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When Dipper and Mabel got to the lake, Mabel immediately took off her backpack and jumped into the cool water. Dipper laughed at his twin before setting out their blankets and the basket he had brought full of food.

"Come on, Dipper!" Mabel called out to him in the water. "The water's great!"

Dipper shook his head. "Nah, I'm good out here where it's dry."

Mabel rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, BroBro."

The two did their separate things for a while, until a beautiful woman emerged from the trees. The twins looked at her, and she looked back, blushing. She had long, brown hair that was pulled into a braid that fell over her shoulder, and soft, green eyes. She wore a green dress with matching flats and a flower crown that had green flowers on it. There were also green flowers in her braid.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you two-" she tried excusing herself.

Mabel had climbed out of the lake and started to dry herself off with a towel that Dipper had unpacked. "No way! You're fine, girl! Come sit with us!"

The girl looked unsure. "I'm supposed to meet my brothers here soon-"

"I'm sure they won't mind you talking with us! Come on!" The girl gave in and sat down gracefully with Dipper and Mabel. "What's your name?"

The girl smiled. "Jillian, but everyone just calls me Jill."

Mabel swooned. "Beautiful." Her eyes then widened. "I mean, it's a beautiful name! And you're also beautiful! And-"

"Mabel, you're rambling." Dipper pointed out to her as he grabbed an apple from the basket and ate it.

Jill giggled. "It's fine! And thank you. I get that compliment a lot. What are your names?"

Mabel was too flustered to speak, so Dipper answered. "That's my twin sister Mabel, and I'm Dipper."

"It's very nice to meet you both."

Mabel finally spoke up. "I'm sorry, but where did you get that flower crown? I absolutely love it!"

Jill reaches up and gently touched it. "Oh, this? I made it."

Mabel's jaw dropped. "Really? That's so cool!"

"Do you want one?" Mabel nodded eagerly. "Do you have a favorite flower?"

"Uhm, lavenders?"

Jill placed her hand gently on the ground. The spot where her hand touched glowed softly, and Jill lifted her hand up. The twins were shocked to see a batch of lavenders growing where her hand was.

"How did you do that?" Mabel almost whispered.

"I'm a demon." Jill answered as she began to make a flower crown with the lavenders. "I can control nature."

"You mentioned you have brothers?" Dipper asked, to which Jill nodded. "Are they demons, too?"

"Yeah. One controls the weather, and... well, there's really nothing that the other can't do." She finished the flower crown and carefully put it on Mabel's head. "There. Perfect."

Mabel grinned. "Thank you, Jill! I love it!"

"You're welcome, Mabel."

There was a gust of wind, and suddenly, Jill was holding onto another boy. He had light blue hair and wore a suit with the same color. He sounded like he was crying.

"J-Jillian! He still w-won't notice me!"

Jill rocked the boy. "Shush. It's okay, it's okay. He'll notice you soon, I promise."

"How do you k-know? He hasn't s-so far!"

"He will, Raindrop. He will."

"But it's G-Gideon! He's so o-obsessed with Mabel Pines that he won't n-notice that his soulmate is me!"

Jill looked up at the twins. "I'm sorry. You'll have to excuse Will, he's-"

"In e-emotional pain!" He cried out. "He'll n-never notice me!"

"You just have to give it time." Jill tried to say. "Maybe give him a present."

He sniffed, looking up at her. "Will that really work?"

Jill nodded. "Of course it will, if you make it meaningful to him."

"Okay. I-I'll do it." He turned around and looked at the twins. "Hello."

"Hey." Dipper waved.

Mabel tilted her head. "You look like Bill Cipher."

Will sighed. "I get that a lot. He's my brother."

Mabel's eyes widened as she turned to Dipper, shaking him. "DipDot! We met the other two Ciphers!"

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Yes, I realized that when Jill told us her name."

Jill raised an eyebrow. "You know Bill?"

Dipper looked at his hands, and Mabel grinned. "Yep! Dipper here knows him more than I do."

"Then how are you two not dead yet?"

"You'd be surprised."

"By the way," Will interrupted "where's William?"

Jill shrugged. "Probably our making a deal with someone."

Mabel nudged Dipper. "Or daydreaming about his soulmate~"

Jill snorted. "Bill? Having a soulmate?" I find that hard to believe."

Suddenly, Bill appeared next to them, a wide grin on his face. "I have a soulmate!" He looked at Dipper, and his grin grew wider. "Mason!" He picked Dipper up and spun him in a circle, peppering him with kisses.

Mabel giggled, looking at Jill and Will, who's jaws had dropped. "Do you believe me now?"

Bill let Dipper down and sat next to him, holding his hand. "So! Mason, meet my brother and sister-"

"Jill and Will Cipher." Dipper finishes for him. "We all already met."

Bill huffed. "You're no fun."

"Wait a minute! Hang on here!" Jill yelled. "How did this happen?"

Bill chuckled. "So, funny story. We actually met in the mind of his and Mabel's uncle, right before I tried to kill them."

Jill stared. "So... these two could've died, but found a way to kick you out of their mind?" Bill nodded. "Okay. How did you know you two were soulmates, though?" She winced. "That's a stupid question, let me rephrase it. How did you two start courting?"

Dipper blushed, rubbing his neck with his free hand. "Well, since we had our first dream, we started talking with each other and... fell in love. Bill actually made the first move and told me that he loved me."

"When did you say it back?" Mabel asked.

"When you caught us on the roof of the Mystery Shack."

"Aw, so cute!" Mabel squealed.

"Anyway, what's up with you two?" Bill asked.

"Gideon's still oblivious." Will said sulkingly. "I'm going to try harder to get him to notice me."

"And I found my soulmate, too." Jill said with a smile. "I haven't gone after them yet, though, mainly because I just met them and have no idea what they're like." Mabel blushed, looking at the grass.

"Is that all?" Bill asked. No one said anything, and he smiled. "Meeting over!" He quickly pulled Dipper up. "Come on, Mason, I have something to show you-"

Dipper pulled on Bill's arm. "Hang on, Bill. I was supposed to hang out with Mabel today-"

"Oh, you two go on!" Jill grinned. "I'll keep Mabel company for the time being." Mabel's blush deepened.

Dipper looked at Mabel. "Is that okay, Mabel?"

She nodded quickly. "Yeah!" She squealed out. Dipper laughed quietly as she cleared her throat. "I mean, yeah. It's fine. You two lovebirds get out of here."

Bill grinned. "Then let's go!" He ran out of the clearing, dragging Dipper behind him.

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