【16】The Back Room

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I snaked my way out of the crowd with relative ease, swaying between the dancers and avoiding collisions as I walked toward the elevator. Behind me, I heard Ulrik call my name, but I ignored him, hoping his broad build would make it hard for him to follow me. As soon as I was freed from the mass, I hastened my steps and walked to the elevator. My escape might have worked if the damned things had been here already rather than up there.

The doors were barely opening when Ulrik joined me, gently grabbing my arm. "Mila, what's wrong?"

I shook my arm out of his hold and glared up at him. "You have to ask, really?"

Before he could answer, I stepped into the elevator. Of course, he joined me there, and I turned my gaze away. But with the mirrors surrounding us, he was everywhere at once, and escaping his stare was nearly impossible.

"I'm sorry I took so long, elskling. Tyr had a lot of...questions."

"I don't care," I lied.

"You obviously do. I'm sorry I was away for too long, Mila."

Finally, I met his blue irises, hating that I could already feel my anger dissipate. "It's not just that. What does black mean?" I demanded, shoving my wrist in his face.

"I told you, it means you're a special guest."

"Really? One that's private property and shouldn't be approached?"

Slight confusion claimed his features, but not the kind I was hoping for. On his face, I read some admittance of guilt. "Who told you thi—"

"Some creepy rando who came to harass me while you were doing God knows what back there. Which, by the way, I know is only restricted to black bracelets. So, congrats on ensuring I'd be kept away while you handle your affairs."

The doors opened again, and I stepped out of the elevator, eager to escape him. "Mila, it's not like that," he insisted, catching up with me.

"Like what? Like you made sure the man handling the desk would give me a bracelet that not only claimed your ownership of me but also kept me out of the one place you plan on spending the night in?"

Although I was doing my best to control my voice and not cause a scene, my heated retort attracted the curious interest of a few people around us. Ulrik noticed, scanning our surroundings with unease.

"I'm not your property, Ulrik. And I'm not the kind of woman you can abandon for nearly an hour like an obedient bitch."

Ulrik's frustration became palpable, his resolve hardening. In a move that caught me off guard, he seized my arm, his grip firm and determined. Without a word, he began pulling me away from the prying interest and judgmental gazes of the onlookers. My eyes widened when I saw where he was dragging me, and I stopped trying to wrench my wrist out of his grasp.

The bouncer at the back room entrance started to object, raising his hand, "Sir," he began. But Ulrik's intent was unwavering, and he bypassed the bouncer with a stern gaze that left no room for argument.

As we entered the back room, a hushed atmosphere enveloped us. The opulence of the VIP lounge was amplified here, with private alcoves separated by heavy and dark velour drapes. Some people were seated in those, among which I recognized Ulrik's friend and other people I'd seen during the evening. Chandeliers cast a warm, dim glow, and gold decor adorned the surroundings, creating an aura of luxury and seclusion. In my eagerness to discover this exclusive space, I almost forgot about my annoyance and anger, absorbed by our surroundings' lavishness.

There was a golden door at the end of it, guarded by two men in suits. What was that? Yet another level of above the VIP's VIP? This place, which had seemed so incredible upon arriving, now felt overly pompous and pretentious. Those people needed a reality check to realize they weren't that important.

Ulrik's grip on my arm didn't falter as he guided me through the lavish expanse. The air was thick with tension, and I could feel the weight of our argument lingering between us. As we reached one of the private alcoves, Ulrik pulled the drapes closed with a swift motion, effectively shutting out the outside world.

The secluded space cocooned us in a world of our own, a realm where our voices could lower to a more intimate tone. The dimmed lights seemed to soften the edges of my emotions, allowing me a moment of respite from the chaos of the club.

"There, you're in the back room. Are you satisfied now?"

I squinted my eyes at him, disliking his condescending tone. Or maybe I was perceiving it that way, and he was only irritated.

"Listen," Ulrik began, his voice softer now, the frustration still present but tempered by a hint of vulnerability. We were no longer surrounded by prying eyes and judgment; it was just the two of us facing each other in a more personal space. "I'm trying, Mila. I'm being as open and honest as possible, but you're not ready for some of it."

"Like what?" I challenged.

"You will know when it's time."

I scoffed, rolled my eyes, and then glared at him. "This isn't what we discussed, Ulrik. When you came to get me at the airport and begged me to stay and give you yet another chance, you promised you'd be honest with me. That you'd try to make things work between us."

"And I am. But this... It's too soon."

"What is?" I insisted again. "Are you involved in some illegal activities?"

His eyebrows came together as if he was surprised that this would be my first idea. "I'm not," he countered.

Part of me wanted to believe him, especially since he sounded so genuine, but doubt lingered in my mind. Something was afoot, and I wasn't letting him get out of this easily.

"Then tell me, Ulrik."

He passed a hand in his hair, messing it up slightly. "Must you be so stubborn all the time?"

The way my jaw dropped must have been almost comical, but I was too angry to let it distract me. "You can't seriously expect me to roll over and act like it's nothing, you asshole."

"No, I'm asking you to trust me."

"Trust isn't something you can demand. It's something you earn."

His jaw ticked, tightly clenched. He knew I was right, but he wasn't used to not getting his way. "Then I will trade your trust for the world, Mila. If you trust me and give me the time I need to share everything with you, I will give you the world. I will give you my entire self, my whole being. But I need you to trust me."

My heart skipped a beat, deeply affected by how hard he was trying and by how intense his plea was. "You're asking too much, Ulrik."

"But I will give you everything in return for it. Everything. Every last convoluted corner of my mind, every dark secret, every ounce of my being. This, right now, is all I'm asking in return."

I didn't know what to say, so I stared at him, flabbergasted. I was too tipsy for this, too frustrated and emotional. Ulrik's devotion was absolute, and if I harbored any doubts that he was playing with me, they would have dissipated right then.

Trusting him was so little in comparison to what he would return to me. As if he could sense my hesitation, he came closer, laying gentle hands on my sides in an effort to reconnect. I hated how well it worked, how my body relaxed at his touch, how I longed to lose myself in his embrace.

"I'm not used to this, Mila—opening up, sharing... But I'm getting there. I just need you to be patient."

As I looked up in his cerulean eyes, I saw the plea in them. He meant all that, and he was genuinely trying to make this thing between us work. Ever since that day at the airport, I'd grown more and more confident that it could. But now, for the first time, I doubted it. He had his demons and past looming over his present, and they had never felt so potent. I wanted to believe he was all worth it, but in all truth, I wasn't sure.

But what if he was? What if trusting him now and ignoring the alarms going off in my head led to the most incredible adventure of my life? We were so utterly compatible in many aspects—our interest in history, our matching intellects, our sexual harmony... He was the most interesting person I'd ever met, and I'd met a plethora of riveting people through my work and studies. With him by my side, life could never be boring, and every day would bring its share of intrigue and unique endeavors.

And this was the price for it. Turning a blind eye to his secrets. Right now.

I hated this with all my heart. I was a curious person by nature, and my work pushed me toward uncovering hidden and forgotten truths even more. So, agreeing to his terms went against my entire being. But the rewards for it were unfathomable.

In our lifetime, we're all subjected to a few decisions that can alter the entire course of our future. One wrong choice, and it all turns into something entirely different from what could have been. This felt like one of those moments where my future could lead to two very different paths, depending on what I chose.

But if I was being honest, I didn't really have a choice. Not when I was wrapped in his mesmerizing embrace, lost in his eyes, surrounded by the clean and compelling scent of him. He already had too much power over me, and the mere thought of ending things over some stupid secrets felt terribly wrong. Ulrik had turned me into a pathetic simp, and the cocktails only played in his favor.

I wanted him in so many different ways.

Because it was the only way I could think of to make all the noise in my head stop, I reached up for his nape and pulled him down to kiss him. Maybe we were doomed, and maybe this very moment was the beginning of our downfall. But I would be stupid to end it all together. This man's potential outweighed the risks ten times over.

Ulrik was hesitant at first, his hands frozen at our sides while I kissed him feverishly. Maybe he wanted to talk this out rather than let our bodies speak for themselves, but I didn't. I was too intoxicated to have such a serious talk, and it wouldn't matter anyway. I was already trapped, already falling for the man despite his walls and secrets.

When finally, his hands came to rest on my back, his powerful arms enveloping me in their warmth, I relaxed another degree and deepened our kiss. This we were good at—great at, even.

The sense of familiarity that took over as we got lost in one another chased away all other thoughts. As always when we got intimate, I forgot about everything that wasn't him or this very moment.

My fingers clutched the silky fabric of his shirt at the opening of his collar, and I pulled him closer, shoving a bold tongue in his mouth, licking with eagerness. His hand lowered to my behind, and he gripped the soft mound with matching intensity. The electric sparks that flew within me made me moan in our kiss, my legs trembling with the need that was rapidly drawing between them. Our sensual dance in the pit had left me wet and needy, and this kiss was now the final blow to my resolve.

As he angled his face to the side to deepen our kiss, I was reminded of his car and how I planned on having sex in it. But even that felt too far away, and the thick curtains that isolated us from the rest of the backroom looked like enough. They probably weren't, but between the booze and the lust, I couldn't find a reason to care. I probably wouldn't set foot in this place again because if I was being honest with myself, this thing with Ulrik would most likely be nothing more than a flash fire, brief, intense, and leaving nothing behind but our scorched souls. But I would embrace this heat while it lasted and let it burn me all the way to my bones.

Never halting our kiss, I pushed back against him until he hit the cushioned sofa behind him. "Sit," I ordered, planting my nails in his broad shoulders as I pushed him down.

"Mila, let's go back to my pl—"

"No, I need you now."

I pushed against him hard enough to make him tilt back and fall on the seat. Before he could say or do anything, I moved to straddle him, lifting my dress in the process and setting my knees on each side of him.

He repeated my name, but I stole the rest with my lips, kissing him with intensity once more. I could hear the other people around us and perceive bits and pieces of their conversations, but I didn't care. To hell if they heard. And because of that damn bracelet, they already knew I belonged to him, didn't they?

My tongue was playfully licking the contours of his lush lips when my hands traveled south to the fastening of his pants between us. He groaned but didn't fight me when I unbuckled his belt, and when I popped the button open, he gripped my ass hard.

"Mila, this is reckless..." he protested as I slid the zipper down.

My hand entered his underwear, and I firmly circled his hardening shaft. "You're telling me people never fuck in here?"

I didn't even need his silent confirmation. The alcoves, the drapes, the music, the dimmed lights... This place was basically designed for sex, and I doubted we'd even be the first one doing it tonight.

His jaw clenched, his eyes rolling back slightly as I massaged his erection, tightening my grip at his tip. "Promise you won't discard me like this ever again," I demanded, using my thumb to spread the droplets of precum that seeped from his tip.

"Kjære, I didn't mean to—"

"No. No excuses," I cut him. My hand journeyed lower, and I grabbed his balls, squeezing them tightly enough to make him flinch. "If you want me in your life, you have to do better. I'm not some relic you can play with and discard at will. If you're with me, be with me."

I felt very spicy at that moment, very resilient and strong—maybe too much. But he had to understand that I wasn't going to let him fail over and over. Not after everything he'd already put me through.

"I promise," he professed, wrapping a soft hand around my wrist to silently encourage me to let go. His thumb caressed the tender skin, his eyes meeting mine with fervor, and I loosened my grip. "I promise I won't take you for granted again, skatt. You're a fucking goddess, and I won't forget it anytime soon."

"Fuck yeah, I am," I muttered before retaking his lips.

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