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While Bill and Dipper were away, Mabel, Jill, and Will were left to themselves. The three of them decided to spend the day at the lake to both wait for Bill and Dipper to get back and for the two demons to get to know Mabel. Will spent most of the day swimming in the lake, while Mabel and Jill spent it laying in the grass.

"Where did you get that sweater?" Jill asked Mabel, gesturing to the purple sweater she was wearing. "It looks so cute and comfy! I'd love to have one of my own! But, uhm, maybe green, instead. Purple suits you more. It brings out your beautiful brown eyes."

Mabel blushed at the compliment. "Thank you. And I made it myself. Although, I guess I didn't realize until now how much I love the color purple." She looked down at herself, blushing madly in embarrassment- her sweater, shirt, and shorts were all a matching purple.

Jill was smiling. "Oh, it's no big deal! Honestly, I didn't even know I've been wearing green this whole time until Will had met Gideon."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that! How did that happen?"

"Well, unlike Bill and I, Will chooses to set his demonic powers aside for the most part and act like a regular human. Yeah, he won't grow and develop like one, but he sure can act like it. Will met Gideon a few years ago, before Gideon started to be a stuck-up jerk. It was right outside Greasy's Diner- Will accidentally ran into Gideon, who laughed it off and helped Will up. They became friends, and soon after was when Will realized that he could see colors and have dreams again."

Mabel raised an eyebrow. "'Again'? I thought you can only have one in your lifetime."

Jill shook her head. "It's different for us demons. You see, usually our soulmates are mortals, like you, Dipper, and Gideon. When we meet them, we decide whether we go after them or not- basically if we want to complete the bond or not. If we choose not to, which has been the case for the past three thousand years, then the mortal continues their life and dies like a regular mortal, and us demons live on forever."

Mabel was nodding. "Ah, so that's how you can have multiple soulmates." Mabel thought for a moment. "So... who was your last soulmate?"

Jill pondered on this question. "I haven't really gone looking, so I don't actually know. The last one I actually knew was from before my brothers and I were turned into demons. You see, we were part of the royal family in Egypt. One day, a traveler came into the city- a young merchant boy who sailed over the Mediterranean Sea from Rome. I met him, and instantly knew we were destined to be together. We started courting each other. We had plans to get married. But there was one thing he didn't tell me- he had a sister who was a witch. She didn't like that we were together and that he was with an Egyptian princess. She killed my parents, then cursed me to be immortal forever. My brothers started to complain, so she cursed them, as well. I couldn't bear bringing the innocent merchant boy into eternal life by my own doing, but he insisted we go on with the marriage and completing the bond. We almost did, but..."

Jill's expression fell, and Mabel put her hand on Jill's shoulder. "It's okay, Jill. You don't have to go on if you don't want to."

Jill shook her head. "No, it's fine. It's about time I got over it. We were about to finish it, until... she put a spell on me and my brothers. Cursed us into becoming demons. The boy, he... he was angry. He thought that I had been a demon the whole time and I had tried to trick him into becoming my space for eternity. I begged him not to go, but he did it anyway. He left for Rome the day after. About a month later, I stopped dreaming and seeing color. I thought it was because we were no longer together, but his sister came to Egypt in mourning. She apologized to my brothers and I for putting us through everything. Then she told me that the boy was upset that he had left me. He wanted to come back and apologize and make things up, but he was afraid I was angry with him for leaving and I wouldn't talk to him. Instead of sailing to Egypt, he had ended his own life."

Mabel was close to tears. "So that's why that all stopped." Jill nodded. "Oh, Jill, I'm so sorry-"

"No. Don't say that. Don't try. You don't have to be sorry. After all these years, I finally found my next soulmate." Jill took Mabel's hand. "And she's even more beautiful than I could ever imagine."

Mabel blushed madly. "Jill-"

"Can I court you?"

Mabel nodded. "Yes. Please."

"Hang on, isn't that somewhat illegal?" The two girls jumped, finally noticing that Bill and Dipper had joined them. Dipper was gesturing to the girls. "I mean, Bill and I found each other first and completed the bond before you two even knew of each others' existence. Technically you two are sisters-in-law." Dipper turned to Bill. "Isn't that illegal?"

Bill shrugged. "The laws of soulmates can be confusing at times."

Jill laughed at her brother. "You're such an idiot."

Bill grinned sadistically at her. "Oh, you will pay for that!" He tackled Jill, tickling her ruthlessly as she squirmed and giggled beneath him. Mabel attempted to save her, while Dipper joined Bill's side and helped him. Will came over from the lake and broke it all up, and there was silence in the air as everything calmed down.

"So. Will." Bill spoke up. "When do you have to be back?"

Will sighed. "In about a half hour. So if I want to get there on time, I better leave now."

Dipper looked up at the sky and realized that it was already sunset. "Mabel and I better get home, too."

Everyone stood up, and Jill linked arms with Will. "I'll make sure Raindrop gets home safely."

Mabel pouted. "But Jill-"

Jill leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'll see you soon, my love. Tomorrow, right here." She smiled, then tugged at Will's arm, leading him through the forest.

"Okay, you two." Bill took Dipper's hand. "Let's go to the Shack."

Mabel's expression brightened. "Are you staying the night with us, Bill?"

Bill's eyes widened. "What? I mean, uh, I don't know if I can-"

"Oh, sure you can." Dipper smiled at him. "There's no rule against it. Besides, I've already spent the night at your place before. It's your turn to do the same."

Bill smiled back. "Then sure, I'll stay the night with you two."

Mabel clapped her hands. "Yay, sleepover!"

The three kept up a light chatter as they gathered everything the twins had brought with them before making their way through the forest and back to the Mystery Shack.

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