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Dipper had spent the rest of the day in Bill's bed. Bill had refused to take him back to the Mystery Shack until he knew that Dipper was okay, and Dipper didn't bother trying to fight. He knew Bill had made up his mind, and he wasn't against the idea of spending all day in bed with his soulmate.

While they both didn't want to think about it, they knew that eventually, Dipper had to go back. He couldn't stay in the Mindscape forever, even if he wanted to. They talked it over and decided Dipper would stay the night with Bill and go back to the Mystery Shack in the morning.

Bill and Dipper were sitting in Bill's room, eating ice cream and talking with one another, when Jill and Mabel appeared in front of the bed. They all stared at one another for a while, until Jill spoke up. "Mabel wanted to check up on Dipper."

Mabel ran towards Dipper, pulling him into a tight hug. "DipDot! You're okay!" She pulled away, smoothing his hair. "You are okay, right? This isn't a dream? You're alive and breathing, right?"

Dipper gently pushed her away. "Gentle, Mabel. My head is killing me."

She sighed in relief, hugging him again. "Oh, thank God. I was worried sick about you."

Dipper winced. "I'm sorry." Dipper felt like a broken clock, apologizing to everyone.

Mabel pulled away again. "Don't be sorry. I should've been there more for you."

"Don't blame this on yourself. None of it was your fault."

Jill put a hand on Mabel's shoulder. "Listen yo your brother, Mabel." She looked at Dipper. "I'm glad to see that you're okay."

Bill nudged Dipper. "I believe you owe her an apology."

Dipper sighed. "Right. Jill, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I should've never talked to you like that."

She shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I'm over it. But... you do know that I'm here for you, right? Whenever you need to talk to someone, just ask."

Dipper nodded. "I know. And thank you."

"So," Mabel piped up. "When are you coming home?"

Dipper looked at Bill, who spoke up for him. "In the morning. Mason's going to stay here for the night, so I can make sure he's okay. Then we're both going to the Shack so..."

Dipper took Bill's hand. "So we can come out. To Stan and Ford."

Mabel squealed. "Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for you two! I can't wait!"

"Are you sure you're ready, though?" Jill asked. "I mean, you're going to be telling Ford about this. And currently, he hates you, Bill."

Bill nodded. "I know. But... if I don't do it now, then I never will." He looked at Dipper. "I'm doing it for you."

Dipper nodded, as well. "I know you are. And I appreciate it. But you're also the one who came up with the idea."

Bill blushed. "You're right about that."

"So you're the one who wants the relationship to be open?" Jill questioned her brother.

"I just don't want to hide my feelings for Mason anymore. I can't do it. If we're destined to be soulmates, then everyone should know."

Dipper grinned. "Speaking of 'soulmates', how's Will?"

Bill and Jill looked at each other, smiling. "Actually..."

Mabel smiled. "You don't mean..?"

Suddenly, Will appeared in the room, wearing a huge grin. "Guys! You wouldn't believe what happened!" He looked at Dipper, and his grin grew wider. "Dipper! You're awake!" He hugged Dipper tightly. "I have you to thank for talking some sense into Gideon for me." He pulled away and held out a rose for Dipper to see. "He gave this to me today! With our code, a rose means he's in love! And he gave it to me!"

Jill laughed. "That's great news, Raindrop!"

Will fell backwards onto the bed, sighing and clutching the rose to his chest. "Yeah, it really is." He looked back at Dipper. "So. How're you today?"

Dipper shrugged. "I don't really know. Tired, I guess. And my head still hurts."

"That's to be expected. Oh, and thank you for giving Bill his powers back. I don't even know how you did it."

"Actually, Bill told me to. My dream version of him, at least."

"Really?" Bill asked. "That's new. Was that after you ran from Jill?"

Dipper nodded. "Yeah. I don't know how soon after, but I'd guess maybe two minutes."

"It was exactly two minutes."

"You two are completely bonded, right?" Jill asked. The two nodded. "One, disgusting because you're three thousand years old and he's twelve, technically making you a pedophile. Two, it makes sense that he could do that because you two are completely bonded."

"But, honestly, it doesn't matter." Will spoke up. "Because it worked. And Bill got his powers back before the three day deadline. And because of that, you two are both alive now."

"And thank God for that." Jill smiled at Dipper. "We would all be devastated if we lost you."

Dipper looked at everyone around him, realizing they were all looking back at him with love and compassion evident in their eyes. Dipper smiled- a real smile, one he hasn't shown in a long time.

"Yeah. I believe you."

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