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The three were close to the property line of the Mystery Shack when Bill stopped them.

"Those government people are still here." Bill stated. The twins looked and saw that he was telling the truth- a group of men were patrolling the yard with guns in their hands.

"How are we going to get in?" Mabel asked.

"And how are we going to avoid the ones that are inside?" Dipper continued.

Bill thought for a moment, then turned to Mabel. "You still have that grappling hook, right?"

Mabel nodded. "I always carry it with me."

"Weird, but okay." He looked around and eyed a very tall tree. "Climb this tree. Hurry!"

In just a few minutes, they had all zip-lined into the shack by Mabel's grappling hook. They made their way into Stan's bedroom and looked around for something they could use to save him.

"Guys, I found something!" Mabel held up a VHS tape with a label on it. "It looks like security tape footage."

"Perfect!" Bill said. He took the tape from her and put it into a VCR to play on a television. The footage showed Stan in the gift shop, stocking a shelf of merchandise.

"This is what we need!" Dipper announced. "This'll free Stan!"

"I'm not too sure about that..." Mabel muttered. They all looked back to the screen to see Stan was gone. Dipper fast-forwarded the tape until they saw something shocking- someone in a hazmat suit hauling barrels of toxic waste into the gift shop.

"Maybe it's not Gruncle Stan..?" Mabel offered.

The person stubbed their toe on a barrel. "Hot Belgium waffles!" They screamed. "Wait, there's no kids around. I can swear for real! Son of a-"

Bill quickly grabbed the remote and stopped the tape. "Definitely Stan."

"Why would he do that?" Mabel asked. "Why would he steal that stuff?"

Suddenly, a box fell off of the television, and the contents spilled out. Dipper looked over and widened his eyes as he picked up one of many IDs. They all were from different states and had different names, but one thing was constant- they all had Stan's face.

"Who's been taking care of us all summer?" Dipper asked himself quietly. He dug through the box, pulling out a piece of paper. It looked to be a code, with eight boxes with only five of them labeled- A, 1, B, C, and 3.

"That looks familiar..." Bill commented.

Mabel snapped her fingers. "Guys! The vending machine!"

The three looked at each other for a brief moment before quickly and quietly making their way into the gift shop. They were surprised to see Soos standing in front of the vending machine, protecting it.

"Soos!" Mabel exclaimed. "We need to get to that vending machine!"

"Sorry, dudes." Soos crossed his arms. "Stan told me to protect this thing with my life.

Mabel sighed. "Then you leave us no choice." She eyed her brother, and in a split second the two were on him. He stumbled away from the vending machine, giving Bill the opportunity to punch in the code. The four froze as they watched the machine move, showing a secret passage behind it.

"Come on!" Bill motioned for them. They all- including Soos- made their way into the passage, moving the machine back so no one would follow them.

The passage led to an elevator. They climbed in and rode to the bottom, which opened to a lab with a large, glass window. They all stepped out, and the lights turned on. There was a triangle-shaped portal in front of them, working and crackling. Bill froze in his tracks, reaching for Dipper's hand.

I know what this place is. I can't be here.

What do you mean? What's wrong?

I... I have to go. I'm sorry.

What? No! You have to stay! Please!

Bill looked into Dipper's pleading eyes and sighed. "Fine." He whispered. "I'll stay."

"Uh... guys?" Mabel muttered. Everyone gathered around her, looking at an open journal. "It... it says that if the portal over there-" She gestured to the portal "is activated, the world will end."

"What?" Dipper yelled. He pushed his way forward and grabbed the journal, looking at it closely. He read about the manual override and how to enable it. He followed the instructions and watched as a bright, red button appeared in front of the portal. They all ran toward the button. Dipper raised his hand to press it.

"Don't press that button!" Everyone turned toward the entrance and stared at Stan, who began walking toward them. "I know I've lied to you guys. I know I've done some bad things. But you've got to trust me!"

"You're going to destroy the world!" Dipper fired at him.

"I swear, I'm doing this for a reason! Please, don't press it!"

Suddenly, everyone was thrown into the air. Mabel grabbed onto a pole near the button, while everyone else was thrown into a wall. Bill grabbed Dipper, holding him close and squeezing tight. Mabel reached her hand out to the button.

"Mabel! Don't do it!" Stan screamed.

"Do it, Mabel!" Dipper forced.

"Would I really put you kids in danger?" Stan asked her. "Would I really hurt you two? Mabel, you just have to trust me!"

"Don't listen to him, Mabel!" Dipper yelled. "Press the button!"

A few tears leaked out of Mabel's eyes. "Gruncle Stan..." She slowly let go of the pole, letting herself float in the air. "I trust you."

"Are you crazy?" Dipper screamed.

A bright light flashed from the portal, and Dipper thought the world was ending.

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