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Dipper woke up slowly, feeling warm and floaty. He was still in Bill's bedroom, and he was still naked from the night before. He was alone, as well, which didn't really surprise him. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes as he tried to wake up. The bed was soft and felt warm and inviting, and all he wanted to do was go back to sleep.

He leaned against the headboard, sighing. He probably had to get back to the Mystery Shack soon, although he really didn't want to. The only thing he wanted to do today was be with Bill.

Suddenly, Bill appeared next to him on the bed. Bill grinned and wrapped an arm around Dipper, pulling him close and kissing his hair. "Good morning, my little PineTree."

Dipper smiled. "Good morning, Bill."

"How're you feeling?"

"Okay. Still kinda tired?"

Bill smirked. "Did I really tire you out that much last night?"

Dipper blushed. "Maybe..."

"I'll keep that in mind for next time."

"What time is it?"

"About seven in the morning."

Dipper yawned, then placed his head on Bill's shoulder. "Can we just stay like this for a while?"

Bill laughed quietly, shaking his head. "I wish, but we need to get up. There's a lot we still need to talk about."

"Like what?" Dipper mumbled tiredly.

"Like your depression."

Dipper looked up at Bill, who's expression became serious. "Oh. Right."

Bill took Dipper's hands. "We don't have to talk about anything that will make you uncomfortable. But you have to tell me about it. You can't leave me out on it because you don't want me to be upset. I have to know about this."

Dipper sighed. "Okay. I'll tell you, but I don't know where to start."

"When do you think it started?"

Dipper thought for a moment. "Last year, maybe? The year before that? I don't know exactly. It was around the time the bullying started to get bad."

"And when did that start?"

"Ever since I was a little kid. I was always top of the class. I've always been smarter than the other kids, and I've been reading since I learned how. The other kids would pick on me because of it, but that's all they would do. The first time it got bad was..." Dipper paused, finding the strength to talk about it.

Bill rubbed his thumbs over Dipper's knuckles. "It's okay. Take as long as you need."

Dipper took a deep breath. "Two years ago, a couple kids pushed me around at school. They knocked my books out of my hands and threw insults at me. Then they saw that they weren't getting to me, one of them took a swing at me and hit my stomach. Another pushed me into the lockers and made my head hit them so hard, I was knocked out. When I woke up again, I was shoved into my locker. It was after school- no one was around to hear my calls for help. It wasn't until the next morning when I was let out- it was early on a Saturday morning, and a janitor came in to clean around the school. He heard me crying and opened the door for me."

Bill was close to tears. "Mason..."

"It's been getting worse and worse since then- physical fights, death threats, everything. Mabel tries as best as she can to protect me, but sometimes it doesn't work. Every day I come home with a new bruise. One time a kid cut into my arm with a pocket knife. I still have the scar."

Bill quickly took Dipper's face in his hands to shut him up. He was crying now, forcing sobs down his throat. "Stop. Please. I can't listen anymore."

"I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't stop it."

Bill shook his head, lowering his arms. "I'm not mad at you. It's fine." He sniffed, wiping his cheeks. "Why didn't you tell anyone other than Mabel?"

Dipper shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I was just scared that it would only make them bully me even more."

"Okay. I guess that makes sense. But, Mason, you needed to get help before it came to that point."

"I know, I know. I just couldn't."

Bill took a deep breath. "It's fine. It's okay. I know about it now." He looked at Dipper seriously. "I'll protect you, Mason. I promise you that."

Dipper gave a small smile. "Thank you, Bill. I love you."

Bill kissed him. "I love you too. Now, get changed- I made us breakfast."

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