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Dipper jumped up from the floor and tried to move toward Ford, but Mabel held him back. "Let him go! Let them all go! They don't deserve to die!"

Ford stepped backward. "You don't know what these demons are like, Dipper."

Dipper forced his way out of Mabel's grip. "And neither do you! You don't know what any of them are like! You don't know what Bill's like!"

Ford walked backwards out of the room. "I know more about him than you do." He walked downstairs and to his lab in the basement.

Dipper turned to Mabel, crying. "How can you let him do this, Mabel? You just met your soulmate, and you're just letting Ford hurt her."

Mabel stood there, sullen. "What can we do, Dipper?"

Dipper shook his head. "No. No, you can't say that. You can't say that! We have to save them!"

Mabel grabbed Dipper's shoulder and shook him. "Dipper, listen to yourself! You're planning to save three demons from someone who's dealt with them before! There's nothing we can do!" She slowly let go of her brother. "The only thing we can do is... stay here and hope for the best."

Dipper fell back to the floor, his body shaking with sobs. "No... it can't be... please tell me..."

Don't cry over me, Mason.

You can't say that, Bill.

I'll be fine. There's no need to worry.

He's going to kill you and your siblings!

No he won't.

What proof do you have?

I have you.

What are you talking about?

I need you to come find me at midnight. I'll explain everything then.

Okay. I will.

And Mason?


Whatever happens, just know that I love you, and I'll never leave you.

I know. I love you, too.

Dipper did exactly that- when the clock struck midnight, he made his way to the basement lab, careful as to not make any noise. It took a few minutes, but eventually he was able to find Bill, in his triangle form, in a large cage big enough to hold a fully grown bear. The other two demons were, there, as well.

"Bill?" Dipper called out to him.

Bill perked up, then quickly flew over to the door of the cage. "Good, you made it."

Dipper tugged on the door to the cage. "How do I get you out of here? Where's the key?"

"There is no key. There's a magical seal on it that only Ford can take off."

"Then how am I supposed to help you?"

Bill sighed. "You're not going to like it."

"Bill?" Jill perked up, making her way over to them. "What are you planning?"

"A way out of this mess." He looked at Dipper. "Mason, I need you to stay perfectly still and focus on me. You might feel weird for a moment, but it'll pass."

"Bill, what are you doing?" Jill asked again.

Bill ignored her. "If I pass out, or change into my human form, don't worry about me- it's completely normal. Are you ready?"

"Wait, what's going on? What are you going to do?" Dipper asked.

Bill glanced sideways at Jill. "I'm going to give you my powers."

Jill gasped. "No! You can't do that!"

"It's the only way, Jill." Bill reached out to Dipper, taking his hands. "Now stay still."

Bill closed his eye, and a yellow aura surrounded him. Slowly, that aura made its way to Dipper, whose eyes widened as it began to deep into his skin. Dipper began to grow lightheaded, but didn't dare to move.

As quickly as it began, it ended. Dipper looked at Bill to see that he was back to his human form. Bill opened his eyes to look at Dipper tiredly. He smiled. "It worked." Bill then fainted, falling backwards into the floor.

"Bill!" Both Dipper and Jill yelled out. Jill flew over to Bill's head, placing a hand gently on his forehead. She sighed. "He's okay. Just exhausted."

Dipper looked at Jill helplessly. "What do I do?"

Jill thought for a moment. "You need to go to the mindscape, into Bill's home. In the library, there will be a book titled "Egyptian Myths." In that book is a slip of paper with the name of someone here in Gravity Falls who can help us. Only you can find them."

Dipper nodded. "Okay. I'll do that."

"And Dipper?" Jill looked at him desperately. "Hurry."

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