarnates every generation with the epitome. Have the memories of their past lives unlike the epitome.

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