The Red Strawberry: Part Three

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"Hello ladies. Boy." He nods two all of us, still showing his teeth. The most evil smile I have ever seen.

"You see these plants around you?" He points the the vegetation below him.

"Each of you, shall choose a flower from this pile. You shall write an essay on what you know about your flower. Non of you can choose the same flower."

He looks back at me.

"Who ever writes the best essay, will die last."

He holds his wrist up as high as his chest, and studies his watch.

"The last one of you will die in 30 minutes. So I suggest you only use two minutes to write it."

He begins to walk away.

"What about our pencils to write with?" My second friend whispered to my first, tears coming from her eyes.

The man stops in his tracks. She was too loud.

He spins around and runs her chest through with the sword that was from his sheath, hidden by his long jacket.

My friend didn't say anything. As the blood begins to spill from her heart, she lets only a little whimper. Tears roll down her cheeks.

Her eyes roll back into her head, and she falls into my other friends lap.

"I forgot." The man smiles. "You are to write with blood on the white walls around you."

He turns on his heals, and takes nearly eternity for him to reach the door.

And turns around once more, and looks into my soul.

"I can see you." His eye brows lower, and he smiles. Darkness.

The door closes.

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