The Red Strawberry: Part One

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It was a coffee shop. I had been running away from home, and traveling by foot for days. I hadn't run away because my parents had been cruel to me, or that the fact that I was angry with them. No.

I want adventure. Freedom. I want to see the world. But my parents forba it. They want me around when they grow old. They don't want to see be grow up, and leave them.

But I am growing up. They won't stop it. They won't stop me.

That is why I run.

The coffee shop. It was past midnight. I had traveled enough for the day. My legs felt as if they were braking, and my eyes began to shut.

But I was satisfied with what I had seen today.

I had passed through many great cities and towns, soaking in sites of buildings towering me and the many people I saw. One woman had walked up to me and asked me where my mother was.

I told her I was buying milk.

When I ran inside the coffee shop, eyes were glued to my exhaustion. But I didn't care.

I ran to the cashier, and talked quick.

"Give me the strongest thing you have." Pushing three dollar bills toward her. I had been smart to bring every cent I had.

And now I sit here, having finished my large coffee. Feeling pumped with energy, I feel the urge to keep going on my way, further and further away from my family.

I burst through out the door.

I run through the parking lot, feeling the wind behind me. But then I stop.

A man and a woman drive toward me in a truck.

Though they seem like any other customer leaving the parking lot.

But something told me I was in danger.

I run back to the shop.

As if I was hit by a tranquilizing gun or the rush of the coffee was drained, the world around me began to slow and silent.

I struggled to scream.


I reached the door of the shop, and looked into the eyes of the customers, crying for help.

I felt being dragged away by my feet. The customers could see I was being taken! Why wouldn't they jump to help this crying child??

Then one did. She looked to be almost in collage. I couldn't make out her face with clarity, for her black hair was bobbing over her eyes, as she called out to me.

Pushing past the door, she grabbed my hand and pull.

But she fell.

We were dragged away.

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