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A couple days had passed since then. Dipper was still collecting his memories, Bill was still worried and protective over Dipper, and Jill was still trying her best to keep everyone calm through the process. Bill stayed at Dipper's side in the Mindscape, watching every memory that played through Dipper's head. Bill wasn't ready to face Ford again, and he was almost certain that he never could. It was the end of the fourth day. Bill and Dipper were talking in their grassy field, as usual.

"How is everyone?" Dipper asked, taking Bill's hand in his.

Bill smiled. "We're all okay. Same as usual."

"Have you talked to Ford, yet?" Bill's smile fell. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked-"

"No, Mason, it's fine." Bill sighed, tracing his thumb over Dipper's knuckles. "I just... I have no idea what to say to him. I'm afraid that if I go to talk to him, I'm going to do something like punch him in the face and just make everything worse."

Dipper smiled. "That won't happen. I know you, and I know you can keep your emotions under control. If you want, when this is all over, we can go talk to him together. Okay?"

Bill nodded. "Okay." He looked in Dipper's eyes. "You know, ever since our siblings got in the picture, we've never really gotten a chance to be ourselves. Just the two of us."

Dipper smirked. "What do you mean? Are you forgetting last week when I-"

"I mean, besides the nights we spend together at my house." Bill chuckled. "Those our are alone times. I'm talking about... well, when we want to have a date, Jill and Mabel always join us for a double-date. We're never really alone."

Dipper nodded. "I know. And it's nice sometimes. And I get what you're saying." He smiled. "But we're alone now. We have all the time in the world."

Bill sat in silence for a moment before standing up, holding his hand out to Dipper. "Come on. Get up and dance with me."

Dipper froze. "D-dance? But I don't know how!"

"I'll show you. Come on!"

Dipper let Bill take his hand as he stood up. Bill pulled him closer, resting one hand on Dipper's hip and the other still clutching Dipper's hand. Dipper put his other hand on Bill's shoulder, and then Bill led them into a slow waltz. It was tricky for Dipper at the beginning- he kept stepping on Bill's toes- but eventually he got the hang of it.

Bill smiled at Dipper. "See? It's not so hard!"

"What else can you do?"

"Oh, well, I can waltz, tango, salsa, breakdance, tap, ballet, swing-"

"So pretty much everything?"

"Pretty much."

"And you can sing, too. God, is there anything you can't do?"

"I definitely can't play any instrument other than piano. I tried, and I just can't. I also can't speak any other language besides Latin and English." He kissed Dipper's nose. "I also can't seem to get you out of my head."

Dipper blushed. "You flirt."

Bill winked. "You know it."

At that moment, one of Dipper's memories began to play. Dipper was young, maybe three years old, and he was playing with stacking blocks in his bedroom. A young woman appeared in front of him. She had brown hair, vibrant green eyes, pale skin, and wore Victorian-era clothing. Bill's eyes widened as he let go of Dipper and stared at the woman.

"What, Bill? Who is that?"

"It's April." Bill muttered. "She's the one who..."

The memory started to play out. Little Dipper looked up at the woman, who smiled down at him. "Hey, little guy."

"Who're you?" Little Dipper asked.

"I'm April. And your name is Mason, right?" Little Dipper nodded. "Oh, you're just the cutest little thing, aren't you? You're going to steal hearts as you grow up."

"Why're you here?"

April stood, picking up Little Dipper and holding him against her hip. "I'm here to tell you something. One day, when you're almost thirteen years old, you're going to meet a very special boy. You two are going to fall in love. It'll be rocky at first- a lot of bad things will happen to you, specifically- but eventually, everything will turn out alright. You two will be together, and you'll be happy. You'll go on so many adventures with him- you'll see Cuba, Brazil, marry in Paris, honeymoon in Japan, and do so many other things. You two will be inseparable, and nothing can tear you apart." She brushed at Little Dipper's hair, smiling. "You're going to love each other forever, and live for just as long."

"Really? I find a soulmate?"

April laughed. "Yes, you do! And he's going to care for you and look after you and keep you safe. He's always going to be by your side, and he'll never leave you." She let Little Dipper down. "You're a very special boy, Mason. Even when you feel like you're nothing."

The memory ended, and in its place stood April. She smiled as she walked up to Dipper. "Mason. Oh, how you've grown since then." She put her hands on Dipper's shoulders. "You've matured so much." She let go of him and looked at Bill. "And you. It's been a long time."

Bill smiled slightly. "It sure has, April. You haven't changed."

"And neither have you." She glanced at Dipper. "I've been looking over Mason for twelve years now. I think it's role to give up my place and let someone else take over." She looked seriously at Bill. "I need you to do that for me. Look after him. Keep him safe. And live the happiest of days together."

Bill nodded. "I will."

She turned to Dipper. "And Mason. I need you to stay with Bill. Even when things get tough, you need to remember that you two belong together. Never leave his side. Can you promise me that?"

Dipper nodded. "I will. I promise."

April smiled. She carefully took Dipper's face in her hands, leaned forward, and kissed Dipper's forehead. "May you be smiled upon." She let go. "Goodbye, you two." She disappeared.

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